Police Raid Church’s Drive-In Service with $500 Tickets for every member

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Police Raid Church’s Drive-In Service, Issue $500 Tickets to Entire Congregation The U.S. Constitution is under assault, not from a deadly virus, but by leftist lawmakers who want to silence people of faith and shut down their church houses. Our Founding Fathers fought a war over that kind of aggression.

Police in Greenville, Mississippi raided the parking lot of Temple Baptist Church during a drive-in prayer service and issued $500 fines to everyone in attendance – including many elderly congregants. Pastor Arthur Scott told the Todd Starnes Radio Show that he was astonished by the actions of the police department and the mayor’s office.

“One of the police officers said the mayor wanted to make an example of our church,” the pastor said. “I told them to get some more tickets ready because we will be preaching Sunday morning and Sunday night.”

But Mayor Errick Simmons and the city council that banned churches from hosting drive-in services.

The City of Greenville put in place an Executive Order that orders all church buildings closed for in person and drive in church services, until the State of Mississippi’s Shelter In Place Executive Order No. 1466 is lifted by Governor Tate Reeves. Churches are strongly encouraged to hold services via Facebook Live, Zoom, Free Conference Call, and any and all other social media, streaming, and telephonic platforms,” the order read. Scott, who has pastored the small church for 45 years, said that most of the congregation is elderly and they don’t have access to smartphones.

So church leaders decided to rig up a radio frequency where congregants could sit in their cars and listen as the pastor delivered the message from the pulpit. In other words, the church was in compliance with social distancing rules. “The police officer said I might go to jail,” the elderly pastor said on the radio show. “If it means going to jail and if it takes that for me to keep preaching, I’ll be glad to go to jail.” The pastor said as many as 25 cars were in the parking lot for the service and everyone was ticketed.

Video shows police officers disrupting the service by knocking on the doors of every car. Church members were ordered to turn over their driver’s licenses. They were then issued a fine and a court summons. “I just can’t believe it,” the pastor told me. “I tried to talk to the mayor. I’ve been here 45 years and I’ve never been to the city council. I’ve never complained. I’ve never stirred up a stink. But I told him I’m going to fight them on this.”

What’s really disturbing is that this happened in Mississippi, not New York City or San Francisco. This happened in the buckle of the Bible Belt. The mayor and the city council should be removed from office. Any police officer who stepped foot on church property should be fired. And the governor of the state of Mississippi should personally pardon any church member convicted of violating the emergency order.



  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    ALL right Neil Steven Lawrence William DeArteaga NO arrests per se like it was said in NY BUT everyone got a $500 ticket for going to church in America mind you under TRUMP Nelson Banuchi

  • Reply April 9, 2020


    If you can’t go beyond the curtain and interpret everything as it should be ie spiritually then you will eventually end up where the devil wants everyone to believe: that all that is happening a natural thing..a natural occurrence.
    It is NOT….

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Steve Vocque

    if there in there cars and spaced 6 feet apart they have no right to do this

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      brother this is MS – you dont have cars except if they are 6ft wide 🙂 and the only rolled driver side windows

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Steve Vocque

    Jay Davis something to thank about

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      whos Jay Davis

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Steve Vocque

      Troy Day I was trying to send this to my pastor cuz there doing the same thing I’m out on the road hauling food to dc’s and stores

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Steve Vocque yall having drive in church too?

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Steve Vocque

      Troy Day they are they order some kind of thing where u can sit in ur car and here it on ur car radio it’s with another church and we also have fb church

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Ray E Horton

    Absolutely ridiculous! The church would definitely win in court. The Governor should intervene. I hope people make an uproar over this.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      I wouldnt bet my last $500 on that to tell ya

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    I think Jon Sellers had opinion on this as well

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Shannel Taylor

    That’s ridiculous! Waste of tax dollars to say the least…

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      but it did happen in MS and is true

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Shannel Taylor

      Troy Day true… praying…

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Dan Brent

    What a stupid incident! Think about this too. Asking people to roll their windows down and touching everyone’s licenses in the process was actually promoting a possible spread. What do they think is going to happen if folks stay in their cars?

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    I wouldnt call the 1st amendment stupid Dan Brent

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Dan Brent

      Troy Day: Huh? I’m talking about the police giving these people tickets.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Dan Brent

      I thought that part was stupid.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Dan Brent they were under orders by the mayor and the sheriff What are the officers to do ? And on the video they have gloves masks and 6feet apart

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Dan Brent

      Dude… Then whoever ordered them to do that, whoever made that decision, is the one being stupid.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Dan Brent

      It was a needless incident to call the law on these folks. People should’ve been able to go to the parking lot and listen to their pastor on the radio. There was no danger to anyone’s health, all I’m saying.

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Dan Brent dude? A little bit respect will not hurt here Sir. Ppls did not listen on the radio though they could freely NOT the point here They went to make a point and were fined Ppl are tired of their rights being taken away

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Dan Brent

      Troy Day: I just think you’re being hostile towards me here, maybe because you misunderstood what I’m saying. There’s some hostility towards me on this thread that I’m not understanding. I’m on your side here, my man. Dude isn’t meant to be disrespectful. It’s more like saying brother, friend.

    • Reply April 12, 2020

      James Michael Sanders

      Dan Brent I heard your points loud and clear brother ?

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    WOW Daniel J Hesse Dan Brent I read Douglas Foster
    telling it this way ·

    20 police officers showed up to a church in Greenville MS to harass the King James Bible Baptist Church. Officer said no one has Constitutional rights
    YES WE ARE IN MARTIAL LAW over a manufactured crisis made up by the globalists and pushed by the media. Listen everyone and listen good. We are under attack from within. Our rights come from God and not government. The church has got to start speaking up and refuse to bow because if we don’t we are going to wake up without any rights and our liberties will be gone.

    I tried to post him the link of our groups article and FB didnt let me Said something about repetitive religious content WOW just WOW

    now GO home and keep all laws Peter Vandever Ray E Horton

    • Reply April 9, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Douglas Foster thanks for joining I was just sharing your version of the story Its a MESS out there

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day maybe it was the KJV Bible they didn’t like…?

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Peter Vandever when Douglas Foster said We are under attack from within. – I do believe there a LOT of pastors there scared for dear life and they should be BUT there are many more allowing to be use by this govt. media frenzy and shutting churches down

    MORE and MORE this week though I see pastors calling for peaceful disobedience IT IS EASTER after all Joe Absher

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Joe Absher

      Matthew 25:40 KJV — And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

      Priceless: that look on the dope man’s face when he says your the whiteman and you tell them “hey I’m blacker than you are.” but the homeless sister is already in the back of the ambulance safely on the way to the hospital . and just don’t care about the opinions of men any more

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      no prpblems in Frisko I guess

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day you’ve heard the phrase, “it’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission.” Though this is not scriptural it might work for Easter Sunday.

      On another thought maybe being deprived of several Sundays including Easter Sunday is the type of wake up call God wants to give the spiritual leaders of the land.

      The way I see it (as an evangelist/teacher/missionary) model the church is operating on is too weak. why are pastors considered the primary leader. Look at the temperament of many pastors, the overall focus of pastoral ministry, and the end result.

      How would you describe a pastor these days: as a general or a medic; as a tank or a bunker; as an aircraft carrier (sending out the most powerful arsenal in the military) or as a supply ship?

      My premise is that the church for years has been building hospitals but not armies!

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      William Swain

      Neil Steven Lawrence
      Building bank accounts is all i see

      Commitment to christ, holiness, evangelizing, deliverance from worldly life styles, and true brotherly love and discipleship is lacking in my experience in churches i have visited and spent a quantity of time with.
      But the constant message of tithing and the passing of the offering plate is stronger than ever.
      Used car salesmen preachers are in abundance today.
      May this time out from God bring repentance and commitment to what he wants from the body of christ.

  • Reply April 9, 2020

    Bo Luke


  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    ha – PLEASE STAND UP – this must be prophetic Peter Vandever I just wrote a pls stand up article and was fixing to publish – HMMM Where you stand on this Poppy Thompson

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Neil Steven Lawrence

    We ain’t supposed to have a crisis to make us stand up… we supposed to stand up all the time for Jesus! What’s wrong with the church… asleep at the wheel!

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    and yet here we are in the crises and aint no body standing up but 2-3 churches and thats it Neil Steven Lawrence

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day Hyperbole!

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Neil Steven Lawrence you think? NAME more churches that still have regular church services in the US

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day I don’t know which are meeting now, but it would be cool if ALL would in-mass perform live Easter with all who felt like attending. (Now I come out of my dream). It doesn’t bother me that individual congregations have been temporarily postponed from meeting, until this epidemic passes. What bothers me is how many congregations are not envisioning an on-line presence and parking lot ministry. Also, why doesn’t the church proclaim the gospel outside the 4 walls. What happened to open-air ministry?

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Neil Steven Lawrence where is this comment by William Swain

    Building bank accounts is all i see

    Commitment to christ, holiness, evangelizing, deliverance from worldly life styles, and true brotherly love and discipleship is lacking in my experience in churches i have visited and spent a quantity of time with.
    But the constant message of tithing and the passing of the offering plate is stronger than ever.
    Used car salesmen preachers are in abundance today.
    May this time out from God bring repentance and commitment to what he wants from the body of christ.

    Peter Vandever said essentially the same thing

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      “Used car salesmen preachers are in abundance today.” Comforting babes in Christ – is perhaps a more gentle (or sarcastic) way of saying the same thing. Where is the sacrifice, where is the willingness to die, where is the Kingdom with a King, where is the army of God & soldiers for Christ, where is the “fire shut up in my bones”, where is the weeping for the lost, where is the beholding the harvest which is white, where is the following the commission of: “Go into all the world….”??????? If the NFL played ball like the church, the score would be like soccer! 1-0, 2-2, 1-1, 0-0?

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Al A Brown

    Well I guess their dumb asses should have listened to Mayor and council. If they choose to ignore edict then they deserve what they get.

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Joe Absher

    Romans 3:26 KJV — To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

    the biggest problem is fear . it is a reasonable fear . I don’t fault anyone . especially those concerned for their families and loved ones . of course we need courage and faith . but for some the risk is too great . for some giving to fear is not an option . if you look at history some must live and carry on and some must die . death is the final deliverance and i say are you worthy of death . isn’t that our aim to live for him in life and in death . that we walk worthy of him .

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Joe Absher

      What scares me the most is laundry . who knows whats growing in there ?

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Joe Absher

    “Some want to live within the sound. Of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop, Within a yard of hell.”
    – C.T. Studd

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    IDK the details but this is FOR REAL folks

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Jon Sellers

    Clearly, this ticketing is an abuse of power and reflects very poor judgment on the part of the police.
    People in cars are practicing social distancing. Church participation should be considered an essential service as much as grocery or other shopping.
    Way too many states have instituted draconian and irrational policies out of fear and a misunderstanding of how viruses spread.
    Better sense and wisdom is needed.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jon Sellers they are UNDER order by the mayor What can the officers do to prevent this IYO?

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Jon Sellers

      Need to see the actual wording of the order. Maybe it needs to be changed. Do Mayor’s have the right to overturn the Constitution???

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Jon Sellers

      Trump didn’t order this. It was the local Mayor interpreting the Governor’s order in a stupid way.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day Lynch the mayor? Just kidding, but the mayor should be impeached.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Ray E Horton These days the word impeach has become boring; like Little red riding Hood, the wolf is coming and no one cares!

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Neil Steven Lawrence funny at first, but actually sad.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ray E Horton Neil Steven Lawrence pls bot note this is during the Term of Trump – nor Clinton nor Obama would have dared and I dont even like them much Nelson Banuchi

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Nelson Banuchi

      Is it against the Constitution to stop churches from having meetings during such a pandemic where people’s lives can be endangered?

      Is freedom of speech violated when someone yells fire in a movie theatre?

      Does it violate religious freedom to practice his religion according to his conscience for the government to take a sick child away from parents who, for religious reasons, do not believe in giving their child the needed blood transfusion in order to prevent his death?

      If the above two examples are not violations of our Constitutional religious freedoms, why is telling churches not to meet for religious services during the pandemic for the sake of protecting lives, especially when (a) it is only temporary, and (b) present technology allows us to meet after a fashion.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Nelson Banuchi Agreed with point A and B

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Jon Sellers

      Nelson Banuchi If you are free to drive in your car how is staying in your car for a drive in service any greater risk?
      This mayor exceeded the order of the Governor.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Jon Sellers agreed. Drive-in church used to be a thing in the 70s. But now it’s necessary for a time.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Nelson Banuchi

      Jon Sellers it’s going into the church building that’s the problem

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Nelson Banuchi

      Neil Steven Lawrence I wouldn’t be against drive in churches, as long as people stay in their cars or 6 feet away from each other, also wearing some kind of mask, face/nose covering.

    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Nelson Banuchi dont kill the messenger

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Jon Sellers Neil Steven Lawrence ticketing is enforced by local Sheriff under the circumstances

    the ORDER came from the mayor

    the first amendment is from the Constitution

    I have found LIBERTY FIRST to be 1 page MOST relative – not sure about being it most accurate

    First Liberty Institute Demands Mississippi Mayor to Stop Targeting CDC “Drive-In” Churchgoers

    First Liberty Institute Demands Mississippi Mayor to Stop Targeting CDC “Drive-In” Churchgoers
    Mayor’s policy singles out religious gathering in a manner inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution, state and federal law

    Greenville, MS—First Liberty Institute today sent a letter to Greenville, Mississippi Mayor Errick Simmons urging him to withdraw an order that targets churches holding CDC compliant drive-in services during the COVID-19 pandemic. First Liberty represents Pastor Charleston Hamilton and King James Bible Baptist Church (“KJBBC”) in Greenville.

    You can read First Liberty’s letter here.

    “Protecting religious liberty is essential, even during a pandemic,” said Jeremy Dys, Special Counsel for Litigation and Communications at First Liberty. “Americans can tolerate a lot, if it means demonstrating love for their fellow man, but they will not—nor should not—tolerate churchgoers being ticketed by the police for following CDC guidelines at church. This has to stop now.”


    • Reply April 10, 2020

      Neil Steven Lawrence

      Troy Day I agree with the idea of a drive in church and I applaud it. The mayor of this town should be punished. I also agree that we don’t have to fret over the temporary restriction of meeting in groups. It will pass and the church can get back to being mediocre again!

      Why do I think this way? Because meeting together is not as important as spreading the gospel. The church is currently good at one but not the other.

      This whole thing is a wake up call straight from the throne. But I am concerned that we are going to miss it.

  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    FULL TEXT I have found MOST helpful 1-pager

    William DeArteaga Jon Sellers Neil Steven Lawrence

    Guidance for Churches and Religious Institutions Facing
    Coronavirus Restrictions on Gathering
    The Coronavirus Pandemic has motivated some state officials to impose restrictions on
    the gathering of large numbers of people in one place at a time, including in a house of
    worship. Unlike other, voluntary restrictions self-imposed by organizations such as the
    NCAA or the NBA, these state-mandated restrictions carry the power of law, violating
    them may lead to legal consequences.
    Church and state have an opportunity to work together to reduce the impact of the virus
    on our communities while encouraging calm and preserving liberty. We offer the
    following guidance:
    1. Religious institutions should continue to serve their local
    communities. America’s churches and religious institutions have played a
    central role in caring for their local community throughout history. Whether that
    is through acts of mercy, providing shelter, or simply being a source of
    encouragement and peace in times of crisis, America’s religious institutions should
    continue to be source of strength through service to their local community,
    especially as their communities may be particularly burdened during this
    2. Temporary, evenly applied restrictions may be permissible. Government
    may not substantially burden the free exercise of religion unless it has a compelling
    reason for doing so, and even then it must use the least burdensome approach that
    achieves that compelling interest. Temporary action to reduce the spread of a
    global pandemic is almost certainly a compelling reason, so long as the government
    is not treating religious institutions unfairly compared with how it treats other
    comparable gatherings.
    For instance, if state officials require churches to ensure that each service has no
    more than 250 persons, but officials do not require a nearby theater to do likewise,
    the state may have engaged in religious discrimination.
    3. Extraordinary state action to limit the peaceful gathering of American
    citizens must be temporary. Permanent restrictions on the peaceful assembly
    of American citizens—and especially those gathered to exercise their religion—
    violate the U.S. Constitution and are not permissible.
    As they have throughout history, churches and America’s religious institutions will play a
    key role in providing care during this global pandemic.


  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    AND this is the US AD of TX guide – follow link to full 3pg guide

    Guidance for Houses of Worship During the COVID-19 Crisis
    During these challenging times, government and faith communities throughout
    Texas need to work together to stop the spread of Coronavirus. To facilitate this
    collaboration, State and local governments must clearly articulate their directives
    aimed at mitigating spread of the virus. This joint guidance from the Office of the
    Attorney General and the Office of the Governor responds to frequently asked
    questions by members of the faith community and is the official guidance regarding
    the effect of Executive Order GA 14 on religious services conducted in churches,
    congregations, and houses of worship.
    The government must give special consideration to houses of worship when
    issuing orders related to the COVID-19 crisis.
    The First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I of the Texas
    Constitution protect the right of Texans to freely exercise their religion. In addition,
    the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act (“RFRA”) provides even stronger
    protections to faith communities, and government must ensure that it complies with
    RFRA when it acts. Thus, when state or local governments issue orders prohibiting
    people from providing or obtaining certain services, they must ensure that these
    orders do not violate these constitutional and statutory rights.
    Houses of worship provide “essential services.”
    On March 31, 2020, Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA 14, which defines
    essential services to include “religious services conducted in churches, congregations,
    and houses of worship.”1 Institutions providing these essential services can provide
    them under certain conditions described in Executive Order GA 14 and local orders
    by counties or municipalities that are consistent with GA 14. To the extent there is
    conflict between the Governor’s Executive Order GA 14 and local orders, GA 14
    Houses of worship must, whenever possible, conduct their activities from
    home or through remote audio or video services.
    Houses of worship often gather as large groups of people in one building during a
    religious service or activity. But during this public health crisis, in accordance with
    guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”),
    and Texas Department of State Health Services (“Texas DSHS”), providers of
    essential services must follow certain mitigation strategies to slow the spread of


  • Reply April 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    there is of course 300 OTHER LEGAL ways of controlling the masses Governor Bill Lee said he’s used cell phone data to see Tennesseans are becoming more active since he asked people to stay at home last month. That data, he said in a press conference on Thursday, weighed heavily on his decision to issue a stay at home order.

    His use of cell phone data has some concerned for their privacy.

    “It’s been said your phones actually a tracking device that you can talk on, and that’s pretty true,” LMU Law Professor Stewart Harris said.

    We’re always looking for the newest gadget and latest app. We quickly accept terms and conditions without even thinking about it.

    “We click on that button,” Harris said.’I accept your terms of service I assert that I’ve read them,’ but of course no one actually reads them. In those terms of service you’re agreeing to that company to share whatever data it collects about you, and that’s precisely what they do.”

    Harris said companies then sell that money to advertisers, other companies, and even the State of Tennessee.

    “We saw the numbers of movement by their cell phone activity the movement of those cell phones and that data is what weighed into this decision,” Governor Bill Lee said. https://www.wvlt.tv/content/news/Gov-Bill-Lee-used-cell-phone-data–569340231.html

  • Reply April 11, 2020

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply April 11, 2020

    Joe Absher

    The police are very active right now . and under a lot off stress . we pray their good health strength and wisdom . binding anxiety and fear in Jesus name . but please try to represent Christ the best you can without giving occasion to the enemy .

  • Reply April 12, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Jon Sellers JUSt posted this THANK YOU – so the way OUT is a retraining order against the city? CANT restrain the police though – ANYONE had trouble with drive through services today? I couldnt get fires on ours Joseph Castillo Joe Absher William DeArteaga

    Kentucky ruling: “On Holy Thursday, an American mayor criminalized the communal celebration of Easter. That sentence is one that this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, or perhaps the pages of The Onion.” “If beer is ‘essential,’ so is Easter.” Exactly what I have been intimating for the last two months, despite some opposition from otherwise faithful Christians. Thanks to friend Keith Sherlin for passing on the link to this ruling along with excerpts.
    1. “On Holy Thursday, an American mayor criminalized the communal celebration of Easter. That sentence is one that this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, or perhaps the pages of The Onion. But two days ago, citing the need for social distancing during the current pandemic, Louisville’s Mayor Greg Fischer ordered Christians not to attend Sunday services, even if they remained in their cars to worship – and even though it’s Easter. The Mayor’s decision is stunning. And it is, ‘beyond all reason,’ unconstitutional.”
    2. “The Pilgrims were heirs to a long line of persecuted Christians, including some punished with prison or worse for the crime of celebrating Easter– and an even longer line of persecuted peoples of more ancient faiths.And although their notions of tolerance left more than a little to be desired, the Pilgrims understood at least this much: No place, not even the unknown, is worse than any place whose state forbids the exercise of your sincerely held religious beliefs.”
    3. “The Pilgrims’ history of fleeing religious persecution was just one of the many “historical instances of religious persecution and intolerance that gave concern to those who drafted the Free Exercise Clause” of our Constitution’s First Amendment.”
    It provides, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . .”
    4. “On Sunday, tomorrow, Plaintiff On Fire Christian Center wishes to hold an Easter service, as Christians have done for two thousand years. On Fire has planned a drive-in church service in accordance with the Center for Disease Control’s social distancing guidelines.”
    5. “Louisville is substantially burdening On Fire’s sincerely held religious beliefs in a manner that is not “neutral” between religious and non-religious conduct, with orders and threats that are not “generally applicable” to both religious and non-religious conduct. The principle that government, in pursuit of legitimate interests, cannot in a selective manner impose burdens only on conduct motivated by religious belief is essential to the protection of the rights guaranteed by the Free Exercise Clause.”
    6. “Here, Louisville has targeted religious worship by prohibiting drive-in church services, while not prohibiting a multitude of other non-religious drive-ins and drive-throughs – including, for example, drive-through liquor stores. Moreover, Louisville has not prohibited parking in parking lots more broadly – including, again, the parking lots of liquor stores. When Louisville prohibits religious activity while permitting non-religious activities, its choice “must undergo the most rigorous of scrutiny.” That scrutiny requires Louisville to prove its interest is “compelling” and its regulation is “narrowly tailored to advance that interest.”
    7. “Louisville will be (highly) unlikely to make the second of those two showings. To be sure,Louisville is pursuing a compelling interest of the highest order through its efforts to contain the current pandemic. But its actions violate the Free Exercise Clause “beyond all question” because they are not even close to being “narrowly tailored to advance that interest.”
    8. “The Court does not mean to impugn the perfectly legal business of selling alcohol, nor the legal and widely enjoyed activity of drinking it. But if beer is ‘essential,’ so is Easter.”
    9. “The Free Exercise Clause protects their right to worship as their conscience commands them. It is not the role of a court to tell religious believers what is and isn’t important to their religion, so long as their belief in the religious importance is sincere. The Free Exercise clause protects sincerely held religious beliefs that are at times not “acceptable, logical, consistent, or comprehensible to others.”
    10. “It is true that On Fire’s church members could believe in everything Easter teaches them from their homes on Sunday. Soo too could the Pilgrims before they left Europe. But the Pilgrims demanded more than that. And so too does the Free Exercise Clause. It “guarantees the free exercise of religion, not just the right to inward belief.”
    11. “That promise is as important for the minister as for those ministered to, as vital to the shepherd as to the sheep. And it is as necessary now as when the Mayflower met Plymouth Rock.”
    12. “the Court believes there is a strong likelihood On Fire will prevail on the merits of its claim that Louisville may not ban its citizens from worshiping – or, in the relative safety of their cars, from worshiping together.”
    See full opinion here:
    On Fire Christian Center v. Fischer (20-cv-00264) TRO and memorandum.pdf


    • Reply April 12, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day We held driving-through church, and pastor actual called the county exec and board of health first, and they were favorable.

    • Reply April 12, 2020

      Joe Absher

      Romans 12:5 KJV — So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

      We need good men and capable . it is many tiered fight . the good fight of faith that is in Jesus Christ . thank you .

    • Reply April 12, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      War over Easter: Kansas lawmakers revoke Gov. Kelly’s order limiting church gatherings https://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article241861126.html

    • Reply April 12, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ray E Horton you should give GOD the glory that the police did not com and get you 🙂

    • Reply April 12, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day I am thankful, but not conerned in Erie, PA.

  • Reply April 12, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    War over Easter: Kansas lawmakers revoke Gov. Kelly’s order limiting church gatherings https://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article241861126.html

  • Reply April 13, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    another doctor speaks up Joseph Castillo Ray E Horton William DeArteaga Neil Steven Lawrence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzoOZC9WT1E&feature=youtu.be

  • Reply April 13, 2020

    Neil Steven Lawrence

    The question we should be asking ourselves is:
    Assuming some of these current changes become permanent –Who stands to benefit from this level of oppression and attempted cultural change?

    My guess:
    Big government

  • Reply April 13, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Neil Steven Lawrence wouldnt current changes require change in the Constitution to become permanent?

  • Reply April 14, 2020

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply April 24, 2020

    Robin Motz

    They saved lives.

    • Reply April 24, 2020

      Tommy L Vass

      Robin Motz who’s lives were saved the people were in their cars with the windows rolled up parked at least 6 feet apart…..

  • Reply April 24, 2020

    Cleston Walton

    You don’t quarantine the healthy only the sick.

  • Reply April 24, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    you dont do a LOT of things that are being done – MAINLY you dont FINE people for going to church per the 1st Amendment

  • Reply April 24, 2020

    Toby Denney

    One word: Lawsuit

  • Reply April 24, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    didnt work out that well Toby Denney

  • Reply April 25, 2020

    George Hartwell

    Outrageous and authoritarian bureaucracy. In Canada there have been very strange fines.

    • Reply April 25, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      but it happened and is still going on

  • Reply April 25, 2020

    Robert Baker

    My dear lord what is this world coming to

    • Reply April 25, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      this is only the beginning as it seems

    • Reply April 25, 2020

      Robert Baker

      Troy Day it will be over turn in court an drop or there will be master law suit from the church member

    • Reply April 25, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Robert Baker court already ruled – go read it

  • Reply April 25, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Molecular devices made of nucleic acids show great potential for applications ranging from bio-sensing to intelligent nanomedicine. They allow computation to be performed at the molecular scale, while also interfacing directly with the molecular components of living systems. They form structures that are stable inside cells, and their interactions can be precisely controlled by modifying their nucleotide sequences. However, designing correct and robust nucleic acid devices is a major challenge, due to high system complexity and the potential for unwanted interference between molecules in the system. To help address these challenges we have developed the DNA Strand Displacement (DSD) tool, a programming language for designing and simulating computational devices made of DNA. The language uses DNA strand displacement as the main computational mechanism, which allows devices to be designed solely in terms of nucleic acids. DSD is a first step towards the development of design and analysis tools for DNA strand displacement, and complements the emergence of novel implementation strategies for DNA computing. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/programming-dna-circuits/

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