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Peter A Vandever |

Should Bible College focus more on revival and less on academia? Experience or knowledge?
John Kissinger [08/14/2015 8:13 AM]
The idea of strictly Bible college in America has been dead for over a decade. It’s just not working anymore. The only surviving Bible colleges have already undergone liberal-arts / gov. subsidizing and the trend will go worldwide
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 8:19 AM]
I have been to both. I loved ORU but it was too liberal artish for me. I also like the model that Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry has as well.
Charles Page [08/14/2015 8:44 AM]
in part these are the reasons the Primitive Baptist (anti-missions group) condemned Bible schools in 1830 and history is proving them right.
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 8:45 AM]
In what way Charles?
John Kissinger [08/14/2015 9:17 AM]
If you went to ORU in the 90s it was already in decline. But if you came out with the same theology you went in you should call for your money back. Timothy Carter is also thinking (and asking friends) about it and Charles Page did it long time ago. BTW where in SC you were, b/c you seem awful young to have been in the fire of fire revivals
Pentecostal Theology [08/14/2015 9:18 AM]
God helps us if we’ve become too dignified to be sanctified, too complicated to be regenerated and too social policy caved to be saved…
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 9:19 AM]
Actually I was in the seminary there (2008) and I was pretty solid theologically before going to seminary. There was a revival as recent as 2011 in America. I was transformed in the Brownsville Revival. My grandfather was a revivalist
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 9:21 AM]
Pentecostal Theology, we are regenated at salvation
Pentecostal Theology [08/14/2015 9:22 AM]
you said it yourself: Brownsville Revival was of the DEVIL!
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 9:25 AM]
Pentecostal Theology, you clearly didnt read the article before posting it. I was saved at Brownsville
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 9:26 AM]
I was raised by my grandparents and my grandpa would call telling us to come to this city he was in…. God was breaking out and he had no idea when the floodgates would stop.
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 9:27 AM]
He would have revival until God quit saving people or winter hit and the tent couldnt be used.
Charles Page [08/14/2015 9:29 AM]
did they have a course on “holy laughter”?
John Kissinger [08/14/2015 9:30 AM]
NO offence Peter A Vandever but if you were saved at the said revival, in the words of Charles Page you dont know revival “from a hole in the ground.” Pls ask m? WHY before you get on the offence!
Charles Page [08/14/2015 9:32 AM]
E. C. Thomas’ words to Steve Brock – not my words. I was an innocent by-stander!
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 9:37 AM]
It is easy to reject a revival before us and celebrate the revival in the past generations. Brownsville was about the message of salvation, healing, deliverance and Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I have also spend time in the greatest revival in the world. What is happening in Nigeria is completely amazing. I also have been to South America to attend meetings under the ministry of Carlos Annacondia.
John Kissinger [08/14/2015 10:12 AM]
where in SC where the 38,000 converts in one meeting?
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 10:14 AM]
In one 1950 campaign in Columbia, South Carolina, there were 13,500 “altar calls.” In eleven tent campaigns in 1952, reportedly attended by 1,500,000 people, the organization recorded 66,ooo people prayed for in the healing lines and 38,457 conversions.
John Kissinger [08/14/2015 10:14 AM]
interesting… is that what you saw at Brownsville?
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 10:16 AM]
Brownsville was full on revival. Steve Hill was very anointed and the fire fell nightly.
John Kissinger [08/14/2015 10:17 AM]
But not to the point of 38k conversions per night (which makes my “hole” point above). You ever wonder why it never reached that high?
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 10:18 AM]
Brownsville saw hundreds nightly for several years. I have been on the platform when 400k came to Christ in one meeting.
Charles Page [08/14/2015 10:21 AM]
can you have a revival without seeing evangelistic results? Can God resurrect tired old bones?
Charles Page [08/14/2015 10:21 AM]
can you have a revival without seeing evangelistic results? Can God resurrect tired old bones?
John Kissinger [08/14/2015 10:21 AM]
As Charles Page pointed out, we need to make a distinct difference b/w Pentecostal and Charismatic revival(s). One brings souls the other one charismatic experiences. For this reason Charles was out…
John Kissinger [08/14/2015 10:21 AM]
As Charles Page pointed out, we need to make a distinct difference b/w Pentecostal and Charismatic revival(s). One brings souls the other one charismatic experiences. For this reason Charles was out…
Royal Bruckno [08/14/2015 10:25 AM]
Peter A Vandever, I too was at Brownsville and regardless of the naysayers it truly was a move of God. Many were delivered, saved and filled
Over time there were guns, drugs., cigs and more thrown on the alter (platform)! I remember there was some drug dealer from another state that went to Fl. to kill a rival dealer. Wound up at the revival, not sure how (God of course) and was saved there. His was one of the guns on the platform
It was glorious! That said, Satan tries to pervert, weaken, denounce most every powerful move of God
He will even do this with the false alongside the genuine. We saw things we felt were of the flesh. That, however, does not negate the real move of God. I wonder what oddities surrounded Azuza St.?
Royal Bruckno [08/14/2015 10:25 AM]
Peter A Vandever, I too was at Brownsville and regardless of the naysayers it truly was a move of God. Many were delivered, saved and filled
Over time there were guns, drugs., cigs and more thrown on the alter (platform)! I remember there was some drug dealer from another state that went to Fl. to kill a rival dealer. Wound up at the revival, not sure how (God of course) and was saved there. His was one of the guns on the platform
It was glorious! That said, Satan tries to pervert, weaken, denounce most every powerful move of God
He will even do this with the false alongside the genuine. We saw things we felt were of the flesh. That, however, does not negate the real move of God. I wonder what oddities surrounded Azuza St.?
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 10:25 AM]
Revival is impossible without soulwinning. Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost!
Peter A Vandever [08/14/2015 10:25 AM]
Revival is impossible without soulwinning. Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost!
Joe Butler
Why can we not do both?
David Lewayne Porter
The book of Acts was a result of them acting upon the fact that they knew the truth and shared/applied it.
Jon Ray
Eva Benevento
They need both.
Kenneth Tanner
Varnel Watson
Kenneth Tanner
And I mean to OP and not Eva’s comment.
Joseph D. Absher
Revivals must be sustained by sound biblical teaching
Varnel Watson
well said
Joseph D. Absher
I forget who said it sorry
Kenneth Tanner
Also sound teaching and practice puts revival out of business. ?
Joseph D. Absher
There is always a role for revival. Status quo and traditions of men are creepers. Please understand i agree, but that’s like saying “we had a revival once it was nice”
Varnel Watson
The life of the believer should be one constant revival This one going on 25+ weeks now
Jon Ruthven
Thee were written several years ago and published in Pentecostal theological Journals. They address this question.
Varnel Watson
SO whats your take Randal W Deese ortho doxy cathechisms is about the same as bible college I also see much of your lutherism leaking in your comments as reformed theology is pretty septic
Randal W Deese
The focus should be on making disciples… Which would naturally include a good catechism
Varnel Watson
Peter A Vandever once said
Revival is impossible without soulwinning. Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost! Joseph D. Absher
Joseph D. Absher
Somebody has to hold down the fort.