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Shall a Christian judge? David M. Hinsen Alan N Carla Smith Daniel Rushing

Greg Robinson [06/04/2015 5:17 PM]
Christians are known by their fruit….I think, but then again such a stance could be offensive!
Pentecostal Theology [06/04/2015 5:18 PM]
1 Corinthians 6:3 Do you not know that we will judge angels – what about people?
David M. Hinsen [06/04/2015 5:21 PM]
Go to my wall and read the comment I posted last night on judging.
Alan N Carla Smith [06/04/2015 7:03 PM]
Judge them by their lack of fruit as well.
The catch is the we will be judged with the same measure.
So the real dilemma is not shall but are you willing to be judged by the same measure?
Paul Ray Mitchell [06/05/2015 8:32 AM]
Paul Ray Mitchell liked this on Facebook.
David M. Hinsen [06/06/2015 12:03 AM]
Here’s what I posted Wednesday night:
David M. Hinsen [06/06/2015 12:03 AM]
Attention: DON’T JUDGE ME!
More and more I see this among the body of Christ today because we have taken a partial Scripture reference out of context. Some say, “It’s not my place to judge, that’s God’s job.” May I say that setting passively by has robbed the church of her holiness and righteousness. I know this sounds legalistic, but I assure you, it’s not meant to be. In the name of being relative, and in the response to legalism, we have stripped ourselves of righteous judgment.
Unfortunately, misrepresentation of this Scripture is common among some Christians and other groups who often misquote Jesus’ words from Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” Ironically, few reference another Scripture that also deals with judging, John 7:24. Here Jesus encourages His followers to “judge with righteous judgment.”
At first, these two Scriptures may seem contradictory, but when we look at the context and the true meaning of “judge,” we clearly see that there is no contradiction. This misrepresentation of “judging” is an attempt to conform Scripture to support opinions, when, in fact, moral values are designed to conform to Scriptural truths. Personal opinions vary—truth does not. We tend to pick and choose certain Scriptures as if they were choices on a menu. But we can’t choose those we like and discard the rest.
Judging within the context of Matthew 7:1 refers to the type of judgment that a judge would render in a court of law, such as in Romans 14:4, “Who are you to judge another’s servant?” A judge hears the evidence and pronounces a judgment. We are in no position to do this—we don’t have all the facts. God tells us to leave justice to Him because He is the judge.
In John 7:24, however, Christians are to judge or “call into question” those things that clearly contradict God’s principles. In 1 Corinthians 2:15, the apostle Paul said that those who are spiritual should judge and discern all things.
Regarding moral issues that destroy lives and dishonor God, we are to judge (“call into question”) behaviors, choices, and lifestyles that lead people in a dangerous direction, especially if these issues are to become social policy and legally sanctioned.
I assure you that you can love someone without accepting sin. How will someone ever know the truth if we keep brushing it under the rug in the name of not offending anyone? And yes, Jesus offended people, but it was for the right reasons.
Pentecostal Theology [06/06/2015 6:02 PM]
“There are some Christians who bear fruit.
There are some Christians who bear much fruit.
There are some Christians who bear fruit that remains.
There are no Christians who bear no fruit.” -David Jeremiah
David W. T. Brattston [06/08/2015 4:37 PM]
Some Christians refuse to serve on a jury because Jesus said “Do not judge” in Matthew 7:1 and Luke 6:37, a command restated in James 4:11f, Romans 14:13, and 1 Corinthians 4:5. Would Pentecostal Theology be interested in reprinting my 987-word article that refutes this misconception, and allows Christians to be both jurors and judges?
(Dr.) David W. T. Brattston
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