Pre-wrath rapture? It’s basically, just another fake-news theology

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Pre-wrath rapture? It’s basically, just another fake-news theology

Pre-wrath rapture?
It’s basically, just another
fake-news theology

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Pre-wrath rapture? It’s basically, just another fake-news theology


  • Reply October 16, 2018


    looks like a major division in the pos-trib camp and rightfully so When one pseudo-theology like pre-wrath is bad and unBiblical many others spring out of it

  • Reply October 16, 2018


    The rapture occurs at the parousia.

  • Reply October 17, 2018


    Amen. Because Christians are not appointed to wrath.

  • Reply October 17, 2018


    Gary Micheal Epping I believe pre-wrath theory is just another modern day heresy I welcome everyone to believe whatever they want of course as long as is the Bible If people wanna stay behind and enjoy the Tribulation wrath of God along with this dead world so be it Dont know if Melvin Harter or Alan Smith would agree with that but so be it according to everyone’s faith

    As to OP I do not see how Link Hudson and Ricky Grimsley will combine their opposite ideas IMO pre-wrath being possible except if its supporters accept pre-Trib – it is the same time of thinking – escape from the wrath As for post-Trib there is a great chance its Calvinistic roots and very reform thinking could fit the more baptist background people who subscribe to those covenant theology ideas I for one do not subscribe to such #bapticostal theology and still stick for classical Pentecostalism
    I wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now,
    I’ve got to make it to Heaven somehow.
    Though the devil tempts and tries to turn me around – it will be virtually impossible for left-behind post-Tribbers to realize this till it hits them

  • Reply October 17, 2018


    Link Hudson what point on ISIS dodging again? Pls repost here in away that we can actually see your point!

  • Reply October 18, 2018


    You know I get very tired reading competing theologies, where people don’t budge an inch, and are not open to learning something new, but only want to protect a position. Everything stays the same. About as useless as breasts on a boar hog.

  • Reply October 18, 2018


    Is that how you really feel. What came along that you heard that made you come to that conclusion. You don’t need to budge an inch on Gods Word. The Lord, in the Old Testament. Opened up the ground and swallowed up a lot of people. Got fussing and gripping against what Moses was teaching. And grumbling against Moses. The ground opened up. And they went under. It’s not important because I said it. But it’s very important if God said it. And it should make you want to pray and ask God. Are they really right. If not show me the real truth. And you should ask God for a hunger for Him. And His Word. And would You give me understanding of Your Word. And you always have the opportunity to not read it. But I would be afraid to not try to understand. Use the plain Word Of God. It never changes. And is always right.

  • Reply October 18, 2018


    Gary I can understand how you can see grandma as competing theologian She dismantled Links week long of arguments with one single sentence 🙂 Be like grandma! Be a competing theologian 🙂

  • Reply October 19, 2018


    The person who conceived the “Pre-Wrath” view of the Rapture was a man named Robert Van Kampen (1938-1999). Van Kampen became one of America’s richest men through his involvement in investment banking. During his lifetime he accumulated one of the largest private collections of rare and antique Bibles in North America. In the 1970’s Van Kampen began developing the “Pre- Wrath” concept of the timing of the Rapture. Once he had completed his work on the concept, he started trying to find a well known person in the field of Bible prophecy to endorse his new view. That person finally turned out to be Marvin Rosenthal

    I object to the 3/4 Trib Rapture because it violates the chronology of the book of Revelation. The sequence of events that is pictured in the book of Revelation clearly places both the Seal Judgments and the Trumpet Judgments in the first half of the 70th Week of Daniel. And the Bowl Judgments are clearly contained within Daniel’s 70th Week, near its end. The 3/4 Trib view scrambles all this. The Seal Judgments are continued over into the second half of the 7 year period, the Trumpet Judgments are moved from the first half to the end of the second half, etc Ricky Grimsley

  • Reply October 19, 2018


    I had never heard of that before. I don’t know what he means partial Rapture 3/4 I have never heard anything like that. It just came to me yesterday about the wrath the Bible was speaking of , I believe was talking about the Tribulation wrath. Because I was thinking of the Scripture , where it said. All who live Godly in ChristJesus, shall suffer percussion. That’s why I thought about that. Thanks for telling us about that Bible. I wonder if anyone veered believed in it. Or was it pretty much like other Bibles.

  • Reply October 19, 2018


    yes 3/4 rapture is truly unheard of Ricky Grimsley

  • Reply October 23, 2018


    I’m ready today.

  • Reply October 24, 2018


    I was born again ready

  • Reply October 24, 2018


    Read some more. I cpan’t seem to get you to to understand. Ask the Lord to open your understanding b

  • Reply October 24, 2018


    I think I was talking to the Link Hudson. And really the other guy. I can’t think of his name. I forgot to hit post. But not talking to you and Bro Terry Wiles. He seems so happy, every time he writes anything. I believe they are ready. You Bro Troy Day too. I wasn’t referring to y’all. I have got to start to remember to hit post. Then it would go in it’s correct place.

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