Chapter 18
Should I Be A
Deliverance Minister?
“How did you get into deliverance ministry?” That
question is put to me rather often. It surely was not
something I desired and sought after. I often tell people,
“If you look outside on the ground you will find furrows
made by my toes when I was being dragged into this
business.” The Lord did not call me into this facet of
ministry - He thrust me into it! In Matt. 9:38 Jesus tells
His followers to pray that the Lord of the harvest will
“send forth” labourers. The literal interpretation is that
He will “thrust” or “force out” workers. This is how I
experienced “the call”. The Lord did not ask me; He told
It was a thrilling discovery to learn that Jesus is “the
same yesterday and today and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8).
When I experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit I
discovered that miracles did not end when the twelve
apostles died or when the canon of scripture was
completed. Miracles are for today. I went to hear
Kathryn Kuhlman and witnessed many miracles of
healing in that service. My faith was quickened, and I
began to think of friends who needed healing.
A fellow pastor was much upon my heart. I wanted to
see him healed more than anyone I could think of. For
sixteen years he had suffered continuous headaches.
This was the result of a serious head injury. Doctors
offered no solution. They suggested exploratory brain
surgery, but Fred would not consent to such dangerous
surgery with so little promise of help. Because of the
pain he could not sleep and his nerves were going to
pieces. He could not study and make adequate
preparation for his sermons. The constant pain made
him cross and irritable. His family was under heavy
tension. The children could not make any noise.
Everything revolved around Fred’s affliction.
I told Fred that I was going to pray for him until I saw
him healed. Every day for a week I spent time in prayer
for him. Then one morning as I was praying, the Lord
told me that Fred’s problem was due to an evil spirit.
Had I really heard the voice of God? How could I share
such a revelation with my friend? What would he
think? After all, what did I know about demons? I had
heard a few references to them at a couple of meetings
I had attended, but I had never read anything on the
subject. How could I be sure? What should I do?
The impression to share my revelation with Fred would
not go away; it grew stronger. One day when we were
together I cautiously approached the subject. “Fred, I
promised to pray for you until God healed you,” I
reminded. “I have been praying for you each day. The
other day the Lord told me what your problem is.” I
paused for Fred’s reaction. I had his attention all right.
“Well, praise the Lord,” he said, “What did the Lord tell
you?” “Now, Fred, I don’t know what you will think of
this,” I offered, choosing words as carefully as I knew
how, “but the Lord told me your headaches were
caused by a demon.” I held my breath as I watched his
face for a reaction. I didn’t know that Fred was more
knowledgeable about demons than I was. He took it in
stride. “Well, praise the Lord!” he exclaimed, even
appearing jubilant. “Doesn’t the Bible say demons can
be cast out? I want you to cast it out of me.”
“Now, wait a minute,” I protested. “I don’t know
anything about casting out demons, but I think I might
be able to find someone who knows how to do it. Give
me a few days to pray about who can do this for you. I’ll
let you know as soon as I find someone.”
I went right to prayer asking God to lead me to a
deliverance minister. The Lord said, You do it.” So I
prayed again. I carefully explained to the Lord how
unqualified I was. I must have sounded worse than
Moses at the burning bush making excuses as to why he
could not lead his people out of Egypt. The Lord would
give me no other course. I must perform the ministry.
Many thoughts began to turn over in my mind. What
would happen to me if I made a frontal attack against
demon spirits? Wouldn’t they make a special target out
of me? I would be in trouble for sure. The prospects
were frightening.
A week later I talked to Fred again. I told him the
results of the prayers. It didn’t seem reasonable that I
should be the one to minister to him, but he was
completely willing to go along with it. We agreed that
we would pray another week and study what the
Scriptures had to say on the subject. Then we and our
wives would get together and see what would happen.
The day came when we were to have the attempted
ministry. Fred and his wife were to meet at our house
for dinner, and then we would go over to the church
building for the prayer meeting - or whatever it would
be. I was rather glad the day was so busy for us. It was
necessity to make a business trip out of town. We got
back home about two hours before Fred and his wife
were due. On my doorstep was a little pamphlet,
weighted down with a rock. A friend had come through
town and not finding me at home had left the little
pamphlet for me. I could hardy believe my eyes as I
read the title - “An Introduction to Expelling Demon” by
Derek Prince. My friend did not know about the
impending ministry. The timing was perfect. It had to
be God!
Within a few minutes I had devoured the contents of
the pamphlet. It was very practical and crammed with
helpful information. We could anticipate some kind of
manifestation when the demon came out. At least I felt
a little more confident about the whole matter. When
Fred arrived I had him and his wife read the booklet
before we attempted the ministry.
We spent some time in prayer before we challenged the
demon. And I was thinking only in terms of a single
demon at the time. My comprehension was not any
greater than that. Fred was still on his knees when I
suggested that we begin to address the demon. My wife
and I laid hands on his head and both of us said, “I
command the demon to come out of him in the name of
Jesus.” After I had given this command and my wife
had repeated it, we waited to see what would happen.
Finally I asked, “Did you feel anything, Fred? Do you
think anything happened?” Fred shook his head
negatively, lie had not sensed anything. We held a brief
consultation and decided to try it again.
The command was given several more times. What was
happening to Fred? His face was contorting! He was
trying to speak, but he could not get any words out. He
appeared to be choking. It was no time to slack off now.
We continued to command the demon to come out of
him. Fred began to cough violently. This lasted for
about a minute. Then he slumped sideways to the floor
and lay motionless. “Is it out, Fred?” I inquired. “I think
so,” he whispered. He could hardly talk. “I’m so weak I
cannot get up,” he explained. We prayed for Fred and
thanked God for his deliverance. It was at least five
minutes before Fred was able to sit up.
Fred’s wife had been sitting and praying all this while.
Now I heard her singing softly. I recognized the tune a
fam ili ar hymn... “Amazing Grace”. I thought I would
join her in the hymn, and as I listened to catch the
words I realized she was singing in tongues. A few
weeks previously I had prayed for her to receive the
baptism in the Holy Spirit, and she had only been able
to speak one short phrase in tongues. Now she was
singing with complete liberty. The four of us were
It was a week later when I saw Fred again. I was eager
to get a report on his headache. I was confident that he
would tell me it was all gone. “Frank, I don’t know what
to make of it,” Fred began, “but I still have my
headache. It is not any better.” The sick feeling of
disappointment came over me. How could a ministry
be so dramatic and yet not be effective? We were both
Fred told me that he had accepted the call to pastor a
church in another state. He would be moving
immediately. It was six months before we saw him
again. We were on a trip that took us near his new
place of ministry, so we drove a few extra miles to have
a visit and spend the night. As we had prayer that
evening it was decided that we ought to minister to
Fred again. During the past months we had learned
more about demons. There could be more than one of
them. Maybe we didn’t get the one that caused the
headache. We would be more persistent.
We had Fred sit in a chair as we gathered around him.
He was most cooperative. He was willing to do anything
that offered a ray of hope to be rid of the incessant pain
that was destroying him. At this point we did not know
how to detect different types of spirits and had never
received any supernatural discernment on specific
demons. So we gave a general command for whatever
demons were in him to come out. Each time we
commanded, Fred would have a spell of coughing. He
could feel a pressure in his throat which would be
relieved through coughing. This happened about six
times. “Has your headache gone yet?” I quizzed. “No, it
hurts worse than ever,” Fred explained. We could tell
there was something still inside of Fred. I recalled
having listened to a tape on deliverance in which the
minister commanded the demons to name themselves.
It was decided that we should attempt this.
“What is your name?” I demanded of the demon I felt
sure was still in Fred. “In the name of Jesus I command
you to tell me your name.” His face began to contort
just like it had during the initial ministry. We kept
commanding the thing to name itself. Fred’s lips
protruded and his mouth contorted into a snarl. Very
slowly and in a voice that was scarcely audible there
was one word spoken - “P..a..i..n”.
It sounded so simple. Why hadn’t we figured it out
before? “Demon of pain, come out of Fred!” Our words
were insistent. “In the name of Jesus, come out of him!”
Fred’s wife must have sensed in her spirit what was
about to happen. She grabbed a newspaper off the
coffee table and threw it on the floor between Fred’s
feet. Immediately Fred coughed and threw up two big
blobs of phlegm onto the paper. The demon was out!
And the pain was gone! Almost five years have passed
and Fred is still healed. God had answered our prayers!
Overcoming Fear
Fear is keeping many persons from becoming
deliverance ministers, both the fear of demons and the
fear of men. My original theory about the devil was that
if I left him alone he would leave me alone. Nothing
could be farther from the truth. To leave the devil alone
is to permit him to work unchallenged. We have no
reason to fear the devil and his demons because Jesus
has conquered them. In I John 3:8 we are reminded that
Jesus came into the world for the express purpose of
destroying the works of the devil. In Col. 2:15 it is
shown that through the cross Jesus disarmed
principalities and powers, made a public display of
them, and completely triumphed over them.
In order to move against the evil principalities and
powers without fear it needs to be understood that
Satan has no real power left. He is a liar, deceiver,
usurper, trespasser and thief. Jesus has already passed
judgment upon him. (See John 16:11). IT IS NOW THE
JUDGMENT. When we rise up against the demons with
the authority of the name of Jesus and the power of His
shed blood, the demons have no choice but to yield. We
have no need to fear any enemy stripped of his armour.
(See Luke 11:22). He is absolutely defenseless. The only
thing the Christian has to fear is fear itself.
Satan, that old liar and deceiver, will try to make you
think that he is going to retaliate. He will tell you that
he will attack you and your family with sickness, injury
or something sinister. But you shall trample him under
your feet “and nothing shall by any means hurt you”
(Luke 10:19).
When we do not listen to the lies that demons whisper
into our ears, they will attack us with lies in the mouths
of men. Someone is continually asking me, “Have you
heard about Dr. So-and-so and Bro. So-and-so
(prominent men in deliverance ministry)? I hear they
have ruined their ministries by getting mixed up with
demons. They can no longer get invitations to minister
anywhere.” But I know for a fact that these men of God
have more demands for ministry than they can ever
meet. These are lies of the devil to cause fear.
A few pastors whom I know, started out in deliverance
ministry and the devil told them that they would lose
members or that prospective members would be
frightened away. Undoubtedly, the devil will cause
some to be offended or afraid, but when a pastor begins
to guard his own little kingdom at the expense of
disobeying Christ’s commission, he will lose much more
than he had hoped to gain.
“Have you heard that pastor So-and-so is casting
demons out of Christians?” If the devil cannot defeat
you with fear tactics and lies, he will resort to criticism
in the mouths of others. Two ministers were talking;
the first one said, “We have to be very careful these
days about false doctrines and false teachers. Why,
have you heard that some preacher by the name of
Hammond is going around in our area casting demons
out of Christians?” (The second minister passed up the
opportunity of saying, “Hammond is ministering
deliverance to my own block right now.”) “All
Hammond ever thinks about is the devil. I believe we
should just keep our minds on Jesus.” My, the devil
must really delight in getting someone to take up that
chorus. The devil will try any trick to keep God’s people
out of spiritual warfare... he has everything to gain by
Jesus advised his followers to count the cost of
discipleship. To serve the Lord requires personal
sacrifices. If one is not willing to pay the price he
should never commit himself. Consider some of the
demands that are made upon the person of the
deliverance minister.
1. Time. Deliverance is very time-consuming. This is
true from the viewpoint of the amount of time spent
with one person and from the large number of persons
to whom one may minister. There is such a demand for
deliverance today that one who gives himself to this
ministry will soon understand why it was said of
He ... entered into an house, and would have no man
know it: but he could not be hid. Mark 7:24
2. Energy. There are times when the deliverance
minister will be involved for long hours. Numbers of
times our deliverance team has ministered until well
past midnight and there would be others still waiting to
see us. On a few occasions we have ministered as long
as sixteen hours per day for a week or longer. At such
times we have received added strength from the Lord.
But deliverance ministers may find themselves seeking
rest as did Jesus and His disciples.
And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a
desert place, and rest a while: for there were many
coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as
to eat. Mark 6:31
3. Patience. There are always those who do not retain
their deliverance. They are slow to learn and must be
taught and encouraged repeatedly. There is the
temptation to spend your time with others who show
more promise, but the Lord would have us be patient
with the slow learner.
The Minister Must Be Dedicated
As one involved in this ministry already, or as one
contemplating it, have purpose and a complete
dedication. Devote yourself to Christ and others. When
the disciples of Jesus failed in their attempt to deliver a
lunatic boy from his demon oppression they sought the
answer for their failure. Jesus gave them the answer
when He said...
0 FAITHLESS AND PERVERSE generation, how long
shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring
him hither to me. Matt 17:17
Jesus said they were “faithless". The word literally
means unfaithful or to not be steadfast. They were
charged with not being completely devoted to Christ.
Furthermore, He calls them a “perverse generation".
The word “perverse” here means to be turned aside.
The disciples were more interested in other things than
they were in the Kingdom of God. In the parallel
account in Mark we read in the context that the
disciples were disputing among themselves which of
them should be the greatest. No wonder Jesus found
them unfaithful and turned aside. No wonder they
were powerless.
1. Loving and Wise
One must also have a genuine compassion for others.
The deliverance minister will have many opportunities
to show the true character of his love. He must be ever
ready to go the second mile and turn the other cheek.
In our own ministry we have often found it necessary
to invite persons to stay in our home for a period of
time in order for them to experience an adequate
ministry. This requires love, but it also necessitates
wisdom. I have had demons in such persons try to take
over my home, rule my life and strike out with words of
accusation and condemnation. Love for the person will
not be expressed by yielding to pressures imposed by
demons. After the person has been delivered he will
appreciate the fact that you recognized the difference
between his person and the demons that spoke or acted
through him.
2. Free from Blame
This leads us to observe that the deliverance minister
must be free from demonic interference himself before
he is qualified to minister to others. Unless he has
submitted to needed deliverance for himself he will
find an inward resistance and struggle that will
seriously hinder his own effectiveness. I learned this
lesson myself in attempting to minister to my wife. We
realized that demons were responsible for certain
tensions between ourselves. One day when we were at
home by ourselves we decided to minister to one
another in these areas. As I called for the demons to
release her, she was thrown to the floor and evil spirits
began to speak through her. One demon made a direct
accusation against me. I knew that I was guilty of what
the demon accused me. It put me under such
condemnation that I could not proceed with her
deliverance. It was necessary for me to confess my sin,
ask her forgiveness and have her cast the demon out of
me before I was able to continue with her ministry.
This bonded us with love and forgiveness and shut the
door on any further interference from the enemy.
3. Bearing Others’ Burdens
A minister of deliverance will listen to many sordid
stories of sinful acts and attitudes. He may minister to
those who are respected leaders in the church and who
have never shared their inner conflicts and failures
with others. These are times when he will minister
confidentially and in love... bearing others’ burdens
and so fulfilling the law of Christ. What he has heard
will not affect his relationship with that person. He will
not allow himself to remember sins that Christ has
forgiven or to reflect on ugliness cleansed by
The deliverance minister must be like the Old
Testament priest who ate the trespass and sin offerings.
According to Number 18:8ff, only Aaron and his sons
were to eat the flesh of these offerings. “Every male
shall eat it.” Other offerings could be eaten by the
priest’s household, but only the male priests could eat
the sin and trespass offerings. It was their DUTY to eat
them. The “male” represents strength. It takes a strong
person to perform this ministry. Under the New
Testament all believers are priests. As priests it is our
duty to “eat” the sin and trespass offerings of others.
What is brought to us in the spirit of confession and
repentance are consumed and not shared... not even
with one’s household!
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are
spiritual (i.e. strong in the Lord), restore such an one in
the spirit of meekness; considering, thyself, lest thou
also be tempted. Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so
ful fil l the law of Christ. Gal. 6:1-2
4. With Prayer and Fasting
Jesus made it clear that some types of demons are
stronger than others, for He said ...
This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and
fasting. Mark 9:29
The disciples had failed in an attempt to deliver a young
man from a dumb spirit. In essence Jesus attributed
their failure to a lack of spiritual dedication. We, too,
can fail for the same reason. Jesus recommended
prayer and fasting as the remedy for their spiritual
condition. The concept of fasting is being restored to
the church today. Fasting is not a way of bargaining for
God’s power, but a way of crucifying the flesh that one’s
complete affection may be set upon things above and
not upon things on the earth. Apart from fasting and
prayer one will not develop the spiritual resources
adequate for every encounter with the enemy.
Blessings And Benefits
The impression should not be left that the deliverance
ministry is all hardship and sacrifice. There are many
blessings and benefits. There are many occasions of joy.
Even the very deliverance session itself is an
opportunity for worship and praise. The Word of God
finds a prominent place, for it is the “sword of the
Spirit” which thrusts through the foe. Much scripture is
also used to teach, correct, instruct and exhort. Then,
there is praying in the understanding and praying in
the Spirit... prayers of petition, intercession,
thanksgiving and praise. There is singing that exalts
Christ and His sacrifice, and songs of adoration. There
is rejoicing over captives set free as the thrill of victory
finds expression in crescendos of praise. When
deliverance is conducted in such a spiritual
atmosphere, power is generated that breaks the
resistance of the enemy, in preeminence, and the
servants of the Lord are strengthened and edified.
Through this ministry I have met some of the most
beautiful people in God’s family. It is heartening to find
out how many Christians are seeking the fullest
expression of spiritual life possible. All sham and
pretense is laid aside, and you get to know people in a
hurry. I could never put a price on the value of
friendships gained through contacts opened by the
deliverance outreach.
And what a joy to see multitudes brought into victory.
The most frustrating part of my pastoral ministry was
counseling. I was willing to listen, offer advice and give
encouragement, but most of the time there was no
remedy. Now we are getting to the roots of the
problems and there are answers where there used to be
none. Christians are being saved from lives of ruin and
defeat and brought to stability and fruitfulness.
I have often commented that one of the greatest
blessings that has come to me through this ministry is
the insight I have gained into the spiritual realm. I have
discovered a sharp line of demarcation between the
realm of light and the realm of darkness. Spiritual
awareness is quickened. Satan’s wiles are much more
readily discerned. The path of righteousness before God
is plainer than it ever was. It is easier to keep from
being drawn into fleshly conflicts with others and to
keep the warfare in the heavenlies.
Every believer should be prepared to be used by God in deliverance, but as the article implies, we don’t go seeking it out. If God seeks to use us in deliverance, we should not shirk it, but we should not go looking for demons. They will show up soon enough. Some are used by God especially in deliverance, but not all are called to a deliverance ministry. Too much focus on demons can be unhealthy spiritually.
Jezebel is religious…humble at face, cruel at heart, sweet in tongue, poisonous in spirit…
She ensnares the unwary…like a python and its victim, alluring in appearance, nitty gritty in character…
Very hard to recognize until you find yourself suffocating, trying to breath…
Jezebel doesnt for, she goes for the hardened veterans of war like Elijah and Troy Day and Joe Absher, those who stir up her nest..
A being who is not scared of anointing or fire…not even of a military man of might like Jehu…
She is contemptuous of anything of God…
Jehu didnt pray over her but ordered her to be thrown to death by the same cowardly eunuchs who used to surround her..
Even if we are not a God Called Minister. We should stay close enough to God to pray for deliverance. I don’t think every Minister especially has that calling , or gift. But I think we all can pray a deliverance prayer.
Louise Cummings
Thanks sister Louise.
Deliverance is inbuilt in every child of God..that is what I believe.
An encounter with a difficult situation can force someone to go beyond normal, beyond limits and establish the root cause eg of an affliction that doesn’t want to go, a stubborn situation, a recurring problem…
Going beyond the normal or beyond limits is the first step.You need to believe you can do it..not your pastor or apostle or some other anointed person but YOU….
The moment one resolves to do that,to do it YOURSELF, the Holy Spirit in you will respond..
It is my opinion that we grieve the Holy Spirit when we seek prayers from outside of us while we can pray within and get the results…
Of course there are times when we are directed to go to see so and so …regarding our situations but the first thing is we must do it ourselves.
If deliverance results are the outcome of personal experience and knowledge and not the ministration of the Holy Spirit, then we can say that ministry is a speciality ministry for Troy Day and Joe Absher and Chad..but if it is the work of the Holy Spirit, every child of God can do it..can ” become a deliverance minister..”
Just as a learner in driving needs some elemental principles in driving and later drives a car without a trainer so is a someone who wants to practise deliverance .
He simply needs a tutor in basic deliverance then whooosh on the road to learn how to slow down, indicate, honk etc knowing that a failed break might cause an accident and
Isara Mo yes I think we need to always start with us. Praying asking God for help. We need to examine ourselves to see have I obeyed God in every situation. Lord have I let You down? Have I Prayed , and witnessed as I should? The Bible says confess your faults one to another , that we may be healed. I think that means we hadn’t done our best, many times. I have to come to the Lord and confess , Lord I have failed You. Please help me , forgive me for not always being obedient to You as I should. I pray often for the Lord to forgive me for my coming short of not obeying Yoy all the time. And it always helps to have someone help you grow. Because sometimes I don’t know all the answers. But the more we try , the more we learn. We don’t always have the Andrews. But every time we put forth an effort, we get better every time. You will feel it moving inside you , and you can’t get away from it, if it your calling. You set out to pray , asking God to lead , and learn as much as you can. And God will open the way. We have the devil to fight against us sometimes. But just carry it to God. And tell Him to help you. And He Will.
If it was my will, I would have decreed like this in respect of the question at hand:
//From today, every believer in Christ should be a deliverance minister …failure of which you will not be allowed to teach or preach…Your first duty is to cast out demons”…
Isara Mo, that is not what Scripture says is our first duty: “Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons.” (Mark 3:14-15). Our first duty is to be with Him. Our second is to preach, our third is to heal the sick & cast out demons.
Paul L. King
Observed Sir but the premise is that all believers have the Lord with them and in them…in the first place.
The Mark 3: 14-15 verse was before Jesus death and resurrection but after His death and resurrection
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Mark 16:15 NIV//
So it seems the first duty is to preach the gospel…of which I agree I have erred above.
However, the sequence of duties you have given are in contrast to the sequence given in Mark 16;17…
//And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will out demons;
2they will speak in new tongues; 3.they will pick up snakes with their hands;
4. and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all;
5.they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Mark 16:17-18 NIV//
Nevertheless, the differences aside, the importance of Word (preaching and teaching)and the demonstration of the power thereof of healings and deliverance had been what the Lord Jesus did so did the apostles.
And that is what the church has to do today…
Isara Mo I agree with you that preaching the gospel and demonstrating with signs and wonders are important. But I think you miss the point of the phrase “appointed to be with Him.” That is not about the indwelling presence of Christ, but is about John 15–abiding with Christ. We need to be before we do; we need to be with Him, spending time with Him before we do things for Him. We need to be Marys sitting at the feet of Jesus before we become Marthas serving Him. We need to be still and know that He is God. That is our first duty.
The Holy Ghost is the tutor. He’s the director. It can’t be done by man only through the Holy Spirit. Then He says in some cases. This kind goeth not out but by Prayer and fasting. I don’t know if I understood exactly what you meant. I’m sorry if I misunderstood. Deliverance might com in many directions. But if you are talking casting out demons. Make sure you hear from God. Jesus said He gave us power to heal the sick , cast out devils, take up serpents. , I believe that has a different meaning than handling snakes. And if you drink any deadly thing. It shall not hurt you. I don’t think that means drinking poison either. Jesus didn’t give one example of picking up snakes or drinking poison. But when the devil to cast Himself down from the pinical He said to the devil. It is written. Thou shalt not temp the Lord thy God. Noe if it’s an accident. God can heal. If accidentally bitten by a smoke , like Paul. God can heal. Just believe His promise God has made to you. And you will be ok. I could tell you of an example. I’ve got company I’ll tell you later. The Lord Willing.
Paul L. King Even if Isara Mo and Link Hudson cant agree on WHO or what the Jezebel Spirit is in Revelation, we still need to agree the BIBLE tells us that spirit has to be cast out of the church today. Too much passive leadership attacked by aggressive and very political manipulation disarms the true Church
Link Hudson
I like your stand..
The good thing is that we don’t go to heaven by casting out demons isnt otherwise many would have been left behind..
And yet the practise could also mean sent out of heaven isnt it?” I never knew you Jesus told those who did deliverance…ie cast out demons in His name…
Taking the middle path…. is safe isn’t it?
Troy Day, I agree with Link Hudson that there is no mention of a Jezebel spirit in the Bible or of casting it out. At the same time, it is also clear that not every evil spirit is mentioned in the Bible. So the argument from silence is not convincing on one hand, and on the other hand, the elaborate and speculative descriptions of a Jezebel spirit are not convincing either. This is one of the things I am researching for Volume 2 of Is It of God? With my research of Scripture thus far, I would conclude that yes, there is such a thing as a Jezebel spirit, but that it has been overdone and overemphasized. Jezebel is mentioned only once in the NT. Is the Jezebel spirit real? Yes. Is it to be wary of? Yes. Is it to be feared? No. Is it to be glorified and magnified out of proportion? No. What is the proper proportion? I am investigating and praying–evaluating and discerning. Not going by experience (but being informed by experience), but going by Scripture.
What is deliverance?
How Samaritan women was delivered ?
And how David was delivered ?
By the work of Jesus anything has changed for deliverance ?
What need to be delivered body or soul or spirit or all three parts and how ?
More than 520 people injured after M5.6 earthquake hits Iran More than 520 people were injured after M5.6 earthquake hit West Azerbaijan Province, northwestern Iran at 00:21 UTC on October 5, 2022. The USGS is reporting a depth of 15 km (9 miles). EMSC is reporting M5.6 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), IRSC M5.4 at a depth of […]
Varnel Watson
I dont know Isara Mo Chad Macdonald Paul L. King
Paul L. King
Every believer should be prepared to be used by God in deliverance, but as the article implies, we don’t go seeking it out. If God seeks to use us in deliverance, we should not shirk it, but we should not go looking for demons. They will show up soon enough. Some are used by God especially in deliverance, but not all are called to a deliverance ministry. Too much focus on demons can be unhealthy spiritually.
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo I agree with Paul L. King EACH believer – but they have to be able to recognize the jezebel spirit FIRST in order to cast it out
Isara Mo
Jezebel is religious…humble at face, cruel at heart, sweet in tongue, poisonous in spirit…
She ensnares the unwary…like a python and its victim, alluring in appearance, nitty gritty in character…
Very hard to recognize until you find yourself suffocating, trying to breath…
Jezebel doesnt for, she goes for the hardened veterans of war like Elijah and Troy Day and Joe Absher, those who stir up her nest..
A being who is not scared of anointing or fire…not even of a military man of might like Jehu…
She is contemptuous of anything of God…
Jehu didnt pray over her but ordered her to be thrown to death by the same cowardly eunuchs who used to surround her..
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo see this? Joe Absher
Isara Mo
Troy Day
See what?
Edwin Simiyu Wafula
Thanks for foundations building in the Faith upon the Rock, Jesus Christ Luke 6:48. Your teaching is good.
Joe Absher
Good read thank you
Louise Cummings
Even if we are not a God Called Minister. We should stay close enough to God to pray for deliverance. I don’t think every Minister especially has that calling , or gift. But I think we all can pray a deliverance prayer.
Isara Mo
Louise Cummings
Thanks sister Louise.
Deliverance is inbuilt in every child of God..that is what I believe.
An encounter with a difficult situation can force someone to go beyond normal, beyond limits and establish the root cause eg of an affliction that doesn’t want to go, a stubborn situation, a recurring problem…
Going beyond the normal or beyond limits is the first step.You need to believe you can do it..not your pastor or apostle or some other anointed person but YOU….
The moment one resolves to do that,to do it YOURSELF, the Holy Spirit in you will respond..
It is my opinion that we grieve the Holy Spirit when we seek prayers from outside of us while we can pray within and get the results…
Of course there are times when we are directed to go to see so and so …regarding our situations but the first thing is we must do it ourselves.
If deliverance results are the outcome of personal experience and knowledge and not the ministration of the Holy Spirit, then we can say that ministry is a speciality ministry for Troy Day and Joe Absher and Chad..but if it is the work of the Holy Spirit, every child of God can do it..can ” become a deliverance minister..”
Just as a learner in driving needs some elemental principles in driving and later drives a car without a trainer so is a someone who wants to practise deliverance .
He simply needs a tutor in basic deliverance then whooosh on the road to learn how to slow down, indicate, honk etc knowing that a failed break might cause an accident and
Louise Cummings
Isara Mo yes I think we need to always start with us. Praying asking God for help. We need to examine ourselves to see have I obeyed God in every situation. Lord have I let You down? Have I Prayed , and witnessed as I should? The Bible says confess your faults one to another , that we may be healed. I think that means we hadn’t done our best, many times. I have to come to the Lord and confess , Lord I have failed You. Please help me , forgive me for not always being obedient to You as I should. I pray often for the Lord to forgive me for my coming short of not obeying Yoy all the time. And it always helps to have someone help you grow. Because sometimes I don’t know all the answers. But the more we try , the more we learn. We don’t always have the Andrews. But every time we put forth an effort, we get better every time. You will feel it moving inside you , and you can’t get away from it, if it your calling. You set out to pray , asking God to lead , and learn as much as you can. And God will open the way. We have the devil to fight against us sometimes. But just carry it to God. And tell Him to help you. And He Will.
Isara Mo
Louise Cummings
It is very very possible.
Be blessed dear sister
Louise Cummings
Isara Mo Thank you. I was going to give an example. But maybe later.
Isara Mo
Everyone who is born again is a deliverance minister…No speciality
Isara Mo
If it was my will, I would have decreed like this in respect of the question at hand:
//From today, every believer in Christ should be a deliverance minister …failure of which you will not be allowed to teach or preach…Your first duty is to cast out demons”…
Paul L. King
Isara Mo, that is not what Scripture says is our first duty: “Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons.” (Mark 3:14-15). Our first duty is to be with Him. Our second is to preach, our third is to heal the sick & cast out demons.
Isara Mo
Paul L. King
Observed Sir but the premise is that all believers have the Lord with them and in them…in the first place.
The Mark 3: 14-15 verse was before Jesus death and resurrection but after His death and resurrection
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Mark 16:15 NIV//
So it seems the first duty is to preach the gospel…of which I agree I have erred above.
However, the sequence of duties you have given are in contrast to the sequence given in Mark 16;17…
//And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will out demons;
2they will speak in new tongues; 3.they will pick up snakes with their hands;
4. and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all;
5.they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Mark 16:17-18 NIV//
Nevertheless, the differences aside, the importance of Word (preaching and teaching)and the demonstration of the power thereof of healings and deliverance had been what the Lord Jesus did so did the apostles.
And that is what the church has to do today…
Paul L. King
Isara Mo I agree with you that preaching the gospel and demonstrating with signs and wonders are important. But I think you miss the point of the phrase “appointed to be with Him.” That is not about the indwelling presence of Christ, but is about John 15–abiding with Christ. We need to be before we do; we need to be with Him, spending time with Him before we do things for Him. We need to be Marys sitting at the feet of Jesus before we become Marthas serving Him. We need to be still and know that He is God. That is our first duty.
Isara Mo
Paul L. King
Now I get the point.
Be blessed for the clarification
Louise Cummings
The Holy Ghost is the tutor. He’s the director. It can’t be done by man only through the Holy Spirit. Then He says in some cases. This kind goeth not out but by Prayer and fasting. I don’t know if I understood exactly what you meant. I’m sorry if I misunderstood. Deliverance might com in many directions. But if you are talking casting out demons. Make sure you hear from God. Jesus said He gave us power to heal the sick , cast out devils, take up serpents. , I believe that has a different meaning than handling snakes. And if you drink any deadly thing. It shall not hurt you. I don’t think that means drinking poison either. Jesus didn’t give one example of picking up snakes or drinking poison. But when the devil to cast Himself down from the pinical He said to the devil. It is written. Thou shalt not temp the Lord thy God. Noe if it’s an accident. God can heal. If accidentally bitten by a smoke , like Paul. God can heal. Just believe His promise God has made to you. And you will be ok. I could tell you of an example. I’ve got company I’ll tell you later. The Lord Willing.
Varnel Watson
Paul L. King Even if Isara Mo and Link Hudson cant agree on WHO or what the Jezebel Spirit is in Revelation, we still need to agree the BIBLE tells us that spirit has to be cast out of the church today. Too much passive leadership attacked by aggressive and very political manipulation disarms the true Church
Link Hudson
Read your Bible Troy. There is no mention of a Jezebel spirit or casting it out. Show chapter and verse.
Louise Cummings
Troy Day Amen. And it is real.
Isara Mo
Troy Day
I like your stand…
Isara Mo
Link Hudson
I like your stand..
The good thing is that we don’t go to heaven by casting out demons isnt otherwise many would have been left behind..
And yet the practise could also mean sent out of heaven isnt it?” I never knew you Jesus told those who did deliverance…ie cast out demons in His name…
Taking the middle path…. is safe isn’t it?
Paul L. King
Troy Day, I agree with Link Hudson that there is no mention of a Jezebel spirit in the Bible or of casting it out. At the same time, it is also clear that not every evil spirit is mentioned in the Bible. So the argument from silence is not convincing on one hand, and on the other hand, the elaborate and speculative descriptions of a Jezebel spirit are not convincing either. This is one of the things I am researching for Volume 2 of Is It of God? With my research of Scripture thus far, I would conclude that yes, there is such a thing as a Jezebel spirit, but that it has been overdone and overemphasized. Jezebel is mentioned only once in the NT. Is the Jezebel spirit real? Yes. Is it to be wary of? Yes. Is it to be feared? No. Is it to be glorified and magnified out of proportion? No. What is the proper proportion? I am investigating and praying–evaluating and discerning. Not going by experience (but being informed by experience), but going by Scripture.
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo I think Joe Absher has shown us that want it or not when ministering in the streets you encounter and must deliver
Joe Absher
Varnel Watson
love this song – also elvis sweet chariots 🙂
Joe Absher
We could use a little soul stirring
Tara Sing Bhandari
If you need the Title ….
Tara Sing Bhandari
What is deliverance?
How Samaritan women was delivered ?
And how David was delivered ?
By the work of Jesus anything has changed for deliverance ?
What need to be delivered body or soul or spirit or all three parts and how ?
Joe Absher
Brother please go back and read some of the articles. Lots of material has been written in this ongoing discussion.