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This is the Time for Change ~ Ray E Horton
This is the time for change. We have seen big-name ministries and churches fall, and others rise up. And the shaking isn’t limited to the big ministries. Things in the spirit realm are getting more real than ever before. No more playing church, living business as usual. A new band of believers has been praying in accordance with what God has been revealing, and the new move has begun. His Kingdom is advancing.
As was prophesied in the Bible for the last days, false shepherds have been harming the sheep big time with legalism and law-based religion, and there are shysters out there taking advantage of the flock. Then there are those who would lord it over the flock so that they are the only interpreter of the Word, and there are those who “prophetically” manipulate.
“But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit” (Jude 18-19).
Note that divisions are caused by people who do not have, or are not being led by the Spirit. Jesus prayed for unity, which brings power to His Body, and that unity in the Spirit is happening more and more, not the watered-down ecumenism of everybody agreeing to everything, but the unity of love around the faith of the Gospel.
So many believers have been hurt and turned away by shepherds that don’t know how to, or will not shepherd in love, but hit them over the head with the legalistic, rather than spirit-led application of the Word. Or those shepherds who have the people look up to them, and then, when those leaders fall through sin, the sheep are devastated and scattered.
There are multiple millions who are now embittered with God and the church. That is why the Lord in this day is re-emphasizing the Gospel of Grace through Faith, not of performance and condemnation, and I believe that is a big part of the kick-off of this impending Great Awakening.
Pull them from the fire of sin into the fire of the Holy Spirit…
Not just out of something, but into their destiny.
“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And on some have compassion, making a distinction but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh” (Jude 20-22).
He wants to transform them from wounded sheep to healed, strong and compassionate harvesters to send out into the ripe fields and accurately represent the Kingdom and our good God. They will know not only the joy of walking in the light, but what it was like to walk in darkness, and they will have the great compassion and mercy to speak the truth truly in love to the lost.
And He will use us, as we keep building ourselves up “on [our] most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit” (so important, but often neglected) and we “keep ourselves in the love of God” (that is, recognizing and accepting His love).
That is a key part of my ministry, reconciling hurt believers back to the Lord through prayer and encouragement of the Word. That’s my emphasis, but it is all of our calling, to love the brethren, feed the babies, tend to the wounded and reconcile them back to the Lord.
It’s the N.T. prophetic ministry of encouragement, comfort and exhortation, which we are all called to; not that all are prophets, but we all can and should prophetically bring forth the love of the Lord. “Pursue love, and earnestly desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy” (1 Cor. 14:1).
He is calling us to fan the residual embers of the Spirit, buried far back in their hearts, back into flame as they learn once more who they are in Christ, God’s mercy and favor, and learn again to trust. They felt betrayed. How difficult it is for the human flesh to overcome betrayal and trust again, but through consistent love and encouragement and right portrayal of the Word as to who God is, the Holy Spirit will heal and rise up big in their lives, faith will grow, and they will do exploits for the Kingdom.
The Lord is going to use hearts sensitive to His Spirit big time in this last great move of God. Some will bring forth the healing love of the Lord, others will right wrongs and expose much darkness, and many captives shall be set free. Be open, for the Lord wants to use you.
RichardAnna Boyce
the Lord in this day is re-emphasizing the Gospel of Grace through Faith, not of performance and condemnation….AMEN
Varnel Watson
YES but not Pelagianism one little bit Ray E Horton
RichardAnna Boyce
We who have read the NT know what the standards are: Christ, and the glory of God. It is hard to see how anyone could believe in Pelagius’s views and the NT at the same time.
Many people believe sanctification is not all of God’s grace. Some even teach that we can attain Christian perfection while here on earth. They say we can be totally sanctified on a practical level.