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Jimmy Swaggart Study Bible

PERRY STONE STUDY BIBLE: As you may be aware, I have been stirred in my spirit to produce a Perry Stone Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible, gleaning…
Kenneth Copeland Word Of Faith Study Bible

KENNETH E. HAGIN LEGACY BIBLE is not the same as the previously published RHEMA STUDY BIBLE Often called the father of the modern-day faith…
The New Acrostic Study Bible
by Daniel G. McCrillis, Th. D. It is no mystery to Bible scholars that the New Testament was not written in the Classical Attic,…

Perry Stone’s New Testament Hebraic Prophetic Study Bible is now available
The Perry Stone’s New Testament Study Bible is taken from the King James translation and includes over 300,000 words of Perry Stone’s personal commentary….
Perry Stone Study Bible is Complete
Perry Stone celebrates the completion of his soon coming Study Bible!

Ryrie Study Bible
Has anyone here heard of the Ryrie study bible, if so whats your view please? John Kissinger [07/11/2015 9:26 PM]Sure! John Kissinger [07/11/2015…
Perry Stone: Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible is Complete
The Bible Project As you may be aware, I have been stirred in my spirit to produce a Perry Stone Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible, gleaning…
Download Revelation (N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides)
What is your opinion about the living Bible as a study guide?
What is your opinion about the living Bible as a study guide?
We are undertaking the task of comparing and reviewing a growing number of Study Bibles appearing on the book market recently in what appear to be a 21st century Revival of Study Bibles. We will be including some classical titles as well, but overall this study will have three parts dealing with three distinct types of Study Bibles namely: (1) Non-Pentecostal, (2) Pentecostal and (3) Prophecy Related. The following titles are among the ones we have chosen to review in the course of the study:
I. Non-Pentecostal
- Orthodox Study Bible – in relations to Eastern mysticism and its historical effect on the Pentecostal experience
- Reformation Study Bible – within the scope of formation of evangelical identity among Pentecostals
- Wesley Study Bible – with the purpose of studying the relations between Wesleyan-Holiness tradition and Pentecostal theology
- C.S. Lewis Bible – in the scope of its relation to Pentecostal and Charismatic ethics and religious praxis
- Maxwell Leadership Bible – as per its relations to the leadership paradigms involving and affecting Pentecostal and Charismatic communities
- NetBible and its relations to general formations within Pentecostal Theology
II. Pentecostal
- Spirit Filled Study Bible – written by leading Pentecostal scholars
- Full Life Study Bible – classic Pentecostal and foundation for the youth oriented Fire Bible and the Life In The Spirit Study Bible
- Word Study Bible – including selected teachings from Hagin, Copeland, Sumrall, Savelle, Hayes, Osborn, Wigglesworth, Kuhlman and McPherson
- Kenneth Copeland Study Bible – considered as a fundamentalist Pentecostal teaching
- Jimmy Swaggart’s Expositor’s Study Bible – as an introduction of Pentecostal ethics and praxis
- Dake Study Bible – as a classic example on Pentecostalism and Last Days Prophecy coming together
III. Prophecy Related
- Scofield Study Bible and its dispensational effect on early Pentecostals
- John Hagee Prophecy Bible combining understanding of prophetic themes with doctrines of salvation, covenants, and questions about the Christian faith.
- Jeffrey Prophecy Study Bible regarded as the most comprehensive prophecy study Bible
- Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible combining the knowledge of 48 leading Bible experts of prophecy
- Jack Van Impe Prophecy Bible as a valuable source with a wealth of information on Bible prophecy
- Perry Stone Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible gleaning from 44,000 hours of Bible Study and produced within 34 years of ministry
F. Sanders (a.k.a. Theologue) has further compiled a comprehensive list of study Bibles, which we truly recommend.
Cameron C Smith
I’ve found the Fire Bible to be a great and complete study Bible
Shane Whitacre
I can tell you one I don’t keep in my library…the jimmy swaggart one. ?
Larry Dale Steele
I have one
Varnel Watson
do you ever take it out of the library and use it?
Larry Dale Steele
Troy Day no
Varnel Watson
the red letter must be throwing you off
Larry Dale Steele
I have read some he has some interesting points there is no doubt he knows the word about as well as anyone around
Varnel Watson
Fire Bible studies were written by French Arrington