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Bill Stockham |![](
[Listen to Samuel’s powerful message to the people of Israel:] “But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him FAITHFULLY WITH ALL YOUR HEART; consider what great things he has done for you.” (1 Sam. 12:24) [Always be honest, and always be sincere; with all your heart – make sure to have every ounce of your strength to work in the act of obedience to our Abba Father; act not merely from an attitude of duty, but also from a devout, affectionate sense of responsibility. Act towards your God as a loving child should act towards a tender and loving parent.] “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes! Then Samuel called on the LORD, and that same day the LORD sent thunder and rain. So all the people stood in awe of the LORD and of Samuel.” (1 Sam. 12:16, 18) [Samuel’s desire was for the people to “know” their God, but they wanted a king. Oh Lord help us TO LEARN TO WANT WHAT YOU WANT!] “When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied. “You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet IF YOU SEE ME WHEN I AM TAKEN FROM YOU, IT WILL BE YOURS–otherwise, it will not.”(2 Kings 2:9-10) [We must be willing to learn under the loving care of a man or woman of God! When we see someone God is using and blessings are being poured out through their ministry; keep your eyes on them and follow them!] “Jesus answered, “…The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me, but you do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and THEY FOLLOW ME. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE.” (John 10:25-30)
Be blessed as you praise The Lord, knowing that JESUS SAID: MY SHEEP LISTEN TO MY VOICE; I KNOW THEM, AND THEY FOLLOW ME!
-Bill Stockham
Varnel Watson
“When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied. “You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet IF YOU SEE ME WHEN I AM TAKEN FROM YOU, IT WILL BE YOURS–otherwise, it will not.”(2 Kings 2:9-10)
You’ve got to SEE it before you can HAVE it Joe Absher
Joe Absher
I would never follow a man or woman because the “blessings” are being poured out. Sorry boss. Means nothing to me. If you follow someone it’s because Jesus Christ said so. That’s it.
Joe Absher
When God in his mercy uses a man to build up the kingdom of God and establish righteous in the earth it is truly a blessing Mr Troy Day.
But I hope you will forgive me for saying not all of these so called “blessings” are going to make it through the fire.
Joe Absher
Furthermore if you’re waiting for the mantle of Elijah you’re going to be waiting a long time. You’ll be much better off doing what little you can with the light and grace and strength God gives now. I’m all for serving in any way you can. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. If someone is already doing what God called you to do. Roll your sleeves up and help. I’ve told young men in ministry first the broom then the rifle. But you have to know men have their own rifle and they have their own prayers and they have their own burdens. This follow the blessing is childish it’s the very reason God gives the gift of discerning of spirits. Alot of fake preachers and fake blessings out there.
Varnel Watson
I rather serve the Lord faithfully and not listen to kings and rulers of this world
Today’s Message: When You Serve God Faithfully - NewsBreakers
[…] There are many such situations whereby persecutions, sufferings, difficulties and the like arise just because you serve God faithfully. Faithful people normally face such hardships because of their faithfulness to God. […]