Perry Stone slammed for saying Coronavirus Is Satanic Plot To Bring Socialism To The U.S.

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The Devil Is A Socialist: Pastor Perry Stone, a prominent conservative Christian preacher, claims that coronavirus is a Satanic attempt to kill older Christians so socialism can take over in the U.S. Speaking at a “Firehouse Prayer” meeting at his church in Cleveland, Tennessee, Thursday night, the conservative Christian pastor declared that “the COVID-19 virus is a demonic attempt to kill elderly Americans who won’t accept the Mark of the Beast so socialism can take over this nation”

At the service Stone said:

It’s almost like a spirit of Amalek that is trying to attack our older people. Let me tell you why the enemy wants to get rid of our older people. They are the ones who are established in the Bible. They are the ones who know enough about the Word not to take the Mark of the Beast. The younger generations [say], ‘Oh cool, put it in my hand. It’ll open a door. Wow.’ They’re going to take it. The older people in America in the Southeast are the conservative people, and this is attacking them to get that group out. If you get rid of all of those people who resist the Beast, and resist the Antichrist, and resist the system, then you have a whole other pro-socialist, pro-communist, give-me-your-money-and-I’ll-do-what-I-want-with-it group coming up. You see them. They’re out there, 35 percent of America is into it. And they have no respect for those older people who have made this country great.



  • Reply March 17, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Jesse James Sullivan I second what PERRY said with all the other old timers in this forum Alan Smith Jim Price William DeArteaga Ray E Horton

    WE are the ones who know enough about the Word not to take the Mark of the Beast. The younger generations [say], ‘Oh cool, put it in my hand. It’ll open a door. Wow.’ They’re going to take it. The older people in America in the Southeast are the conservative people, and this is attacking them to get that group out. If you get rid of all of those people who resist the Beast, and resist the Antichrist, and resist the system, then you have a whole other pro-socialist, pro-communist, give-me-your-money-and-I’ll-do-what-I-want-with-it group coming up. You see them. They’re out there, 35 percent of America is into it. And they have no respect for those older people who have made this country great.

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Henry Volk you may get your Bernie after all

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      William DeArteaga

      The Devil always takes advantage o a rough situation, but that is far from saying what Stone said. He probably does not know taht before Marxism influenced all of socialist thought that there was a Christian Socialist Union in the UK

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      William DeArteaga oh of course he does And we have often discussed here with Lennie Marx and David Rollings The KGB created the very liberal Liberation theology Social Gospel and NAR namely to influence the UK and South America This is the results of its seeds in the US via NAR except Wagner is not alive anymore to see it in action

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Stone may be onto something, but we shall see as things develop.

  • Reply March 17, 2020

    James P. White

    I have heard of a theory that this was created by China for population control. I don’t know if that’s true, what I do know is true is what Pres. Roosevelt said, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” We will get through this. Trust in God and wash your hands.

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      The China virus hypothesis was created by Trump

  • Reply March 17, 2020

    Francisco Arriola

    Perry Stone is one of our generations great Christo-tainers, with very entertaining prophecies that never come true, his biblical props (see Goliath spear), his personal and unique access to “information” about plots, illuminati conspiracies, his trips to Israel, which ever as far back as the 1980s he would promise that “the Holy Ghost and Perry Stone will reveal prophecy before your very eyes” and that all the reserved hotel rooms faced the Dead Sea. Perry Stone, members of the Elijah list, Jim Baaker etc. all hucksters and peddlers making a living from the ministry as Christo-tainers.

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      So you deny the Spirit of the prophecy ?

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Francisco Arriola

      Where do you see that in my comment? And since you brought it up, who vets all these “prophecies” to see if they actually come to pass? These people spew “prophecies” like Niagra Falls and no one ever knows how many are ever fulfilled. My favorite prophecies are of the vague horoscope variety that use words or concepts like “seasons, Hebrew calendar dates, and other assorted prophet babble that the churn over and over. As for denying the prophetic spirit, no I don’t. I saw David Wilkerson in 1985, one the very few I would consider to be speaking prophetically under the inspiration of the Spirit. He didn’t waste time Christo-taining, but calling people to repentance.

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Francisco Arriola There are many false prophets out there these days, but there are true prophets as well. One of the more balanced prophets who a have much respect for is R. Loren Sandford, pastor of New Song Church in Denver. I have several of his books.

  • Reply March 17, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Ray E Horton do you think @Leonard J. Ransil should write us something theological to that extent?

  • Reply March 17, 2020

    Francisco Arriola

    Type in “prophetic conference” in Google and view all the conferences where the same speakers and the occasional break through “prophet” rehash the same prophetic tropes to inspire us fulfill our destiny and so forth, with Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Kenneth Copeland, Johnny Enlow, Perry Stone and the NAR gang all hawking their books and DVDs, making a dollar. They are Christo-tainers with the Holy Spirit making a guest appearance. Just compare the cacophany of prophetic words on the current crisis and you will come to believe that God must love to sow confusion. The standout among these Christo-tainers is Mark Taylor, who seems to have a direct live stream of revelation from God just in time for his latest YouTube broadcast.

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      you get your theology from google ? #noughsaid

      • Reply August 3, 2020

        Kayla Newton


    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Eric Ayala

      Mr. Day, I have known Mr. Arriola personally for more than 25 years and I can assure you that his extensive education—especially theological education—makes him more than qualified to teach all of us in this group. Please listen to him.

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Eric Ayala I strongly doubt that statement since many in the group are among the top professors in theology TODAY but this is beyond the point Ive known Perry for 30yrs and he is NO NAR or Wallnau The claims above are simply false

      I guess Neil Steven Lawrence knows both the brother in question and Perry I know only one of them for right now

      BTW is this the same person we are talking about? Francisco R. Arriola, M. Div., M.S.L.S., is an educator and theological librarian. He has served as a research librarian

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Eric Ayala

      Mr. Day, please note that Mr. Arriola is a theological librarian. Theological librarians, in addition to theology professors, help train future ministers and theologians. Some of the top Pentecostal theologians know Mr. Arriola on a first-name basis.

      I think that as theologians, whether professional or not, we have to be willing to question our own leaders, heroes and institutions, even if they are friendly or friends to us. By doing so, we help to keep them from becoming an idol. Soli Deo gloria.

  • Reply March 17, 2020

    Gary Micheal Epping

    If the coronavirus was a plot by Satan to kill off all the older people, then his plan has already failed. Shutting down all large meetings and having people stay home is not a tactic of the devil, because it will slow down the infection rate an allow our health care system to serve everyone, including the elderly The actual plot by Satan would be to keep all big meetings going strong so the virus would spread fast and overwhelm our hospitals. Then you would the elderly and the chronically illness turned away, and the death rate soar. It is like what is currently happening in Italy. There, the elderly and sick are low priority in getting medical treatments. Pray that Trump was following the Lord in shutting down all large meetings, and that it works to defeat the plot of Satan.

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Gary Micheal Epping IT makes a LOT of sense if you think about it Doesnt REV speak of 1/3 – just calculate pls

    • Reply March 17, 2020

      Gary Micheal Epping

      Troy Day A lot of people will die if they follow your advice to continue to have big meetings, and their blood will be on your hands. That is why I am so against what you are calling for. This is not simply a theological argument. People’s lives are at stake.

  • Reply March 17, 2020

    Gary Sawyer

    I attended a Perry Stone conference in August of 2016 in Big Stone Gap Virginia, he told the people that God had showed him that Hillary would be elected president . . .(apparently he said the same thing at several conferences) . . . .Immediately after Trump won, he pulled down all of his Facebook. Twitter and YouTube videos where he proclaimed that God told him Hillary was going to win. . . . . . then he later claimed that he NEVER said Hillary was going to win >>>>>> Oh yes He did, I know I was at one of those conferences and why did he take all of that stuff down off of social media afterwords?

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Bro Gary many of us attended in VA as well Perry had a 4 part series on Woman President which was built upon the 1930 prophecy of Branham (who was also oneness as Jevan Little and others here)

      Now I do not recall calling Hillary directly Could you please provide some record of that if you dont mind

      And also IF she gets to be vice in November AND by some way POTUS needs to be replaced by the vice AND she steps IN would you say Perry was right as well?

  • Reply March 17, 2020

    Francisco Arriola

    What Brother Sawyer reveals in his post about Perry’s false prophecy about Hillary Clinton can be said about everyone of the so called prophets of the present day. Most of them do not even bother to take down the posts. People forget, and just go on to the next prophetic revelation. They are never called to account. They are entertaining us with mysteries, deep state conspiracies, hidden bible codes and assorted theo-babble that are later peddled as books etc. When I was a boy, I loved reading about the Bermuda Triangle or Aliens who had visited the earth (Erich van Daniken), or watch Unsolved Mysteries, or who killed Kennedy. That is one line of entertainment that they offer. The other is “revealing” your seasons, your windows, your blessing, how to be seated in the heavenlies while you pray etc. It is the same spew every year. The vast majority of prophecies on the Elijah List read like horoscopes-intentionally vague so you can plug in what it means to you.

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Lets wait until Nov on this one please

  • Reply March 18, 2020

    Jevan Little

    This stuff makes the church look foolish

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Jared Cheshire

      Jevan Little since when should looking foolish to the world matter to the church. Are we not supposed to be a peculiar people? I am not directly addressing Perry Stone in this question. Just asking the question from a biblical view.

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      ONENESS heresy makes the church foolish

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Jevan Little

      Jared Cheshire we are trying to win the lost. Looking foolish because of the gospel is an honor. Looking foolish because of all the nutty stuff our preachers come up with is not an honor, nor is all the conspiracy theories we are prone to follow. Maybe Perry and Bakker can team up to sell magic healing water to protect old Christians from the devil..but some colidial silver in it

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jevan Little HOW are you winning the LOST right now? This is simply not true Right now most churches in America are not prepared for ANY of this and dont know if they will even survive past Easter 2020 Cant even have meetings of more than 10 ppl in most states non the less winning any lost WAKE UP church TIMES is UP

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Jevan Little

      Troy Day telling them the virus is a satanic attack on the elderly is nuts and unbiblical.

      Perry is a nutjob.

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jevan Little name calling on the internet I’ve noticed to be the only way ppl can get out of something when they are plain wrong but I dont think is the case with you

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Jevan Little

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jevan Little nice selfie and very mature indeed

  • Reply March 18, 2020

    Dan Brent

    This is not a prophecy. It’s a far-right conspiracy theory with no evidence. It’s a lie. People in Italy and China, just for example, are dying by the droves. And this false prophet, with his blind nationalism, centers everything on the United States and our particular political context, as if this is not a global pandemic. He brings shame on the church. He is leading Christians away from the truth, and he is creating a stumbling block for those with any modicum of good sense to enter the kingdom of God. I know of many godly people who are conservative politically, but it is great evil to twist God’s word and claim new revelation just to satisfy itching ears and political biases. God cleanse your church of this false prophecy and this worldly political agenda masquerading as spiritual truth!

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      not a prophecy just his explanation – DONT know why right now ppl are slamming others on the internets

  • Reply March 18, 2020

    Francisco Arriola

    Francisco Arriola And if you want more “prophetic” lunacy, take note of the “prophetic” explosion that took place just before and after the Trump presidency. Everybody who guessed right about Trump winning was suddenly a prophet. I can guarantee that everyone of them had a fall back prophecy or could count on people forgetting as they went on prophesying. Conservatives point to Trump Derangement Syndrome on the left. The truth the so-called evangelical right has been infected with even more. Trump is a Cyrus because Isaiah 45 matches up with the number of presidency. He is a Jehu to purge the country of Jezebel (Hillary) and Ahab (Bill). His presidency is a divine window holding back the judgment of God. He is the chaos candidate etc.

    Go to Amazon and look up Trump and prophecy and you will find dozens of books from people who are “prophetically” interpreting the meaning of his presidency for the Church. Are we supposed to believe that everyone of these individuals is speaking on behalf of God? And knowing that they audience is mainly composed of those white southeastern elderly Bible believers, their prophetic interpretations of the Trump presidency conveniently overlook his behavior, past and present. They are all in with the Trump. After all you want to sell books and leave open the possibility that you can get a photo-op at the White House and maybe even pray for him.
    You can buy gold Cyrus 45 coins from the prophet Lance Wallnau. K. Copeland claims now that the virus is the judgment of God on America for opposing Trump.
    I do not deny that God has prophets in the Church. I just know that the many who claim they are are probably not. Until I actually see one, I will just stick to the one’s that I know are reliable. Those are found in the Bible.

  • Reply March 18, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    calm down my bro Francisco Arriola I like your enthusiasm BUT in this group William DeArteaga AND many others already addressed these prophecies As for what you said I assure you Perry is NOT NAR on the contrary Pls do your reserach and you will see

  • Reply March 18, 2020

    Francisco Arriola

    One more thing. Themelios is very good journal on biblical studies and accessible online at There is a recent article on NT prophecy that merits reading. If you read it you see that there not much of a consensus on what exactly NT prophecy is.

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Francisco Arriola do you NOT believe in NT prophecy at all?

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Francisco Arriola

      It is not that I don’t believe in it, it is just that I have never experienced it or witnessed it or maybe I have. With that I read and all that is posed online and all that hear in Church, it is hard to tell what should be considered as “thus sayeth the Lord” and what is that someone is making up. If you remember the Hananiah versus Jeremiah. What both said was biblical. Hananiah, God will deliver us as he always has done; Jeremiah God will remove you from this land. Who was speaking for God and who speaking for man was difficult to tell. I met Perry Stone at the COG seminary when I was student, when his ministry was taking off. He is nice man, but he goes off the rails with a lot of what he teaches and promotes on his shows. I just figure that somehow God is still able to use him to reach people with the Gospel.

  • Reply March 18, 2020

    Francisco Arriola

    Just when you thought it was over, Pentecostal Theology present Perry Stone’s latest prophet insight that the places from where certain politicians come from California (Schiff, Pelosi) and New York are the places where there is the highest concentration or corona virus. Meanwhile, in West Virginia, where he refers to the 68% turnout for Trump, they do not have any cases. Of course he overlooks the fact the West Virginia is as described in the abstract to this article from a PubMed medical journal is the epicenter of the opioid epidemic in the United States. And he makes this claim based upon this speaking prophetically-he sees things from a prophetic perspective and thanks to the platform provided by Pentecostal Theology website, he appears legitimate, and will go unchallenged in his prophetic insight, which nothing more than his opinion.
    The rate of overdose related to the use of licit and illicit opioids has drastically increased over the last decade in the United States. The epicenter has been West Virginia with the highest rates of overdoses accounting for 41.5 deaths per 100 000 people among the 33 091 deaths in 2015. The purpose of this research was to examine and analyze the cause of the opioid epidemic and subsequent responses to it in the state of West Virginia. This study conducted a literature review using 37 references that were published between the years 2009 and 2018, complemented with a semistructured interview. The number of people injecting drugs has increased from 36% in 2005 to 54% in 2015. The total US cost of prescription opioid abuse in 2011 has been estimated at $25 billion, and criminal justice system costs to $5.1 billion. The reasons for this opioid epidemic incidence in West Virginia have been a combination of sociocultural factors, a depressed economy, lack of education, and a high rate of prescribing and dispensing of prescription opioids.

  • Reply March 18, 2020

    Francisco Arriola

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      still dont make him NAR in any way #justsain

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Francisco Arriola

      I never said he was NAR. The have their gaggle of “prophets”.

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Francisco Arriola

      Their own gaggle of prophets

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Francisco Arriola

      NAR or not he wasn’t speaking prophetically. He was expressing his opinion.

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Francisco Arriola you said precisely

      Perry Stone and the NAR gang

      hence including him with NAR – Perrry is NO NAR – just saying He has completely different eschatology and you should know that well

    • Reply March 18, 2020

      Francisco Arriola

      He knows what his audience likes. White, conservative, middle class, older.

  • Reply March 18, 2020

    Jared Cheshire

  • Reply March 18, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Francisco Arriola I was greatly inspired in my inner city ministry by Wilkerson I even met him and his on in Europe BUT you know well how many times he was wrong right? THOUGH his last disaster prophecy is right , right about now 🙂

  • Reply August 26, 2020

    Salvatore D. Tropea Sr.

    I agree with Perry Stone! President Trump has been God’s temporary roadblock against the advancement of socialism and the One World Government the Antichrist will control! Our President was cruising to a overwhelming victory in November with a great economy (It’s The Economy Stupid – James Carvelle) and unemployment and employment numbers! Every unfair attack of the Deep State on our duly elected president in 2016 failed and then via hell, the China pandemic hit! China will not be a world empire for the one remaining will be a remake of the Roman empire as we learn from Daniel’s vision. President’s accomplishments in the Middle East are preparing Israel and setting the stage for the final countdown to Armageddon. If God wants this “Peace Plan” to go forward, President Trump will again be reelected. If it is not time yet, He will be defeated and more hell and persecution will come to America! God is calling the shots and socialism will advance as Perry Stone states. Our Eyes Are On The Lord!

  • Reply August 21, 2023


    Robert Cox is a Pentecostal scholar who specializes on demolishing socialism in America Philip Williams RT Duane L Burgess The best societies are those who maximize individual freedoms. even Link Hudson do not subscribe to socialism

  • Reply August 23, 2023


    As should be…

  • Reply August 23, 2023


    that was 3 years ago — and this is NOW

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