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The Rev. William L. De Arteaga, PhD.
133 Spring Way Sq. Canton GA, 30114
(770) 704-8703 (770) 826-4569
Abbreviated bibliography
2023 Battling the Demonic: The Kingdom of God vs. the Kingdom of Darkness. (Amazon: KDP).
2022 America in Danger, Left and Right: Biblical Analysis, Actions, and Intercessions for the Current Crisis. (Amazon KDP).
Marvels and Signs: Quintessential Essays from an Anglican Pentecostal. (Lee Summit: Christos).
2020 On Discerning Trump’s Character and Presidency: A Theological Reflection on How False Prophecy Influenced American Politics. (Amazon: KDP).
2019 Aging Gracefully With the Graces of Healing Prayer. (Lexington: Emeth).
2018 The Public Prayer Station: Taking Healing Prayer to the Streets and Evangelizing the “Nones.”” (Lexington: Emeth).
2017 Pentecostal (and Anglican) Plays (and Postscripts). (Amazon: KDP).
2015 Agnes Sanford and Her Companions: The Assault on Cessationism and the Coming of the Charismatic Renewal. (Eugene: Wipf & Stock).
2002 Forgotten Power: The Significance of the Lord’s Supper in Revivals. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan). Translated into Spanish.
1996 Quenching the Spirit. Revised Edition. (Lake Mary: Creation House). Translated into Spanish and Hungarian.
1992 Quenching the Spirit. (Lake Mary: Creation House).
1983 Past Life Visions: A Christian Exploration. (New York: Seabury, 1982).
Chapters in Books
2014 Strangers to Fire: When Tradition Trumps Scripture. Robert Graves, ed. (Tulsa: Harrison House) “Strange Fire as Parody of Jonathan Edwards’ Theology.”
2013 Watching God Work: The Stuff of Miracles. Carolyn Koontz De Arteaga, (Alachua: Bridge-Logos). “Wisdom for Wisdom Teeth” ghost written.
1986 The Church Divided. Robert Wise, ed. (South Plainfield: Bridge). “In Defense of Inner Healing,” “Jesus Teaching on Discernment,” “Errors in the Seduction of Christianity.”
Reviews of the Rev. De Arteaga’s books
Robert Brook, “The Public Prayer Station: Taking Healing Prayer to the Streets and Evangelizing the “Nones,”” Pneuma (Aug 2020).
Jon Ruthven, “Agnes Sanford and Her Companions,” Pneuma Review (Dec. 2015).
Francisco Arriola, “Forgotten Power: The Significance of the Lord’s Supper in Revival,” Pneuma (Fall 2003).
Henry H. Knight III, “Quenching the Spirit,” Pneuma (Feb. 1965).
2023 “Charismatic Leaders Fellowship, 2023” Pneuma Review. Posted June20.
“Eviscerating History: Conspiracy Theories and their Consequences,” Pneuma Review. Posted May 1.
The Trials of Getting a Healing Ministry Established at a Christian University.” Pentecostal Theology, blog posting, June 16.
2022 “The Church’s Wounded Tradition of Exorcism and Deliverance,” Pneuma Review. Posted August 15.
2020 “Donald Trump’s Presidency and False Prophecy,” Pneuma Review, Posted Jan. 14, 2020.
“Marian Devotion and the Coming Second Wave of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal,” Pentecostal Theology, blog posting, April 9.
“The Falls Church Anglican; The Long March to Healing Excellence,” Pneuma Review. Posted, April 21.
“Report Card for the Church: Response to Covid-19 AND How to Do Better,” Pneuma Review. Posted, May 15.
“The Energies of God – From the Jerusalem Syndrome to the Fallings.” Pentecostal Theology. Posted Dec. 21.
“The Present American Crisis and the Sinful Nature of Conspiracy Theories,” Pentecostal Theology, blog. Posted Dec. 26.
2018 “Ancient Poisons: Discernment Heresies of the New Testament,” Pneuma Review, Posted Jan. 18.
2017 “Evangelist of Pentecostalism: The Rufus Mosely Story,” Pneuma Review, Posted Dec 9.
2016 “The Charismatic Renewal.” Pneuma Review, Posted Sept 24.
“Prophecy in the Church: Pathway to Revival,” Pneuma Review, Posted Feb. 18.
“Encouraging Pentecost: Pentecost Sunday,” Pneuma Review, Posted May 19.
“The Christian Seder Meal as Sacrament and Precursor to Romans 11,” Pneuma Review, Posted July 18.
2015 “The Rev. John L. Nevius, “The Holy Spirit Gives a Lesson in Chinese,” Pneuma Review, Posted May 10.
“The Sinfulness and Destructiveness of Conspiracy Theories,” Pneuma Review, Posted June 29.
2014 “Puritanism: A Legacy Disdained by Historians and Sullied by the Devil’s Victory in Salem,” Pneuma Review, Posted June 15.
“Demos Shakarian and His Ecumenical Businessmen,” Pneuma Review, Posted Aug. 4.
“A Charismatic Looks at the Birth of Pentecostalism,” Pneuma Review, Posted Oct. 17.
2006 Introducing Francis and Judith MacNutt,” Pneuma Review, Posted Sept. 21.
“The Wesleyan Revival as Model for the Convergence Movement,” REFLEKS Journal, 5, #1.
2003 “Glenn Clark’s Camps Furthest Out: Schoolhouse of the charismatic renewal,” PNEUMA, 25, #2 (Fall).
1997 “When Heaven Touches Earth: The Holy Spirit, the Sacraments and Revival,” Touchstone 10 (Spring).
1993 “Agnes Sanford, I” Sharing: A Journal of Christian Healing (Jan.)
“Agnes Sanford, II” Sharing: A Journal of Christian Healing (Feb.)
1992 “Pioneers of the Christian Healing Revival,” An eleven part series in Sharing
Nov. “Glenn Clark and the CFO.”
Oct. “Dorothy Kerin: A Medieval Saint in Modern Times.”
Aug. “Sister Aimee.”
Jun. “Pearcy Dearmer: A Priest for All Seasons.”
May “F. W. Puller: A Scribe for the Kingdom.”
Apr. “A. J. Gordon: An Evangelical for Healing.
Mar. “John Nevius: The Holy Spirit Gives a Lesson in Chinese.”
Feb. “Dr. Cullis and the Faith-Cure Movement.”
Jan. “Making Healing Respectable.”
1991 “An Indicator of Inner Healing as Grace: The Fido Factor,” Journal of Christian Healing 13, No. 2, (Summer).
1988 “Evangelism in Little Five Points, The Prayer Station,” New Covenant, (Oct.).
2000 Logos Christian College and Graduate School, Jacksonville, FL., Ph.D. in sacramental and revival studies.
1980-1984 Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Course work towards a Masters of Theological Studies.
1973 Fulbright teacher’s grant to tour and study in India.
1970 University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. M.A. in Latin American history in August of 1970.
1966 Fordham University, Bronx, NY, B.A Latin American History, Spanish literature
2004 Received as an Anglican priest (Province of the Southern Cone) Currently resident in the Anglican Church of North America
2000 Deacon and Priest from the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches
2017-2021 Volunteer healing pastor, Ministry House, Holly Springs GA
2013-2017 Assisting Pastor of healing ministries, Faith Point Church, Holly Springs, GA
2011-2012 Assisting Pastor, City Church, Canton, GA
2010-2019 Christian Freelance writer
2003-2008 Hispanic Pastor, Light of Christ, Marietta, GA, Hispanic Pastor, St. Jude’s Episcopal Church, Marietta GA
1973-2001 Christian freelance writer, with security work as supplement.
1970-1973 Teacher and Social Studies chairperson, Atlanta Public Schools, West Fulton High School
Awards and Scholarships
1993 Fulbright grant for Indian studies
1970 Teaching assistant at the University of Florida
1969 NDEA Title VI in Latin American history
Professional Organizations
2021-present Association of Christian Therapists
2007-present Fellowship of Charismatic Leaders (Formerly: Charismatic Concerns Committee)
2006-present State Chaplain Order of St. Luke the Physician (OSL)
1992-present Conference of Faith and History.
1984-present The Society for Pentecostal Studies
1985-present The International Order of St. Luke the Physician Licensed instructor
Military Service
1967-1969 US Army, 101st Airmobile. Div. Vietnam, civil affairs unit.
Bronze Star, Army Commendation Medal
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