Should Christians Have a Christmas Tree?

Should Christians Have a Christmas Tree?

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-Ray E Horton

For you Christians who think that Christmas Trees are pagan? Think again… Here’s what they really represent:

◾The Christmas tree is an evergreen that reminds us that we have “eternal life” in Jesus Christ (John 6:40)

◾The shape of trees reminds us that we are “born from above” (John 3:3)

◾The needles on the branches remind us that Jesus was “pierced through for our transgressions” (Isaiah 53:5)

◾The lights hung on trees remind us that Jesus is “the light of the world” (John 8:12) and through Him we are to be “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14)

◾The evergreen foliage of trees symbolizes everlasting life

◾Tree Toppers – Typically these include an angel or a star which symbolizes the Christian origins of Christmas 

◾Green colors symbolize nature, fertility, hope and bountifulness and also symbolize freedom from bondage

◾Five pointed stars symbolize the Nativity, and the number of Grace (5)

◾Angels brought the news of the birth of Jesus Christ and symbolize the Nativity

◾Bell decorations symbolize the bells that are rung during the festive season in the early days to announce and celebrate the birth of Jesus

Now put up a tree and celebrate JESUS! ….MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Ray E Horton

Serving the Lord as encourager, reconciler, intercessor and prophetic teacher of God's Word, primarily in person and on Facebook, as well as writer and editor. Beyond, or as part of, the Ministry of Reconciliation that we are all called to, I am serving the Lord and His people as a minister of prayer at a local church, and encouraging the brethren locally among people I know, and worldwide on Facebook


  • Reply December 24, 2023


    They may decorate as they wish

    • Reply December 24, 2023


      Duane L Burgess does this make it an idol

    • Reply December 24, 2023


      Troy Day It’s only an idol if one has it in their heart to worship it.

      Similarly, taking a Hindu yoga position doesn’t mean that one worships Hindu deities. (But Christians should not do yoga).

      It is the heart that renders idolatry.

    • Reply December 24, 2023


  • Reply December 24, 2023


    The Greek word being translated to “inn” here is kataluma. That word can mean “inn,” but it doesn’t have to. The only other time kataluma is used in the New Testament is in reference to the well-furnished guest room where Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples. We know Joseph had family in Bethlehem so it’s safe to assume that, in this case, kataluma is referring to a family guest room. The word “manger” here does mean an animal feeding trough, but at the time, a family’s animals were often brought into the house itself at night to protect them from theft. It was not at all uncommon for families to have mangers in their ground-floor rooms so the animals could be fed at night while the human members of the household slept in the upper levels.

    • Reply December 25, 2023


      Troy Day I’m imagining a one-room house. You walk in, and there is a raised floor for keeping animals at night, along with some hay spread out on the floor. As you walk past that area, you could to a raised floor, with a ladder to access it. On the edge of the raised floor where the animals can access it is a manger. The family who own the house sleep on that large platform/floor The guest room build onto the house on the side or upstairs may have been taken by another guest when Mary and Joseph arrived. They probably slept up on that living room floor, but used the feed trough as a crib.

      If the manger were build onto the edge of the platform or really was that stone thing at the Church of the Nativity, they may have put something up to keep the animals away or tied them up outside just for one night.

      So no grumpy innkeeper, or inn keeper who felt really bad but could do nothing because all the rooms were full.

  • Reply December 25, 2023


    No need. Be alert, and do not follow the pagans.

    • Reply December 25, 2023


      Rasiah Thomas what about a palm tree

    • Reply December 25, 2023


      Troy DayNo one can obtain any life from an artificial tree by keeping anywhere else in the Church or Home. Our inner man should possess the Holy Spirit is the most important in our real life to remember at all times. Amen!

  • Reply December 26, 2023


    God decorated the Tabernacle with the cedars of (Lebanon?) Is that right? LEBANON? ANYWAYS
    I guess if God decorated his house with them then it’s not wrong for me decorating mine. Or that’s my thought

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