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Renewal Pentecostal Holiness in a Culture of Sexual Harassment and Political Power Abuse
Kellyanne Conway suggested that the White House remains open to Roy Moore’s embattled senate candidacy on Monday when she told Fox & friends that “we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill through” — less than a week after Conway said that “no Senate seat is worth more than a child” in the wake of a series of sexual allegations against Moore.
- Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump a sexual assaulter. He responded with mere insults
- Trump defends Republicans on harassment allegations
- ‘I believe the women,’ Mitch McConnell on Roy Moore allegations
- Collins airs concern about harassment charges against the president
- Joe Biden ‘isn’t closing the door’ on the White House in 2020
- The TED talks empire has been grappling with sexual harassment
- Jeffrey Tambor says he can’t see returning to ‘Transparent’ after sexual harassment allegations
- The sexual-harassment epidemic has been diagnosed. What’s the cure?
- Roy Moore: Alabama voters will ‘see through this charade’ of sexual misconduct claim
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- I’m a feminist. I study rape culture. And I don’t want Al Franken to resign.
- Ohio governor candidate boasts of sexual history
- Homeland Security official resigns after ‘promiscuity’ come to light
- 6 ways this whole Roy Moore saga could end today
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- Kirsten Gillibrand says Bill Clinton should have resigned
- Sessions considering second special counsel to investigate Republican concerns
Two more women describe unwanted overtures by Roy Moore at Alabama mall Senate Republicans repudiate Roy Moore’s candidacy and urge him to leave the race. National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Cory Gardner said Moore should be expelled from the Senate if he wins next month’s election in Alabama.
Varnel Watson
Stan Wayne It sure looks like the goal here is to get POTUS on harassment charges and he is wisely staying away from the topic focusing on elephants and such … instead of talking about the elephant in the room
Ira Huth
Yes you are correct partially, but it is not Trump but the establishment elephants and donkeys. With all due respect and I mean that with all sincerity and humility
Pentecostal holiness and the stand thereof has been greatly be hindered by some in the Body Christ. Hindered by their wrongful human opinions. Hindered by believing the human, worldly, evil demonic elements with hidden agendas. Not relying and trusting on the Holy Spirit AND DOING THE BEST WE CAN LEAVING THE REST UP TO GOD. That is partially how we and I said,we as a Body have caused the mess in America that we are in. With all due respect Brother Troy Day GOD IS IN CONTROL!!
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Varnel Watson
Bro Ira I am happy to be correct even partially (and partially wrong
But did we not sign for Mr. Trump so we can change the establishment? Seems like the Pentecostal churches are becoming more and more like the establishment and a part of it thereafter. How many will still vote for Judge Roy inspite of now 6 or 7 allegations. Is this constituency really for the 10 commandments or hiding its moral failure behind them? What’s the position of hollies the church should take?
Scotty Searan
With due respect to your opinion Troy Day on Roy Moore. Satan is the accuser of Christians. I do not know if Roy Moore is a Christian or not. But the Bible does teach us not to accept the word of one witness
Each accuser is a single accusation with only one witness.
There are multiple accusers but multiple witnesses in this case
Deu 19:15 One witnessshall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be
This has not changed after grace.
Should we expect our leaders to have good morals? YES
But the same applies to President Trump as does Judge Moore.
Multiple accusers with only one witness per accusation
Now if these men did wrong and they are Christians and they have asked and received forgiveness of their sins, are we as Christians to bring up pass sins and judge them by it.
Are we living the THE LORD’S PRAYER?
Christians are to treat people differently than secular society
Varnel Watson
In general investigation theory, they teach that two or more witnesses with the same story establish a pattern … which is in most cases enough to establish the true story. Who knows? I happen to think that the sudden explosion of such stories is actually targeting POTUS at the end. He has has followed similar patterns
Scotty Searan
That would be the secular opinion not God’s. He looks at individual cases not all together.
Varnel Watson
I cannot disagree with that but look at Samson, Solomon’s pattern and where it led them at the end God also looks at the path/patterns of the heart and they usually dont lie Yes hearts can be turned around but for this sin must be first exposed and confessed
Scotty Searan
Yes if a man chooses a sinful lifestyle it does catch up with him. But it was their lifestyle that brought them. But God didn’t take away Solomon’s wisdom nor remove him from his throne because of lifestyle. He was allowed to build the Temple.
Scotty Searan
Where does it say it must be exposed in our take on thinks 20 years plus. God says confess, but to whom. But if you’re not guilty what do you confess to?
Varnel Watson
Stan Wayne Ira Huth Should POTUS be held under the same puritans standards as first American pilgrims did? Is it not most American to demand purity and holiness from or leaders? Sure we did not elect a pastor to lead us last year, but shouldnt the leader of the free world be held at the same puritan standards which were uplifted by the puritans who led us into the free world? What’s up with the double standards again? I thought we elected POTUS that would change the establishment of sin and evil doings in the land. What happened?
Varnel Watson
MarvinandCheryl Ellis John E. Ruffle Does this also have nothing to do with Pentecostal theology? Come on guys, let’s face the music !
Varnel Watson
MarvinandCheryl Ellis Ira Huth Let us discuss this issues here as well Immorality in the highest offices of the church and the nation What should our position be as Pentecostals?
8 Dangerous Leadership Traits That Will Wreck You
1. Immoral character
Varnel Watson
Scotty Searan Sure seems like the attention to all these cases right now targets POTUS at the end
Varnel Watson
its a bad bad deal when you dont