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The Year, 2018 will be an incredible year, the year of the harvest. What you have sown in tears in 2017, you will reap in joy. There will be a harvest of good things, a bounty, abundance, increase, blessings. The fields are ripe for harvest.
It will be a year of birthing quickly, without travail. The barren shall sing and laugh as they embrace a new life.
A year of expansion.
A year of connecting and disconnecting, both of which are of equal importance in your kingdom destiny.
A year of promotion. You will have new assignments, a new level of authority, new expanded territory.
Seed time and harvest time will be the same time. You will still be reaping, when you are sowing.
It is a year of multiplication, duplication, celebration. The dry and parched land shall become a wellspring.
This is a year of fruitfulness. The fruit will come to maturity and have seed within itself.
It is a year of signs, wonders, healings, and deliverance.
It is a year of provision.
A year of open doors that no man can shut.
This is a year of restoration and resurrection power. Dead dreams, lost vision, and lost hope will come to life. Lost destiny purposes shall be found. The dry bones will be revived and stand up.
The holy remnant shall arise from obscurity. The remnant will arise
in light and glory and splendor. They will grow and connect.
Those who have been tried in the fire, will come forth, and the fire will be within to ignite and excite them, as the fire of revival burns and spreads. No more refining and confining, but defining as the Holy and prepared people of God.
The rejected remnant will be sought after.
This year will be a time of shifting and turn around. The called-out remnant will rise to the top, as the prideful and arrogant and haughty will be on the bottom.
This is the year that the sack cloth and ashes are removed. The mourning garments are taken off. The black widow’s garments are cast aside. The days of mourning will be over!
This is the year of the bride in Christ, that will walk down the aisle in glory and splendor, as the people stand, in awe of her beauty. She is no longer a lady in waiting, but exposed as the prepared bride of Christ. All eyes will be on her as she goes to meet the bridegroom who awaits.
In this year, 2018, there will be unusual signs and wonders that are authentic and undeniable. No more embellished testimonies of what God did, for He will do the spectacular.
This is the year of the hidden manna and treasures to be revealed.
This is the year of occupation, possession, ownership, and rulership.
No more deferred hope that makes the heart sick. No more mirages. No more empty wells. No more false hope and broken promises.
This is the year of judgment and justice. Righteousness and holiness will once again reign. This is the year of the return of the Fear of the LORD. God shall arise and scatter His enemies.
Shakers will return.
Mockers and scoffers shall be cast down.
This is the year of hearers of the Word, that will become doers of the WORK.
His is a year of revolution, revelation, revival, restoration, renewal, recovery, and rejoicing. It is a year the return to righteousness, repentance, revival, renewal, and restoration.
This is the year of the miracle multitude of fish, when you cast your net on right side, at the command of the Lord, after a difficult, unproductive, long night of toiling.
This is a year of the renewal of your strength, a year of your breaking out, as a bud blossoms and becomes. This is the year of “becoming!”
This is a year of revelation and revolution, a year of warfare, victory, triumph.
This is a year of possession and shifting of authority. The Hamans will be hung on the gallows they had constructed for Mordecais, who will take that position of authority.
This is a year of restitution. That which has been stolen from you will be restored.
This year the Balaams shall be exposed, and cease to be used against the people of God.
The tables will be overturned in the House of GOD, as the zeal for God’s house removes the money exchangers, the thieves, the sellers, and drives then out of HIS house. Righteousness will reign, and holiness will return to His house. The detestable things will be removed.
The tares will be separate from the wheat. The false prophets will be exposed, and the truth will be KNOWN!
Light will come. The morning will break, after the long night.
The Holy, called-out remnant will rise, shine, and go forth. They will become a great army, and though scattered, come together. The portion of the walls that they built will come together and connect, and there will also be a wall of fire about them, and the glory of GOD within them.
This is a year of a greater depth, height, and breath of His glory of God, for those seeking Him and His Kingdom and righteousness. They shall excel and do great feats for the Lord.
This is the year of remembrance! The Lord will remember your tears, your prayers, your alms, your fasting, your labor of love. He will reward that which you did in secret, openly. Those preserved in the ark, as Noah and his family, will come forth, to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth for the Kingdom of God and His glory. It is a time of RENEWAL and REFRESHING, a new beginning!
This is a year of speed! Fast and furious! Acceleration! Many of you will fly for the first time. The walkers will run. The runners will fly. The flyers will ascend with speed!
The lame will walk. The blind will see. The deaf shall hear. The Lepers cleansed. The prodigals will come home. The backsliders will return. Revival fires will fall!
Those who have trusted in the Lord and waited patiently upon the Him, will not be disappointed. This is their year! This is going to be an INCREDIBLY, AMAZING YEAR! 2018, HERE WE COME!
Jim Price
Might it not also be true that someone reading this will die in 2018 or have a family member die, someone’s business will fail as will some marriages. Some will die in storms and from bullets while others will get debilitating illnesses. At the same time I want to look for and expect those good things in your prophecy.
Street Preacherz
Brother Jim, can I offer this maybe it will help
” For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.”
– 1 Corinthians 13:9,10
I would be curious if any one looked at this prophesy scripturally?
José Dominic
Yes street preacherz, you are right you see many people will see this like it is just a saying, but truly I say it is for those who are spiritually blind.
Street Preacherz
Mr. José Dominic
I would be curious like I said for any scriptural references. It seems like this prophesy is encouraging. I believe that is one biblical measure. Prophecy in both old and new testament were encouraging. Some of God’s people need encouraging. Some have suffered great loss.
Would you be interested in explaining what you mean, “it is for those who are spiritually blind.”
Jim Price
Street Preacherz Just making my prediction based upon what has happened in all the other years that I have lived.
Street Preacherz
Yes Mr Jim Price
I say this in all good humor but it’s hardly a prediction to say some one will die. Maybe I should have separated my remarks. Sorry…
José Dominic
Yes indeed the prophecy is encouraging.
But you see what I meant by those who are spiritually blind, is that when such prophecy or words are said or made only those are strong in the spirit will go and pray over it, but those who are not spiritually strong will just say that they hope that it will come to pass. Okay look, when someone needs something what does he or she do,(ANSWER) the person will go on his or her kneels praying and asking GOD to do it.
So when such prophecy is made only those who are carnally minded will over look it, but those who are not carnal will go and pray over it asking that the will of GOD should be done in the next year.
BUT please don’t get me wrong by thinking that am saying that what Mr Jim price said was bad.
Though what he said was right many people might loose their lifes, so in such cases we should pray over such thing that we should not be a victim.
Varnel Watson
Jim Price Is that your prophecy for 2018?
Jim Price
No prophecy needed to predict what I wrote above.
Street Preacherz
“Yes indeed the prophecy is encouraging.
But you see what I meant by those who are spiritually blind, is that when such prophecy or words are said or made only those are strong in the spirit will go and pray over it, but those who are not spiritually strong will just say that they hope that it will come to pass. Okay look, when someone needs something what does he or she do,(ANSWER) the person will go on his or her kneels praying and asking GOD to do it.
So when such prophecy is made only those who are carnally minded will over look it, but those who are not carnal will go and pray over it asking that the will of GOD should be done in the next year.
BUT please don’t get me wrong by thinking that am saying that what Mr Jim price said was bad.
Though what he said was right many people might loose their lifes, so in such cases we should pray over such thing that we should not be a victim.” – Jose Dominic
Thank you that seems like a very reasonable and measured response.
Street Preacherz
Mr Jose Dominic I hope that you will understand placing this conversation under the post itself.
I have read the prophesy a few times already. I think the inspiration component is good. I don’t it’s meant as a sermon. Still some of the scriptures alluded to could be considered?
Matthew 13:30 “Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.”
But there are really to many to consider. I can accept it at face value. I think there is an old saying, “from your mouth to God’s ear” meaning I hope and pray that you are right.
Street Preacherz
Mr. Troy Day this may be one of the most dynamic prophesies I have seen. Quite a lot of biblical knowledge and experience demonstrated. It mentions flying with speed. It certainly does flys very quickly.
How would you recommend a novice approach it.
Particularly the giving birth without travailing portion.
Varnel Watson
Jim Price What is your prophetic word for 2018 then?
Street Preacherz
I predict the greatest, most wonderful loss of all time. That men do die and die willingly, and die daily, and surrender to Jesus Christ! To follow him and do his will!
Varnel Watson
What about our AoG: revival or regret in 2018?