Prophesied World Orders and Red China: Part 2 :: By Wilfred Hahn

Prophesied World Orders and Red China: Part 2 :: By Wilfred Hahn

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We must acknowledge that a geopolitical rivalry is playing out. In fact, it may already be far too late to throttle China. The aggressive actions of Western nations against China in recent years are themselves a sign that China is, in fact, making large strides. This writer believes that China will continue to gather strength. That will have major repercussions for the world … particularly for America. Yet, according to this writer’s interpretations of the Bible, China will not become a great hegemon. It will not be one of the last-day ten heads (mentioned or portrayed 10 times in the Bible). In fact, nor will America be part of the ten-nation coalition that rises out of the Roman beast.

Citizens of Western nations seem to wantonly behave like individualists who demand their rights to the inconvenience of others. Such societies have become carnivorous … everyone looking for personal gratification and gain. Growing imbalanced wealth distribution is one such malodorous symptom.

Just who are the primary adversaries of the stances that the Chinese government is taking? Those that measure everything in terms of profits and wealth accumulation.

In the meantime, China’s government refuses to be subjugated by capital holders … or held hostage to Wall Street and its money-driven lobbies.

A Bipolar World: Who Will Prevail?

There today is a fast-growing counterweight to the United States globally: It is China. This country has already made advances in global influence. Will its rise continue? Where will the growing geopolitical rivalry between the United States and China lead? Will China leap-frog America … or not?

As we have already intimated, the Bible provides a partial answer.

Unlike America, the Bible does specifically mention China in the last days by name. It is identified as “Sinim.”

Consider this prophetic verse: “Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim” (Isaiah 49:12, KJV). This verse refers to the time of restoring Israel after the Tribulation period. At that time, the Jews are gathered to the land of Israel.

Just what and where is Sinim?

Most sources agree that “Sinim refers to the far eastern region of China today.”1 Things related to China are still referred to as “Sino.” For example, the word “sinology” means the study of China. Sinim is likely the most eastern nation mentioned in the Bible.

In the Arabic language today, China is still referred to as “Sin.” The word “Sin” likely comes from the word Ch’in (or Tsin), as in the Ch’in Dynasty which ruled China between 221 and 206 BC, or some other word derivation from before that time. The word “Sinim” in Hebrew would, therefore, simply be the plural form of “Sin.”

Returning to the quoted verse (Isaiah 49:12), we can deduce from Isaiah’s words, written some 2,700 years ago, that Sinim (China) will most certainly exist in the last days and will carry into the following Millennial period. Isaiah here speaks of the nations that will recognize Israel and worship the Lord.

Moreover, we can also reasonably deduce that China must be a substantial entity at that time since this nation is actually named in the prophecy. Also, instead of naming the “east,” the prophet simply assumes that this is the direction of Sinim.

What about the “kings of the east” that are mentioned in Revelation 16:12? What role might they have? Will China be counted in this group? This verse reads: “The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.”

This event occurs in the second half of the Tribulation Period. As a result, the “kings of the east” head west across the Euphrates. We can only speculate as to what their motives may be.

We must then turn to this crucial question: Will China play a significant geopolitical role in the last days, perhaps even being a key member of a final world order? The answer, we believe, is both yes and no. Yes, in our opinion, China (and some other select Asian nations) will play a prominent role in the last-day geopolitical developments mentioned in Revelation 16:12 (quoted above). An aggressive action of some kind seems to be suggested.

While that may be the case, the Bible at the same time also rules out any role for China in the post-globalism, minilateralism period of a “10-king” ruling order.

How can we be sure of this view? Scripture reveals the answer.

Revelation 17:12 supports an important deduction. It reads: “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast.” Just how does this verse connect to China and some other Asian countries today?

The verse we have quoted from Revelation specifically refers to these last-day 10 kings and reveals a crucial clue. John the Revelator tells us here that these 10 kings “have not yet received a kingdom.” This means that neither the kings nor their kingdoms referred to in this verse had yet existed, either at or by the time that Apostle John wrote Revelation (approx. 90—95 AD).

As such, we can draw some clear conclusions from Revelation 17:12. Any nation today that existed at or prior to the time of John’s prophecy cannot qualify as one of the 10 final kings … in other words, one of the final influential 10 nations.

If we apply this rule, it reveals that such nations as China, India, Persia (Iran), and others will not be part of the final, 10-king, world power coalition. Why? Because they had already had kingdoms by the time of John’s prophecies.

Consider that China already existed in New Testament times. According to historians, the Han Dynasty, a predecessor to modern-day China, was in power at the time of John’s prophecies.

The same may be concluded for the nation of Japan today. As already mentioned, the nation of “Hodu” (India) had already existed, as the Book of Esther confirms in 1:1 and 8:9. Crucially, therefore, we discover here that none of these large and influential Asian nations will be part of the last-day rulership represented by the 10-king coalition.

Points to Ponder

What light could the perspectives shared above possibly shed upon our times today?

Beyond the certainty that these nations will not be part of the world ruling order at the time the Antichrist takes over global control, we can only attempt a few additional speculative conclusions.

A scenario that appears plausible is that the formation of the final 10 kings may very well be a counter-strategy to the perceived threats or non-aligned perspectives of other global players … these very possibly being the “kings of the east” who are growing in power before the 10-king coalition emerges.

There is no doubt that China is strategically placed geographically, allowing it to become a naval and economic power that can control and coordinate much of Asia. A number of geographers and geo-strategists have long thought this to be the case. As it happens, China today has sharply increased its naval capabilities.

As mentioned, we can deduce that China will not qualify as one of the 10 horns on the head of the 7th Ruler King. It will not be part of the world-ruling 10 kings. Nor is it likely to gain total global dominance.

Finally, what would these conclusions mean for the outcome of the China/America rivalry that we see today? Nearly always, interpretations of Bible prophecy are colored or biased by recency. Events or trends of our time tend to be read into the prophetic Scriptures. As such, the reader beware.

It seems reasonable to conclude that if both China and America do not qualify to be part of the world’s last power structure, the China/American rivalry will move to backstage geopolitically at some late point. What could be the triggers? We do not know. However, this is a very short period (the time that the 7th head emerges).

For the time being, combative postures may continue … aggressive actions may yet escalate. Time will tell. However, as we have shown in Part 1, propaganda obfuscates the facts. China may or may not be less or more virtuous than America or Canada.

In the meantime, the supposedly “big, bad Red China” is turning “green,” undertaking incredibly huge renewable energy projects. This is another initiative that China is pursuing that few—blinded by their hatred of China—acknowledge. We quote from an essay by Nathan Gardels in Noema:

“China already dominates key domains of the renewable energy future. ‘Factories in China manufacture three-quarters of the world’s EV batteries, and China has 90% market share for processing the rare earth elements so important to those batteries. BYD [a large automobile and battery conglomerate] is an apex predator in an ecosystem designed to allow it to flourish, from the gleaming minerals in the dirt to the batteries to the cars that silently glide down the highway back to Shenzhen. You can look into any of the numerous energies called renewable, from pumped hydro to experiments with fusion or thorium nuclear reactors, and you’ll discover that the state-funding model has given Chinese companies an imposing lead. China is substantially ahead of the rest of the world in wind power generation as well.”2

A wonderful conclusion to our discussion about China is the message of Isaiah (49:12, as quoted earlier). Despite the distrust and different values that the two nations may have, in the end, China will acknowledge Jesus Christ and enter the Millennial period.


Wilfred J. Hahn is a global economist/strategist. Formerly a top-ranked global analyst, research director for a major Wall Street investment bank, and head of Canada’s largest global investment operation, his writings focus on the endtime roles of money, economics and globalization. He has been quoted around the world and his writings reproduced in numerous other publications and languages. His 2002 book The Endtime Money Snare: How to Live Free accurately anticipated and prepared its readers for the Global Financial Crisis. A following book, Global Financial Apocalypse Prophesied: Preserving True Riches in an Age of Deception and Trouble, looks further into the prophetic future.

If you have questions or other perspectives, you can contact Wilfred at: Please note that for reasons of volume and investment securities regulation, he cannot give financial advice.

1 James H. Strong, Exhaustive Concordance, p. 5515: “Sinim is a distant Oriental region.”

2 “Red China’s Green Lining,” Noema, Oct 29, 2022.


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