Marc Jackson |
National Association of Evangelicals, which did not criticize Trump but released a statement demanding Congress pass legislation similar to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Meanwhile, evangelical advisers to the president—who reportedly lobbied to save DACA— |
Ira Huth | |
Marc Jackson |
evangelical advisers to the president—who reportedly lobbied to save DACA??? Who is on the board anyway? is Jentezen really still on it? |
Ira Huth |
Think Progress connected and ties to Nancy Pelosi, Huffington Post, Washington Post, LGTB, Environment . Just what a Pentecostal conservative wants to portray. Along with CAR and some other Liberal Christians, I say some because I’m not sure about all of them. READ THE Wikipedia link under the history category. |
Marc Jackson |
oops Megachurch pastor Jentezen Franklin, a member of President Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory council, slammed Trump’s recent comments about immigration after the president reportedly called nations like Haiti and El Salvador “I don’t agree with what the president said this week. It was wrong what he said. I say that respectfully. There’s no nations that are trash and I’m putting it kind what he said. There’s no people in those nations that are worthless and trash,” Franklin said as his congregation applauded near the end of his sermon.[Franklin’s comments on Trump begin at 38:40 mark in video below] |
Ira Huth |
Whatever Brother Troy Day I’m not talking about Pastor Jentezen I’m talking about Think progress’s agenda and organizations that support them. When I get a chance I will listen to Pastor Franklin in its entirety, just to make sure nothing is taken out of context and or is vague. I might agree with Brother Franklin or I might disagree, the same for Dr. Tim Hill or whatever fellow Brother in the Lord, but they still are Christians and deserve my respect. I never put anyone or any Doctrine, or any opinion on a so called pedestal. Only the Trinity. I never said our President is perfect and correct all the time, I have never said I personally agree with him on everything. But I’m like Dr. Michael Brown he does a lot of good and I still support him. I’m like what Pastor Franklin who said in his message recently to the COG Body about others in the Body of Christ, ” you can choose the Fish and spit out the bones”. We are all members of the Body.I don’t have bias opinions and I certainly don’t believe everything that is posted on the Internet, and I certainly check my sources for truthful facts without a agenda that contradicts with propaganda 1.) Scriptural Kingdom Godly principles 2.) Goes against conservative American moral principles and our Constitutional freedoms. |
Marc Jackson |
Dr. Michael BrownDr. Tim HillDr. Samuel Rodriguezall highly respected and influential spiritual leaders within the Pentecostal movement have taken a stand to restore the moral standard and stand against racism and bigotry in the highest circles of American government. They are now joined by the Rev. Jentezen Franklin, a member of President Donald Trump’s evangelical advisory council who also took a solid Christian stand of love and morality in his Sunday sermon. While many questioned his presence in the so called evangelical advisory council in recent months (which was present at some of the talks), Franklin has now shown no political partiality trough personal valor of highest integrity Ricky Grimsley Would you please post the original link of Dr.Brown’s statement for the ones who doubt its authenticity. It has been questioned that what you posted here was his words or not |
Marc Jackson |
Here is Dr. Brown’s statement foe whoever doubted him actually saying it…/status/951625414706892801 |
Nelson Banuchi |
Here’s what I posted on Dr. Brown’s twitter: “Why ask someone to be careful about something you are not sure was said? My apologies, but imo if one is to be respectfully corrected, one should not assume that person did what call for correction; they should *know*…”I don’t understand why he would add “assuming” it’s true what Trump said. If you ask me, they are always implicitly giving him a “Moral Mullugin” even when they say otherwise… |
Marc Jackson |
Well Nelson the thing is that they are sure what he said. Franklin is sure too. It is becoming evident they were in some of the said meetings too. And BTW the 4 republicans that said he did not say it were sitting way too far to hear clearly  |
Nelson Banuchi |
Troy Day: “they are sure what he said.”That’s my point! I believe Dr. Brown knew it was true so why add to his tweet, “assuming the report about your statement on certain immigrant countries is true”?He should have left that put of his correction; it’s like giving Trump space to say, “I didn’t say that.” |
Marc Jackson |
No I think Franklin was there. He had more comments after what he said in his Sunday morning sermon on a local TV station He also shared with other spiritual leaders who came up with their own open statements but after Joseph Kidwell may be right that the board is a joke |
Joseph Kidwell |
Paula Jones being on it sure does not lend one ounce of credibility to the board. |
Ricky Grimsley |
People should never doubt what i post. Lol |
Marc Jackson |
I think it was more what AskDrBrown posted being avid Trump supporter. But things are shifting. More and more Christians are realizing they are being toyed with by secular politics. When are finally have true Holy Ghost power in politics? Dan Irving This is as much as I stretch to kingdom-now theology Bob Wizenhut This is just my opinion of course BUT Last night’s association of DACA dreamers with MS13 was uncalled for. Finding a common enemy is understood but come on… Walter Polasik Nelson Banuchi |
Nelson Banuchi |
One of the problems, I think, is that opposing sides may be talking past each other, both assuming division is necessarily evidence of lasking or not loving each other; and, so perhaps, believers are on the bandwagon to accuse the Church (which may exclude themselves, by implication) of not being loving.Both sides may need to recognize and take responsibility for each others’ fears and/or hurts, or whatever it is that is causing the division, and learn to work it out as we carry each other’s burdens.I don’t know exactly what needs to be done or what exactly is the problem, but *listening* may be a good place to start.What do you guys think? |
Marc Jackson |
the 4 Republicans just tried to explain it away – they simply were napping and not paying attention |
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce Mike Partyka what is your Christian response to this article here? As for the evangelicals I have repeatedly pointed out that such morality is NOT Christian It should NOT be accepted lightly and should not be treated as this is our ONLY choice because it is NOT I again draw the similar points with the Russian collusion in case you have forgotten or disregarded them ::
Kushner had contacts about WikiLeaks, Russian overtures he did not disclose
Jeff Sessions just threw a wet blanket on President Trump’s Russia dossier conspiracy theory
White House divided over scope, risks of Russia probe
Trump says Putin sincere in denial of Russian meddling
Election officials move closer to placing new rules on Facebook and Google
“God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains,” Sean Parker said in the interview published Thursday.
Collapse of German coalition talks deals Merkel blow, raises suspects of new elections
Facebook’s first president, on Facebook: ‘God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains’
rump blasts critics on Russia as ‘haters and fools’; calls North Korean leader ‘short and fat’
FCC just repealed a 42-year-old rule blocking broadcast media
‘Any Russians?’: Sessions pokes fun at fervor over Kremlin
Rising alarm in Britain over Russian meddling in Brexit vote
Russia is using a video game to ‘prove’ the U.S. is letting ISIS flee Syria
After Russian meddling, Google and Facebook shift their stance on a crucial issue for voters
AT&T and the Justice Department are at odds
TV stations are about to track you and sell targeted ads, just like Google and Facebook
Varnel Watson
Jim Price Mike Partyka what is yalls Christian direction for understanding this poll article – also coming from a preacher? I. “You Don’t Want to Live With Them Either”
The Justice Department’s 1973 lawsuit against Trump Management Company focused on 39 properties in New York City. The government alleged that employees were directed to tell African American lease applicants that there were no open apartments. Company policy, according to an employee quoted in court documents, was to rent only to “Jews and executives.”
II. “Bring Back the Death Penalty”
The so-called Central Park Five were a group of black and Latino teens who were accused—wrongly—of raping a white woman in Central Park on April 19, 1989. Donald Trump took out full-page ads in all four major New York newspapers to argue that perpetrators of crimes such as this one “should be forced to suffer” and “be executed.”
III. “They Don’t Look Like Indians to Me”
In the early 1990s, Trump attempted to block the building of new casinos in Connecticut and New York that could cut into his casino operations in Atlantic City. (All of Trump’s casinos eventually went into bankruptcy.) In October 1993, Trump appeared before the House Subcommittee on Native American Affairs of the Committee on Natural Resources.
IV. “Our Very Vicious World”
In the summer of 2005, Donald Trump had an idea: What if the next season of his reality-TV show, The Apprentice, pitted “a team of successful African Americans versus a team of successful whites”? Trump thought the format would be a sort of social commentary—“reflective of our very vicious world.” The concept never made it to air, but Trump’s treatment of black contestants on his show generated controversy.
V. “He Doesn’t Have a Birth Certificate”
“Our current president came out of nowhere, came out of nowhere … The people who went to school with him—they never saw him; they don’t know who he is.” That statement, made at the February 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference, marked the launch of Donald Trump’s public efforts to sow doubt about whether President Barack Obama had been born in the United States. “Birtherism” had been festering for several years before Trump embraced it—supplanting other proponents and becoming its most prominent advocate. In March, on The View, Trump called on Obama to show his birth certificate. In April, he said that he had dispatched a team of investigators to Hawaii to search for Obama’s birth records.
VI. “Go Back to Their Huts”
In office, Donald Trump followed through on his promise to curb immigration from majority-Muslim countries. He created a commission to investigate voter fraud (virtually nonexistent, according to state election officials), claiming that he would have won the popular vote but for millions of ballots cast by people in the U.S. illegally. He shut down the government for 35 days in an attempt to secure funding for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. He reportedly referred to African countries as “shithole” nations—asking why the U.S. can’t have more immigrants from Norway instead—and complained that, after seeing America, immigrants from Nigeria would never “go back to their huts.” The administration favored victims of Hurricane Harvey, which hit Houston, over those of Hurricane Maria, which hit Puerto Rico, sending three times as many workers to Houston and approving 23 times as much money for individual assistance within the first nine days after each hurricane.@nelson banuchi
Varnel Watson
Joshua Helms I call your bluff on questioning political authority Would you question the Kim guy of North Korea or just take him for granted as a normal man and wait until he pushes the red nuclear button? What about a communistic regime?
Joshua Helms
Troy Day I never said not to question actions of governing authorities or to make a stand for what is right. And Scripture is clear about the Word of God coming first, as in if any authority commands you to do something against the Word of God, then the Word comes first, not the instruction of man. However, with that said, unless the leader is requiring that you personally do something against the Word of God, then you are still called to obey and follow. Changes to authority can be made, but as long as God has granted an individual a position of authority, then those under that authority figure are called to live in obedience according to the Word of God. If you feel differently then I would call your bluff on trying to follow the truth of the Word because for Scripture to give such a clear command, I find it hard to believe that you can claim that you know better than God, because that’s what your claiming when you try to not only twist my words when I was quoting Scripture in context as well as you attempting to promote Scripture to others within the scope of your own opinion. That is not how Scripture should ever to be used since it is inerrant since it is breathed out by God Himself. And I believe that any person who is in a position to share Biblical truth should not only understand the responsibility but the consequences of attempting to lead others astray. I was not putting my own opinion in my comment because I too find it hard to come to terms with many situations we see in leadership in this world. But I know what is in Scripture; not only what is there, but what is there in context. I wasn’t giving an opinion, I was presenting the Word, so if you’re trying to “call my bluff” then you’re trying to call the bluff of God. I’m not perfect by any means, and if I was merely giving an opinion, then there would absolutely be room for discussion. But if you’re attempting to “discredit” what I said when what I said was Scripture, then I believe this conversation has concluded.
Varnel Watson
Joshua Helms I never said you ever said either I simply asked a question When was last you prayed for Kim from N Korea?
Joshua Helms
Troy Day today actually and it was what you said.
Varnel Watson
Joshua Helms not true – where did I said anything like that – I simply asked you a questions Pls re-read Here are they again
Would you question the Kim guy of North Korea or just take him for granted as a normal man and wait until he pushes the red nuclear button? What about a communistic regime?
Jim Price
Troy: Thank you for putting this up and it is unfortunately true.I have followed Trump since he was a young man. But in the end all this won’t matter. I Sam. 8:5 & 19 ” now make us a king… like all other nations.” It is not just Trump but the people, 61 million got who they wanted. They want a leader who is mean and vicious and they despise candidates who have compassion for the sick, the young and the poor. Even if a good candidate from either party were to win, the powers that be would block every effort to derail anyone who wanted to bring about gentleness and fairness. We have entered into a new dark age.
Varnel Watson
I am here to say that your wisdom of age is most probably right on this one BUT who is to listen? Nelson Banuchi
Varnel Watson
AB Robertson Robert Erwine how come you did not say nothing to the 2 articles posted under this OP?
Robert Erwine
Troy Day do I need to post trump is Satan’s thrall at every turn? Figure it out for yourselves already!
Varnel Watson
Robert Erwine I was actually looking for comments on the actual articles as they are quite interesting
Varnel Watson
I would imagine a lot of Republican congressmen, senators, and governors would not want to get into the race against a sitting Republican president with a decent approval rating in the party.
But what if the Democrats are able to pull off something with this impeachment business? If there are no good candidates running for the Republican nomination… look at who is running on the Democrat said? Would we want any of them to be president? Shouldn’t the Republican Party talk some decent candidate into running just for risk management purposes?
Who would be a decent candidate to run if the Democrats are able to turn enough of the country against Trump to win the election? He just got in there by the skin of his teeth last time. Who knows what will happen this time?
Would this be a good time for either Cruz or Rubio (but not both) to run? Please don’t say Carson. I like a lot of things about him, but his answer of finding someone people who know what they are doing to help him with stuff he doesn’t know doesn’t inspire much voter confidence.