Please Lord a little shaking. Not to much. Just enough. Save your people with a mighty deliverence. Your name is glorious. Glorify your name. Jesus name. In all the earth. In little humble Venezuela and big proud America. We need you God…
Lord grant your people wisdom strength courage. Raise up some God fearing leaders. People that aren’t ashamed to call on God. Please Lord send help. Lord of hosts. Our great Jehovah Sabaoth. Almighty God. In Jesus name…
Yes may God have mercy on us and help us. Help the good people of Venezuela.
He is Jehovah Nissi. The Lord our Banner. Lord we need a fly over just now….
in Jesus name.
What difference would it make if the KGB had supported liberation theology? The implied answer, however, is that this would be proof that liberation theology is bad. But it is important to remember that, in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s 1984 Instruction on Certain Aspects of Theology of Liberation, perhaps the central error of “certain forms of liberation theology” is this:
The only true consciousness, then, is the partisan consciousness. It is clear that the concept of truth itself is in question here, and it is totally subverted: there is no truth, they pretend, except in and through the partisan praxis (VIII.4). David Rollings
LET US pray for the people of Venezuela. Ever since they voted down a 17 year old communist government. The Army and security forces are highly politicized and it is entirely possible that a coup will develop to prevent the elected parliamentary majority from being effective. Communism does a lot of damage to the spiritual fabric of nations, so the people of Venezuela need our prayers to assist their healing and reconstruction process.
Angel Ruiz could this be another NAR related Kingdom-now post-mil move by the Catholic church?
We HAVE discussed with David Rollings before that By the 60s the KGB and its DS2-6/Shtazi branches in other block countries figured out they cannot win against the church. This was the time the KGB institutes in Wienna and East Berlin were designing a global strategy to export socialist/Marxist revolution models to 3rd world countries, much like in nowadays was the Arab Spring. You may also remember the Cuban missile crises – a direct result and actually a success of the said strategy. A part of the “rev.expo-rt” they called it, were religious models that could control the church and to use its influence toward marxi-fication of the intelligentsia. In Eastern Europe this was done with trained government agents posted as priests and pastors within many congregation. Secret dossiers proving this are just now becoming public. ( Ilya Okhotnikov can attest to that ) In Latin countries where the Catholic church ( John Ruffle ) had historic influence KGB used theological trends – the social gospel being just one of them. Ion Mihai Pacepa had not a small role in this For example, the Cuban Church was never weak but its strength was used in the wrong direction until recently. It will now experience sudden revival for 2-3 years until they put another hold on it, much like it was done in Eastern Europe in 1990-93 All this said presuming you’ve read GUTIERREZ’S BOOK A THEOLOGY OF LIBERATION, right?
Why do you keep posting about this ridiculous notion that the KGB invented Liberation Theology, Please do not name me again when you link to these silly conspiracy theories
227 William DeArteaga, Quenching the Spirit: Examining Opposition to the Moving of the Holy Spirit (Lake Creation House, 1992). 300 pp. $14.99, hardback. Centuries…
Street Preacherz
Street Preacherz
Are you from there. are you meaning the upcoming Constitutional vote and possible sanctions. I know they are under great duress. How best to pray?
Varnel Watson
Street Preacherz
Street Preacherz
Yes praying… mirror of Poland?
Street Preacherz
God is really big! He hears too…
Aleckson Marcos
Street Preacherz
If you look up maybe you’ll see His feet. Pure like gold. Like bronze in the fire.
Street Preacherz
He loves his people.
Street Preacherz
Please Lord a little shaking. Not to much. Just enough. Save your people with a mighty deliverence. Your name is glorious. Glorify your name. Jesus name. In all the earth. In little humble Venezuela and big proud America. We need you God…
Street Preacherz
Lord grant your people wisdom strength courage. Raise up some God fearing leaders. People that aren’t ashamed to call on God. Please Lord send help. Lord of hosts. Our great Jehovah Sabaoth. Almighty God. In Jesus name…
Aleckson Marcos
God, have mercy of Venezuelans people. Give power your church and set free that people!
Street Preacherz
Jesus de libertad!!!
Varnel Watson
Well now Dan Irving Terry Wiles Liberation theology “develops as the Latin American response to [the Council],” said Father Pedro Trigo, Venezuela’s most important liberation theologian. … “It was the birth of the Latin American church.
Varnel Watson
Still #praying
Street Preacherz
Yes may God have mercy on us and help us. Help the good people of Venezuela.
He is Jehovah Nissi. The Lord our Banner. Lord we need a fly over just now….
in Jesus name.
Varnel Watson
Terry Wiles Dan Irving Results from Russian invented liberation theology?
What difference would it make if the KGB had supported liberation theology? The implied answer, however, is that this would be proof that liberation theology is bad. But it is important to remember that, in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s 1984 Instruction on Certain Aspects of Theology of Liberation, perhaps the central error of “certain forms of liberation theology” is this:
The only true consciousness, then, is the partisan consciousness. It is clear that the concept of truth itself is in question here, and it is totally subverted: there is no truth, they pretend, except in and through the partisan praxis (VIII.4). David Rollings
Varnel Watson
LET US pray for the people of Venezuela. Ever since they voted down a 17 year old communist government. The Army and security forces are highly politicized and it is entirely possible that a coup will develop to prevent the elected parliamentary majority from being effective. Communism does a lot of damage to the spiritual fabric of nations, so the people of Venezuela need our prayers to assist their healing and reconstruction process.
Angel Ruiz could this be another NAR related Kingdom-now post-mil move by the Catholic church?
We HAVE discussed with David Rollings before that By the 60s the KGB and its DS2-6/Shtazi branches in other block countries figured out they cannot win against the church. This was the time the KGB institutes in Wienna and East Berlin were designing a global strategy to export socialist/Marxist revolution models to 3rd world countries, much like in nowadays was the Arab Spring. You may also remember the Cuban missile crises – a direct result and actually a success of the said strategy. A part of the “rev.expo-rt” they called it, were religious models that could control the church and to use its influence toward marxi-fication of the intelligentsia. In Eastern Europe this was done with trained government agents posted as priests and pastors within many congregation. Secret dossiers proving this are just now becoming public. ( Ilya Okhotnikov can attest to that ) In Latin countries where the Catholic church ( John Ruffle ) had historic influence KGB used theological trends – the social gospel being just one of them. Ion Mihai Pacepa had not a small role in this For example, the Cuban Church was never weak but its strength was used in the wrong direction until recently. It will now experience sudden revival for 2-3 years until they put another hold on it, much like it was done in Eastern Europe in 1990-93 All this said presuming you’ve read GUTIERREZ’S BOOK A THEOLOGY OF LIBERATION, right?
David Rollings
Why do you keep posting about this ridiculous notion that the KGB invented Liberation Theology, Please do not name me again when you link to these silly conspiracy theories
Varnel Watson
David Rollings because they still use it for Latin American revolutions – are you not watching the news?
David Rollings
Troy Day I watch the BBc news channel everyday. I know whats going on in Venezuela but that has nothing to do with Liberation Theology.l
Varnel Watson
did they not report that WAGNER – the Russian mercenary army secured the president of Venezuela today?
Denny Branham