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Prophetic Scripture and the Dark Reign of the Antichrist
and the Coming Millennial Reign
The Introduction
Text: Titus 2:13, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our
Savior, Jesus Christ..”
Today I believe the most exciting moment in modern history is soon to transpire. The Lord Jesus is going to
return to this earth as He promised. This fulfillment is our blessed hope. Hope is not simply a wish or desire as some would use the term. Hope is a powerful word that is rooted in faith. The Greek word for hope is
e as some would use the term. Hope is a powerful word that is rooted in faith. The Greek word for hope is
“Elpis”, N‘hich indicates an expectancy of fulfillment or completion. As believers in Jesus Christ, we do not merely wish for the Lord to return with uncertainty. We believe Jesus is coming, and we are expecting Him
merely wish for the Lord to return with uncertainty. We believe Jesus is coming, and we are expecting Him
to return at any time!
After Jesus was resurrected, He met with the disciples and gave them His final instructions for the church.
He commissioned them to go into the entire world and proclaim His gospel. He promised the power of the
Holy Spirit so they could be His witnesses.
After these words, suddenly Jesus ascended into heaven on a cloud of glory. As the disciples gazed up to
watch their Lord disappear before their eyes, two angels appeared and delivered a message from God: “Now
when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of
their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them
in white apparel, who also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus,
who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.'” Acts
- The Blessed Hope of the Harvest:
- This promise became one of the key motivational factors in the disciple’s urgent response to the
Great Commission.
- They were compelled to proclaim the message of Christ to the world because the Lord had
promised to return. The urgency the disciples felt concerning Jesus return is the very same
urgency weineed today to reach the harvest fields of the world! The return of Jesus is close now
than ever before. This may sound like a fairy tale to many skeptics, but for the faithful children
of God, it is a resounding alarm to prepare for the Lord’s return to earth.
- Today, we need to reaffirm our belief in the soon return of Jesus Christ. When the church is not
filled with expectancy of the Lord’s return, people become spiritually lethargic and begin to lose
heart as their faith dwindles. If a church loses its passion for the return of Jesus, it also may lose
its passion for winning souls to Jesus Christ. However, when the church is filled with fervency
for the Lord’s return, ministries blossom and souls are born again into the Kingdom of God. A
passion for the Lord’s return can be the fuel for evangelism and missions.
IL The Last of the Last Days:
- We as the church, the true believers have long realized that we are living in the “last days”
because of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 that was characterized as a sign of the
time in Acts 2:17-21. However, the times we live in could be referred to as the ‘Last of the Last
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