Daniel J Hesse
They should both be taken to a deep river as the Ethiopian eunuch and be immersed into the water to unfree their blinded minds…
The God of this world blinds the minds of unbelievers..
If it is true Warren calls pope ” our pope” it just goes on to confirm that you can still be very popular and yet remain unsaved…
There were a hundred prophets of God hidden in caves and one man Elijah on the mountain…
I would rather be the one man than the 100 prophets..
Affinity to the pope while claiming to be born again?
How can the two walk together unless they are in agreement?
Robbers walk with robbers, drug addicts walk together, soldiers walk with soldiers..light with light and darkness with darkness not light with darkness or darkness with light…
Spirits know each other whether demons or angels…
Affinity begins in the spirit and is manifest in the flesh…
When you see a policeman giving a hi five to a drug baron know for sure something is amiss….
Varnel Watson
not my pope Philip Williams how about you? Daniel J Hesse now this one is not fake news for sure
Daniel J Hesse
Daniel J Hesse
Rick seems to have equal affinity for the Pope.
Isara Mo
Daniel J Hesse
They should both be taken to a deep river as the Ethiopian eunuch and be immersed into the water to unfree their blinded minds…
The God of this world blinds the minds of unbelievers..
If it is true Warren calls pope ” our pope” it just goes on to confirm that you can still be very popular and yet remain unsaved…
There were a hundred prophets of God hidden in caves and one man Elijah on the mountain…
I would rather be the one man than the 100 prophets..
Affinity to the pope while claiming to be born again?
How can the two walk together unless they are in agreement?
Robbers walk with robbers, drug addicts walk together, soldiers walk with soldiers..light with light and darkness with darkness not light with darkness or darkness with light…
Spirits know each other whether demons or angels…
Affinity begins in the spirit and is manifest in the flesh…
When you see a policeman giving a hi five to a drug baron know for sure something is amiss….
Daniel J Hesse
What is the Pentecostal and it various branches response to this approach and the Holy See in general.
Isara Mo
Daniel J Hesse
Pentecostals should strive for a ONE WORLD SALVATION not ONE WORLD RELIGION..
Varnel Watson
not my pope at all
Philip Williams
Why does Rick need a pope?
Varnel Watson
to purpose drive him via purgatory ?
Philip Williams
Troy Day ?
Varnel Watson
ONLY in America one can travel
From Purgatory (Maine) to Hell (Michigan) in 14hrs or less
toll charges may apply
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Thats cool: a novice to hell highways needs a pro of highways…to be shown the way..
CW Sellers
He needs to cleirify who the “Our”is! After recent comments and the coverups under ship, don’t even think he’s the Churches Pope!
Varnel Watson
yes go ahead and define OUR
then define your, yours and me mo my mine etc
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams Why does the pope need Rick?