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To Reach Unsaved Christians, First Help Them Get Lost
Unsaved Christians—Thoughts on Sin, Hell and Following Jesus in an Unsaved Condition
There is a glorious salvation to be had, and the enemy has tainted powerful, life-giving theologies in an attempt to counterfeit them—and draw people away from the one true God. God’s passion is for people to be wildly in love with him, and that is what the enemy is afraid of. Instead of radical intimacy and passionate obedience, people are falling for a lesser false-doctrine that communicates God’s apparent affirmation of them and affection for them—and it is resulting in a faux closeness to him for millions of “Christians.”
Our salvation is glorious and it is also weighty. We can’t presume upon it or take it lightly. I suggest it’s possible that most people who are convinced of their position in Christ would actually be in Hell if they died today. I will share some convincing and powerful stories that speak directly to further down in the article. People like Corrie Ten Boom, John Mulinde and Daniel Ekechukwu have a perspective that few others do.
The concept of unsaved Christians seems contradictory. I understand that. A Christian is a follower of Jesus. I am suggesting that there are many followers of Jesus, many who name the name of Christ, who are living their lives following him in an unsaved condition.
Religious but Not Saved
It is well documented that those who claim no religious affiliation are on the rise. Between 2007 and 2014, this group jumped from 16.1 to 22.8 percent of the American population. This coincides with a decline in people identifying as Christian, although there is reason to believe this is really just a refinement process and not a sign of bleeding in the actual Christian demographic. As the social costs of Christianity increase, those with only nominal belief are falling away. According to a study of US adults, 80 percent of those polled believe in God, but only 56 percent believe in God as described in the Bible.
Considering the fact that approximately 70 percent of the US population still identifies as Christian, we have a large group of people that would likely be overlooked in outreach or missions. With this in mind, I believe cultural Christianity is the most underrated mission field in America. While there is evidence that nominal Christianity is declining on its own, it is of utmost importance that we minister to those on the fence, in hopes that they may end up within the fold and not without.
Consider the petitions Jesus gave as an example in Matthew 7:21–23 in our modern context. I believe his examples would translate to our era like this:
- Didn’t we say grace before dinner?
- Didn’t we vote our values?
- Didn’t we believe prayer should be allowed in school?
- Didn’t we go to church?
- Didn’t we believe in God?
- Didn’t we get misty eyes when we heard “God Bless America” at a baseball game?
- Didn’t we give money to the church?
- Didn’t we own Bibles?
- Didn’t we want America to return to its Christian roots?
- Didn’t we stay married and faithful?
The term self-righteousness often comes with a connotation of superiority or rigid legalism. And while those might be results of self-righteousness, the root of self-righteousness is the belief that your works justify you before God. Many people function as if they don’t need saving, but that doesn’t change the reality that God has given only one mediator and one atonement with no exception clause.
Conversing with Cultural Christians
Here are some tips to remember when establishing a starting point in a spiritual conversation with a cultural Christian.
• Many cultural Christians claim to revere the Bible. So feel free to refer to it as the authority on all things sooner than you might if talking to someone of another faith. You have a wide open door to use the Bible as your point of reasoning with people who already claim to believe it is a sacred text. Many of them have church affiliations that don’t use the Bible much, so it is likely that they have no idea what the Bible they claim to believe actually says.
• Lovingly ask frustrating questions. “What is the standard for good?” “How good is good enough?” “How many more good deeds do you need to have than bad?” “Who doesn’t make it to heaven?” Ask these questions to uncover their source of authority for their stated beliefs. Most cultural Christians won’t be able to answer these questions. The point of this is not to mock them or embarrass them. It’s to establish a starting point of what God has told us about himself, our sin, and the solution found in Jesus Christ.
• Ask about the Ten Commandments. There’s a good chance they can name some of them. Ask how they’ve done in keeping them and if there is any consequence for breaking them. If not, why did God give them to us?
• Cultural Christians claim a belief in Jesus Christ. They also believe he died on the cross. If good people go to heaven, why did Jesus die? Is anything more confusing than a Savior dying for people who really didn’t need saving?
Louise Cummings
It’s the Lost you preach to, that needs to be saved. Christians are already saved.
Philip Williams
There is a church in Dawsonville GA that is enjoying an extended revival through services of water baptism. That suggests Christians acknowledging that they need saving from this world of sin that now engulfs the churches. God appears to be showing his approval. The revival is in it’s 72 week or something. Crowds wait outside for the doors to open. The place holds more than 1000.
Philip Williams
The Jews in the days of John the Baptist presumed they were already saved. Today’s Christianity would seem to reflect that.
Philip Williams
Jesus spoke of the word of God being planted in various soil. Some received the word gladly but fell away due to testing or else choked by the cares of this world.
Louise Cummings
A lot of people get Baptized more than once. That’s ok. Because they might feel they Have gotten Luke warm. Or strayed away from God , like they once were. You should get back closer to God. And be Baptized again. That’s , I feel is ok.
Philip Williams
Not a one time encounter but dead to this present world and alive to Christ before we can say that we are truly saved.
Louise Cummings
Many people get baptized more than once. The Bible said in one place , Go and do your first works over. I can’t remember just the setting , of why it was said. I’ll have to look it up. But it sounds like if you have strayed.
Louise Cummings
It’s explained in the Bible , it’s like we have died with Christ. Buried With Him , in Baptism, raised up With Him , in Newness Of life. It’s an answer of a good conscience toward God and man.
Robert Erwine
this page gets more ridiculous each day .
RichardAnna Boyce
“He who believes in Me has everlasting life.” (John 6:47)
That means…
Eternal life is unending life which can’t be lost.
All who have eternal life will live forever in God’s kingdom.
No one who has come to faith in Christ will ever go to hell.
Once you believe in Christ, your eternal destiny in God’s kingdom is guaranteed.
Eternal life is also the life of God. John refers to Jesus Christ Himself as eternal life. Thus a person who has eternal life has God’s life, the Holy Spirit of Jesus within him.
God said that the new believer has eternal life–from that very first moment of faith.
Thus a brand-new believer has God’s life, which is unending and full of potential.
When a believer is led astray by false teachers saying God does not guarantee eternal life from a one time belief/regeneration/born again exchange; then of course the new believer will have no assurance and be in danger of becoming an ‘unbelieving believer.’
Mitchell Effie Catron
Hell is being everyone goes to heaven..even the the path there is broad..probably so we can see it and avoid it.
Varnel Watson
NOT TOO SURE how its done Joe Absher Charles Page Now to the actual stats Daniel J Hesse I believe there are MANY Christians in name only And YES I will admit even among Pentecostals Philip Williams They are Religious but Not Saved
It is well documented that those who claim no religious affiliation are on the rise. Between 2007 and 2014, this group jumped from 16.1 to 22.8 percent of the American population. This coincides with a decline in people identifying as Christian, although there is reason to believe this is really just a refinement process and not a sign of bleeding in the actual Christian demographic. As the social costs of Christianity increase, those with only nominal belief are falling away. According to a study of US adults, 80 percent of those polled believe in God, but only 56 percent believe in God as described in the Bible.
Joe Absher
The light of heaven has to shine down in that soul.
Daniel J Hesse
A god? Vs. The Only Wise God?
Varnel Watson
Daniel J Hesse they believe something to that extend and worship likewise – mostly to fill up the stats
Ray E Horton
There are many cultural Christians who have not put their trust in Jesus and are not saved.
Philip Williams
Pentecostals should not be preaching the heresy of Eternal Security!
Varnel Watson
TRUE – Pentecostals DO not preach Eternal Security!
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams the claim that the church will go heaven ONLY when heaven comes here is a Catholic teaching
adopted by NAR theologians to prove we live in the Millenium right now – false teaching disproved by Angel Ruiz
The worst part is disproves there is an actual physical heaven right now AS William DeArteaga said in the morning Paul went there SO there must be 3 heavens John went there too in the Revelation
Philip Williams
Troy Day
‘physical Heaven’ as opposed to ‘the physical heavens’ is an oxymoron. Like God, Heaven is a totally spiritual place.
Paul refers to Heaven created by Jesus’s ascension as Third Heaven. The first heaven is the atmosphere. The second heaven is the stars, sun, moon.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams I am NOT sure to be honest If there is NO heaven there is NO hope – Paul says it Now to the actual preaching how is it done in Catholic church where most believers are but cultural ones?
Philip Williams
Troy Day there is definitely Heaven!
Isara Mo
Blessed are you for bringing this up.
Varnel Watson
Daniel J Hesse Philip Williams I wish major Pentecostal denominations ALSO put in their stats people who have been saved more than once 2-3-10 times We used to have in our reporting system RESTORED for it seems that instead of preaching to the unreached in America we more often preach to the ones who have been saved but fell off the wagon Michael Ellis Carter Jr. and will do it again – waste of time babysitting the flesh while the world is dying ;
Philip Williams
Troy Day These are not mutually contradictory. In fact the more authentic prophetic correction and repentance, the more will our light shine.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams but its kind of a waste of time
Philip Williams
Troy Day What needs to happen first is fellowship with those outside our narrow sectarian circles.
It is joy that attracts new believers. And joy comes from suffering for Jesus.
Varnel Watson
in what way this works with X believers ?
Daniel J Hesse
How would this work? I can empathize w/pastors and the challenge of feeling useless regarding numbers.
Gary Micheal Epping
An unsaved Christian is an oxymoron.
Varnel Watson
I agree with Gary Micheal Epping unsaved Christian is an oxymoron but it has become the NEW name for many who attend church as cultural Christians only Philip Williams has seen many such even nationally in the Catholic church We have had some in the group observing them in Orthodox nations BUT now these spirit has come to America taking over protestant evangelicals And there will more of them left behind in the Tribulation What else do we call evangelicals who become such ONLY during voting? Nelson Banuchi
Philip Williams
Troy Day The problem is the unsaved pastors, what the Great Awakening referred to as the unsaved ministry.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams I dont disagree with that but why are THEY the problem? Who trained them to be such? Why paid them over $1000 weekly salary to teach the churches non-sense? Who enabled them to operate under the church?
Philip Williams
Troy Day due to going to seminary to learn that the Bible isn’t true. That is the core problem of the church today.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams ahaha well Catholicism has contributed that much to theological scholasticism BTW you seem to have never been into a Pentecostal seminary and are missing the Link Take just one semester and it will change your perspective In my time I was accepted in both Biola and Marymount but never went there so I dont say much about first hand education experience with them
Philip Williams
Troy Day I base that on the published work of the theological faculty. Like NT Wright, they think they know more about Genesis than Jesus.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams yes the Catholic church thinks that You are not mistaken there – and much more
Philip Williams
Troy Day so long as the evangelicals and Pentecostals leave science unchallenged, the problem will only grow!
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams We have not left it Read on
The general presbytery of the Assemblies of God (AG) denomination, in session August 9–11, 2010, adopted a revised statement on “The Doctrine of Creation.” Here is an excerpt from the official AG position paper, that opens the door to evolution and millions of years, and the various compromise positions on Genesis held by some in the church (such as gap theory, day age, progressive creation, theistic evolution, etc):
For reference purposes, here are the two official AG position papers:
Philip Williams
Troy Day you need to test your link via iPhone. I do want to read.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams Works fine – read on
Philip Williams
Troy Day
I will read carefully. My friend Ken Ham sees the problem but his “solution” only muddies the problem. And his reading of Genesis 1 isn’t contextual. God’s days aren’t exactly our days. No duration specified either in Genesis 1 or Exodus 20.
Varnel Watson
Ham took a cheap shot at AG to boost his blog He did so by putting a target on his back Our AG do not take such open confrontations lightly NOW all AG constituency around the world will be urged to stop answer-gen as unfriendly and it will be the end of actually useful net source
Varnel Watson
BTW Philip Williams the problem is NOT pastors Unsaved pastors dont preach to no body They tell stories and cheap talk – no real TRUTH preaching Again back to OP unsaved Christians coming to church every Sunday once a month – how do we deal with them?
Philip Williams
Troy Day they have no place to go that preaches truth. But they attend for the sake of their children.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams Well not a bad points BUT at the end the children fall off grace once done with high school and/or college and parents keep church seats warm and paying preachers to tickle their fattened ears with talk show series straight from the Bible with some worldly twist in them