Regardless of whether you believe this is a signs

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Tom Steele |


Regardless of whether you believe this is a signs from God or just a really cool rare event, it is so unique it will be worth watching. It happens Sunday September 27th between 9:00pm and 12:30pm ET. The moon is expected to take on the red tone around 10:00pm. This is a perfect time, as it will be dark enough to fully enjoy it, but not too late for those who have to get up for work Monday morning.


Tom Steele [09/26/2015 8:31 PM]
I have to see how it goes, in my Church, which is truly Pentecostal (World Harvest, Pastor Rod Parsley), I think they are planning some type of thing where we will be able to watch it after service together. Of course, Pastor Rod has been addressing this a lot this year, setting the record straight to all the doom and gloom messages surrounding it. Since the “worst case” scenario would be the rapture of the Church (technically, I guess that would be the best case for those of us who put our faith in God), a good place to be would be in the middle of a Holy Ghost service when it happens. I don’t foresee that happening tomorrow night though. The Bible says that Messiah will come as a thief in the night, and nobody will know the day or hour. It also tells us that the moon will turn to blood BEFORE the day of the Lord, not ON the day of the Lord.

John Kissinger [09/26/2015 10:54 PM]

John Kissinger [09/28/2015 12:47 AM]
it came, we saw it, now what?

Tom Steele [09/28/2015 8:20 AM]
We see what God does!

John Kissinger [09/28/2015 9:46 AM]
true Alan N Carla Smith

Alan N Carla Smith [09/28/2015 9:54 AM]
lol… I didn’t actually see it, too many clouds. now what, you ask… we keep occupying until Christ comes back to get us. That could be TODAY!!! HE comes in an hour that you aren’t expecting HIM.

John Kissinger [09/28/2015 10:21 AM]
slept through the whole thing 🙂

Tom Steele [09/28/2015 10:23 AM]
I was thinking about that this morning, today would be a good day, because all of the people who made this out to be some type of rapture thing would be in a state of ‘let down’ and nobody would be expecting Him today since He didn’t come back last night during the eclipse.


  • Reply September 26, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    I would love to have seen it. Or is it on another Sunday because this Sunday was the 25 th of September. Because that was yesterday. I remember it was the twenty fifth. Because that’s when my birthday was. If it comes on another Sunday , let us know. The Bible says there will be signs in the Heavens.

  • Reply September 26, 2016


    The Bible has already said it is a sin or an abomination. Let’s pray God wake them up out of sleep.

  • Reply September 26, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    You people are the worst to joke I’ve ever seen. Sunday was the 25 th.

  • Reply September 26, 2016

    Charlie Robin

    2015? – September 27th. Here we are 1 yr later Tom Steele

  • Reply September 26, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    Oh I’m sorry this was meant for 2015. I thought you was talking about yesterday. Sunday. I knew it was the 25 th I didn’t notice the year. I don’t know if the twenty fifth was on Sunday or not. I would have to look at an last year calendar. A lot of the time I don’t notice years. But I’m always getting caught in the joke. What I figured this was.

  • Reply September 26, 2016

    Charlie Robin

    Yes 4 Blood Moons in 2015 and yet here we are…

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