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15 Nov (Wed). – Meet friends in Atlanta, fly to Amsterdam where we change planes, and then fly to Kigali, Rwanda. We land there the evening of 16 Nov (Thur). I’ll be staying in a hotel but don’t have any info on it.
17-19 Nov (Fri – Sun) – Get settled. Possibly preach on Sunday.
20-23 Nov (Mon – Thur). Training pastors
24 Nov (Friday) – Drive from Kigali to Kasese, Uganda. From what I can tell, the trip is about 200 miles, likely on bad roads. Prayers appreciated, including our border crossing into Uganda.
25 – 26 Nov (Fri – Sat) – Weekend. Get settled. Possibly preach on Sunday.
27 -30 Nov (Mon – Thur). Training pastors
1 Dec (Fri) – Drive from Kasese to Entebbe. From what I can tell, trip is about 250 miles, likely on bad roads.
1 Dec (Fri) – Leave Entebbe at 11:30 pm to fly home. I fly from Entebbe to Amsterdam to Atlanta to San Antonio.
2 Dec (Sat) – Arrive home about 8:00 pm.
chichiiprince lubomir
plz pray for our minister
And for conviction for his back slides wife ; she is coming back full conviction
he would continue strong in Word of God
he would have wisdom in all he do
his health strong and indefatiguable stamina
Gods provision and blessing for Oleg his family and our church
protection for Oleg from every direction
Gods direction and guidance for Oleg his family and ministry
thank you
YES PLS Michael Chauncey Link Hudson Neil Steven Lawrence
Kigali is a modernizing city. The president Kigame has made it very strict in how the country is developing. He doesn’t want any “Kiosk“ churches. He also wants all the ministers to be properly trained & educated. 
After the genocide, the Catholic Church lost a lot of face and influence in the country because they participated with the murderers to help round up people, and have them killed even in their churches. 
Most of the missionaries who have gone through the memorial to the genocide, have been tremendously impacted. If I went there, I would definitely try to go to it. 
I have been to Kassese Uganda.  That is where the music Director for our gospel team. David Tumusiime was born and raised.  30 km north of there in the town of Hima, Uganda is where I lost my eyesight while doing a gospel crusade 6 August 2011. 
Neil Steven Lawrence yes this is ALL true but YET GOD…
Neil Steven Lawrence some members of the Catholic clergy participated in this but not all. Pope Francis as well as other bishops apologized for any involvement in this crime.
Tony Schneider of course, that doesn’t mean all Catholic clergy participated in the evil acts, but enough did that the entire church was blamed. The country of France, which is their colonial relation, also apparently knew about the genocide plans, and did nothing to warn them. They are also shunned by the leadership of Rwanda. If I’m not mistaken they switch the language to learn in school from French to English because of that as well. 
Neil Steven Lawrence interesting. Did not know about the language switch.
Troy Day yep ONLY Overcomers in heaven!
Troy Day those who wrote the Spiritual “We [I] shall overcome…some day” believed they would overcome the world, sin, and Satan while still in the flesh. If some could overcome in John’s day, why not today!
Neil Steven Lawrence
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”Galatians 2:20
Philip Williams agreed. Everyone who enters heaven by default is an Overcomer. 
Neil Steven Lawrence Troy Day will have to enter via purgatory! As one escaping through the fire!
Philip Williams did you tell them to post that NOT all Catholic clergy participated in the evil acts? There is a lot going on under this post that is NOT missions
Troy Day the Baptist Bill Clinton was also much responsible!
Whose going to Africa… so I know who to pray for? Troy?
I should post asking for prayer for an India crusade. I’ve been doing pastor’s meetings online, and the same two preachers want to put me on a screen for a gospel crusade from the 18th and 20th. They are hoping to draw a couple of thousand people. I’ve done maybe one evangelistic-themed meeting, but I’ve been having a burning desire and have been praying about doing that sort of ministry for many months, maybe a year now. So please pray for me too. Pray for them to be able to raise funds. Sorry to hijack the thread. Maybe I’ll make my own.