Reasons for a Pre-Millennial Second Coming.

Reasons for a Pre-Millennial Second Coming.

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(1) The Antichrist, who is confessed on all sides to be preMillennial, is destroyed with the brightness of Christ’s coming (19:11-21; 2 Thess. 2:8). This fixes His coming as pre-Millennial.

(2) The coming of Christ is “immediately after the tribulation,” Matt. 24:27-31. The tribulation is just before the Millennium, Matt. 24:15-31; Zech. 14.

(3) When Christ comes He will separate the tares from the wheat, but, as the Millennium is after this, He must come before the Millennium, Matt. 13:40-43.

(4) The same conditions existing in the days of Lot and Noah will be existent when Christ comes, Matt. 24:37-51; Luke 17:2237; 2 Tim. 3; 4:1-3; 2 Pet. 3:2-5. These passages certainly are out of harmony with post- Millennialism.

(6) The resurrections prove a pre-Millennial coming, as only the righteous will be raised before the Millennium, for they are to live and reign with Him during the Millennium. The wicked dead will not be raised until after the Millennium (Rev. 20:1-15).

(7) When Christ comes, Satan is to be bound, and since he is to be bound during the Millennium, there can be no Millennium until Christ comes (Rev. 20:1-7).

(8) The Jews will be restored and regathered when Christ comes (Matt. 24:31) and, as they are in a state of restoration during the Millennium, Christ must first come before the Millennium, Ezek. 36:24-28; Isa. 11:10-16.

The time of His second coming to earth, then, is immediately after Daniel’s Seventieth Week and at the beginning of the Millennium (Rev. 19:11-21; Zech. 14; Matt. 24:27-31). It takes place at the beginning of “the day of the Lord” as is clear in all the passages in which this expression is found. The day of the Lord never refers to the rapture, for it does not begin until after that event. Paul does not correct the early Christians for expecting the rapture of the Church but he does for expecting “the day of the Lord,” 1 Thess. 5:1-11; 2 Thess. 2:1-12.


  • Reply July 19, 2023


  • Reply July 19, 2023


    I agree with all of that except for #8 that needs to be expounded upon a little bit.
    Is that referring to a dual covenantalism?

    • Reply July 19, 2023


      where is the resurrection in MT 24?

    • Reply July 19, 2023


      Troy Day that question is irrelevant to this post.

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      Brett Dobbs not @ all IF you cannot find resurrection in MT24 you have nothing to connect it with 1+2Thes and 1 Cor 15 This to mean => NOT the same event as Duane L Burgess John Mushenhouse have already established for Philip Williams Dan Anthony and others — Based on this verse, later Jews affixed Tefillin (תפלין) – small boxes containing biblical texts—to their hands and foreheads. In the Greek New Testament, tefillin are called “phylacteries” (φυλακτήρια; Matt 23:5), and observant Jews wear these ritual adornments during prayer to this day. Thus, from a Jewish perspective, it is immediately clear that the “mark of the beast” takes the place of the divine commands; to accept this mark is to reject the will of God.

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      Troy Day you basically established in a different post yesterday that the one taken and one left passage from Matthew 24:40 is the calling up of the church. If that is what that passage is indeed talking about then that would be the resurrection would it not?

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      Brett Dobbs not really sure what you are talking about here once again. I did not even mention the word CHURCH in my comment but you still go along your common folk tale from amongst left behinders Duane L Burgess and myself have told you no less than a million times MT24 refers to ISRAEL alone – you simply cannot read the Church into it as you wish

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      Troy Day I’m talking about this. I asked where does the Bible talk about being left behind? Left behind by your definition means a pre tribulation resurrection and those left behind must go through the great tribulation. And this is what you said.

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      Troy Day
      Who is this talking about? Who’s being taken and who’s being left?

      Matthew 24:40 (KJV) Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      Troy Day why aren’t you responding? I mentioned this same thing yesterday and you didn’t respond. Is it because your view has a contradiction?

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      sorry Brett Dobbs I’ve lost track with all your pictures and memes. If I see something biblical you say I can respond but this common folk stories are not for me or John Mushenhouse being serious BIBLE students

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      Troy Day I’m sorry to overwhelm you with a simple discussion.

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      Brett Dobbs what discussion would that be? You still cant find ANY resurrection in MT 24 and it has been 6 months or more already

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      Troy Day Matthew 24:40. Is that the resurrection?

    • Reply July 20, 2023


      is it mentioned there or you are making it up once again?

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