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While Moses sheltered in place he experienced God in a holy-ground-meeting and then confronted the powers of Egypt and led his people to freedom.
While Joseph sheltered in place in a pit, then a predicament, then a palace, he was advanced in position and then provided for his family.
While Ruth sheltered in place with Naomi she was provided for and then found her mighty man of valor.
While Jonah sheltered in place in the belly of a whale, he emerged preaching revival that saved a nation.
While Samuel sheltered in place he heard the voice of God and then became a priest to his people.
While Esther sheltered in place she realized she had come to the kingdom for such a time as this and saved her people.
While Samson sheltered in place his strength returned and though blind defeated the enemy.
While Mephibosheth sheltered in place claiming himself nothing more than a dead dog, he then took a seat at the king’s table though lame in both feet.
While David sheltered in place he grew in faith and then slew a giant, inspired a nation through song, became king and a man after God’s own heart.
While Hosea sheltered in place he grew in love and compassion and then rescued a backslider.
While Isaiah sheltered in place he was in the spirit on the Lord’s day and prophesied of the Messiah.
While Elizabeth sheltered in place she conceived and brought forth one greater than the prophets.
While Joseph sheltered in place he had a dream and named Mary’s son, Jesus.
While Mary sheltered in place she was visited by an angel, wrote her Magnificat, and birthed the Son of God, Immanuel.
While the disciples sheltered in place they saw and talked to Jesus.
While Paul and Silas sheltered in place they sang a song, saved a jailor, and then testified to believers.
While John sheltered in place he had vision and wrote the Revelation.
While Jesus sheltered in place he led captivity captive and arose with the keys of death, hell, and the grave.
While I sheltered in place I heard Pastor talk about sheltering and was inspired to create this reflection.
While we are sheltering in place, we find comfort in Him who is our Shelter, Refuge, Tower, Tabernacle, Tent, Covert (Psalms 61:3-4); Shadow (Psalms 63:7); Pavilion, Dwelling (Psalms 27:5); Hiding Place (Psalms 32:7); and Name (Proverbs 18:10) into which the righteous run and are safe.
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