In 1960, as a young teenager, “The Twilight Zone” was one of the TV programs that I truly enjoyed. Sometimes the programs would have intense themes, but not nearly to the degree as some of the junk today. In season 1, episode 28, the theme was “The Other Place.” The main characters were played by […]
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Michael Hazlewood
IN Jesus Name – WHY – Because it is the only name we can call on for anything thig that Almighty God can and will acknowledge ; Only that which is done for Christ will last , There is no other name given among men under Heaver by which we can be save – 1Peter 3:21 , Eph. 4:4-6 , Col. 2:19 , Phil. 2:19 Rev. 1:8 KJB only in sincerity would you consult these Scriptures for The Truth and not to deny them for Religious Pride sake
Varnel Watson
you were funny now you starting to amuse me – what other name is to pray in except Jesus? You dont think other Christians pray in the name of Mohamed now do you? Or do you hold some monopoly on Jesus name only?
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day This is an ignorant dumb reply , uneducated response
Varnel Watson
Michael Hazlewood Really? And for this reason you decided to resort to name calling? Why dont you actually engage in a theological discussion if you real answers instead ?
Varnel Watson
Kelly Crites I believe you posted this video the other day What is your take on the actual prayer not the whole event?
Kelly Crites
Troy Day I thought David Platt did an excellent job in his prayer for Trump. It was a prayer that the Lord lead our president in righteousness and goodness. In my opinion it was the exact type of praying that we should all be praying for our president daily.
Varnel Watson
Kelly Crites would you say it was a pre planed prayer or surprised on the spot? Platt apologized for praying it
Kelly Crites
Troy Day he apologized? Why?
Varnel Watson
I saw a video which claimed that on youtube I did not watch it for the details – just the title It was a private video maybe Link Hudson has seen it too during his webcast
Varnel Watson
Kelly Crites it as ALL fake news it was fake news again