Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN January, 2020)

Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN January, 2020)

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Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN January, 2012) | The Vision (Re: attacks, Iran etc) PERRY STONE’s website and email

On Tuesday night, January 24, I was host on the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN). Our guests were Dr. Ron Phillips, Bishop Paul Zink and Damon Thompson.

Each one brought a very significant right now message for the Body of Christ, especially the church in North America. During the final portion of the program, I was asked to minister and used the last 21 minutes to share with the global audience a vision the Lord gave me many years ago. While this vision has not yet occurred, it may hold a clue to a future conflict with Iran. My partners and close friends have heard me share this on numerous occasions, and I will share a brief version now.

In the dream or vision I was standing on the porch of our home and in the distance to the left I saw a large nuclear cooling tower beginning to spin near a coast line. A second one was in the distance and it too began spinning like a tornado. In between the place where I was standing and where the two nuclear cooling towers were stood two tall trees – if you could call them trees. Both were the same height, very tall, and bleached white. There were no leaves and no branches on either tree. Years ago when I asked my father what was the meaning of the two trees, he referred back to the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, when this king of Babylon dreamed of a large tree, providing food, shade and protection and could be seen around the earth. In the dream this tree was Nebuchadnezzar and was cut down by a guardian angel. In the narrative, there was a one year time frame from the king’s dream to the fulfillment (see Daniel chapter 4). Dad said the trees could be either two people (leaders) involved with the nuclear cooling tower that will be “stripped” of authority as a result, or may refer to radiation damaging trees, or a time frame of two years.

Dad also alluded to a dream that he had as a young man, in which he saw seven trees growing in a coal mind. A hand reached down and snapped each tree, one at a time. Exactly seven days later, a close relative passed away that had worked in the coal mines. Each tree was a time frame; in this case each tree was one day.

I then saw a large field, which in the New Testament, the “field is the world” (Matt. 13:38). In this field to the right, were a large set of bulls – whose horns looked like the horns on a Texas longhorn bull. Their skin was the same type of skin found on a Holstein cow, which is a milk cow. These bulls were running south, the moment the nuclear towers began spinning. I believed in the dream this represented the stock market, or the “bull market” that would be impacted by these events.

…in the distance to the left I saw a large nuclear cooling tower beginning to spin near a coast line.

When I saw this years ago, there was no indication of Iran’s nuclear program. However, the Iranian regime has announced they will not stop their nuclear development and have openly said if they had nuclear bombs they would use it on Israel, and even the United States. The fact is, Iran cannot be allowed to make a bomb, as this would be the greatest danger to the entire world. Late last year, I began receiving information that a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities is highly possible this year (2012). If so, then the greatest danger to the United States is a huge spike in oil prices that would impact everything from food cost, transportation costs, buses for schools and even postage and air travel. Literally everything will be impacted by the rise of the cost of oil.

During the TBN program I shared basic information that a person can follow that would help make such a crisis at least more bearable to endure than if a person was unprepared.

To the Church:

• Every church should begin organizing small home groups in the event people are unable to attend evening services.

• Every church should prepare the names and all information on the elderly members and especially the members who are widows indeed. The local church must care for those who are unable to care for themselves.

•Every church should have two feeding programs: one for the unchurched and one for those of the household of faith who are in serious need. Each member can provide cans of food when attending church, as this can become part of the feeding and care ministry.

•Every church, if possible, needs a special fund to assist any dedicated members who may hit a crisis and need small amounts of financial assistance. Again, this is for those who have been faithful to God and his kingdom in the past.

To the Individuals:

• Know your neighbors and form a community watch to watch the homes and property of others when needed

• Prepare in every way as though you are in a very long winter storm and unable to get out

• Have an additional supply of cash – in smaller bills – in a secure and safe place

• In certain cities and areas, have a plan of protection for your family

• If investing, know your investments and do not place money in anything that can be shaken in the event of a war in the Gulf, etc.

The National Level:

• Our leaders must understand that Israel has a covenant with God and standing with Israel is standing with God’s covenant.

• In the event of a war, open our strategic reserves only as a final resort, and DO NOT offer to sell this fuel to Europe. Make no secret agreements that if Europe boycotts Iranian oil or products that the U.S. will cover them with our reserves. This will become a fatal mistake.

• The trucks delivering goods are diesel fueled, and diesel is higher in cost. The leaders of the nation must ensure that the truck industry that delivers food and needed goods continues to deliver, by ensuring diesel fuel is provided and remains at a more affordable cost – even with a spike in prices.

• If you live in a city with a 1-3 day supply of food (many in New York eat out and not at home), then you should have at least a 3 week supply of food in your apartment.

• If a conflict deteroiates, then the rail roads must be used for delivery and the routes must be set up in advance. Leaders should not wait until a crisis escalates but be proactive rather than reactive.

• The Church must be prepared to minister in every way as never before.

As I said on TBN, based upon a vision I had in the late 1990’s, we will recover from whatever is coming after a period of time. This vision was from the Lord, but Perry Stone’s interpretation can be fallable. However, from all I have seen and what I am hearing, the possible war in the Persian Gulf could fulfill the vision. God knows and time will tell. Visions are given not to scare you but to prepare you. God bless you.

P.S. Because you have called and asked for more information, you can order the audio CD (CD084) Warnings in Visions and Dreams by my father and me – where I share details of warnings as well as how believers can prepare for the last days.

The Iranian-Israel Nuclear Situation

A Special Interview with Perry Stone from Israel 
PerryThis is a special announcement from Perry, who is presently in Israel, after sitting down with Steve Strang (Founder and publisher of Charisma) for this special interview on the current affairs of the Iranian-Israel Nuclear situation.



TEL AVIV, Israel-Prophetic minister Perry Stone, in Israel for an upcoming telecast when Iran struck a historic deal Sunday with six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program, sees prophetic significance in the deal with potential negative impact on the United States. 

“My concern is that when America pressures Israel in a negative manner, within 24 hours our weather pattern becomes dangerous, which biblically can be a sign of God’s disfavor,” Stone says. “This has been traced back for years. That’s the thing that we have to be concerned about-our own future as a nation, or our favor with God as a nation, by not supporting people of the covenant.”

However, the evangelist says this situation “could be extremely serious for Israel within the next six months to a year, especially by the fact that everyone [in the Middle East] in intelligence knows that Iran wants nuclear weapons, and once they get them, the whole game changes in the Middle East.”

When asked how the weekend’s agreement fits into end-times prophecy from a biblical point of view, Stone said, “In Ezekiel, the war of Gog and Magog, Persia is involved in that war. I’ve read it very carefully, and it looks as though there’s a pre-war that happens. God turns the Persians back and later puts a hook in their jaw and brings them down on the mountains of Israel.

“In my personal opinion, there are going to be two conflicts-one between the Persians and the Israelis at some point, militarily, whether there’s an air strike of some kind or something similar; and somewhere down the road, there will be retaliation among the Persians with the coalition of Islamic nations mentioned in Ezekiel that will try to come against Israel. But according to the prophet, Israel will win that battle. That’s how I’m looking at this.”

Stone had been in Israel a week when the agreement was announced last weekend. He says the Israelis he talked to are “extremely upset” with the Obama administration.

“They are very upset with President Obama,” he says, “and they are coming out and saying that if you let this go and let the Iranians be unrestrained in their nuclear program, the United States in the future will pay with a nuclear attack on American soil by Islamic radicals. They are publicly coming out and saying this: ‘Don’t blame us when this happens.'”

Stone, director of one of America’s fastest-growing ministries, Voice of Evangelism, says he is not predicting an attack on U.S. soil, only that it could happen with a future Iranian regime using nuclear weapons.

Stone says it is difficult to say what he thinks Obama should have done but notes, “When it comes to the nuclear threat, there has to be a total removing of Iran’s developing and enriching centrifuges, or there has to be an attack on those facilities to set them back for at least several years. The problem is that the regime that is in power will use their weapons against the Saudis, against the Gulf States or against Israel in the very near future.”

But Stone adds that he is not afraid of Israel’s ability to defend itself.

“Suddenly,” he continues, “everyone around them will want a nuclear weapon to defend themselves from the nuclear weapon of their enemies. You’ll have the whole Middle East being nuclear, and that’s the most dangerous thing imaginable.”

The six-month deal includes “substantial limitations that will help prevent Iran from creating a nuclear weapon,” President Barack Obama said in a nationally televised address.

The agreement, which came after days of marathon talks, “addresses Iran’s ability to enrich uranium, what to do about its existing enriched uranium stockpiles, the number and potential of its centrifuges and Tehran’s ‘ability to produce weapons-grade plutonium using the Arak reactor,’ according to a statement released by the White House,” CNN has reported.

In addition, Iran agreed to provide “increased transparency and intrusive monitoring of its nuclear program,” the White House statement says.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has consistently asked the West to be wary of any deals with Iran, fiercely criticized the deal.

“What was concluded in Geneva last night is not a historic agreement; it’s a historic mistake,” he told reporters Monday. “It’s not made the world a safer place. Like the agreement with North Korea in 2005, this agreement has made the world a much more dangerous place.”


  • Reply December 25, 2018


  • Reply December 25, 2018


    Robert Erwine seems its coming to fulfillment

  • Reply December 25, 2018



  • Reply January 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    STILL NOT sure WHY local media has NOT published the UN report and resolution from YESTERDAY IT has been over 24hrs now with complete silence in the media Neil Steven Lawrence Ray E Horton William DeArteaga

  • Reply January 10, 2020

    Ray E Horton

    Some of us, for better or for worse, don’t follow UN proceedings. I don’t believe I have ever read a UN report or resolution.

    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ray E Horton Joe Absher our CINC under fire
      The measure, which does not carry the force of law, said Trump should withdraw U.S. forces from conflict with Iran within 30 days if he does not get congressional approval.
      The vote came as Democrats worry about mounting tensions in the Middle East leading to armed The 1973 War Powers Resolution is unconstitutional. It reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of how the Constitution allocated foreign affairs authority between the President and Congress. The Resolution should be repealed.

    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Joe Absher

      You ain’t sucking me into your politics with Perry Stone said this or that . I tried listening to him a couple times at your recommendations but sensationalism or it’s bait and switch . and frankly dishonest .

    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Joe Absher my comment was to CINC if you need to read it again pls do The National Level:

      • Our leaders must understand that Israel has a covenant with God and standing with Israel is standing with God’s covenant.

      • In the event of a war, open our strategic reserves only as a final resort, and DO NOT offer to sell this fuel to Europe. Make no secret agreements that if Europe boycotts Iranian oil or products that the U.S. will cover them with our reserves. This will become a fatal mistake.

      • The trucks delivering goods are diesel fueled, and diesel is higher in cost. The leaders of the nation must ensure that the truck industry that delivers food and needed goods continues to deliver, by ensuring diesel fuel is provided and remains at a more affordable cost – even with a spike in prices.

      • If you live in a city with a 1-3 day supply of food (many in New York eat out and not at home), then you should have at least a 3 week supply of food in your apartment.

      • If a conflict deteroiates, then the rail roads must be used for delivery and the routes must be set up in advance. Leaders should not wait until a crisis escalates but be proactive rather than reactive.

      • The Church must be prepared to minister in every way as never before.

      As I said on TBN, based upon a vision I had in the late 1990’s, we will recover from whatever is coming after a period of time. This vision was from the Lord, but Perry Stone’s interpretation can be fallable. However, from all I have seen and what I am hearing, the possible war in the Persian Gulf could fulfill the vision. God knows and time will tell. Visions are given not to scare you but to prepare you. God bless you.

    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Joe Absher

      beans and rice and Jesus Christ

    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day What does CINC refer to?

    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ray E Horton commander in chief

    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Joe Absher

      Hypocrisy is demanding evangelicals leave the presidents counsel but you yourself are free to give it ad hoc . it’s probably better if you don’t suck me in on your so called word of wisdom .

    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson


    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day Why? Maybe the Evangelical Council members, all respected Christian leaders, see something that the biased liberal writers of this article are blind to. One can support the President’s pro-Christian policies without approving of his character. If he is unsaved, what can one expect of him in terms of godly character? If he is saved, it is fairly recently, and spiritual growth in takes time. Racist, no! Big mouth who needs to learn to watch his words, yes.

      If the members of the Evangelical Council resigned, there goes their influence on the President. I am glad they are mature enough to get beyond the need of being politically correct. Remember also, if they admonish him, it would be personally and confidentially, not publicly, loosing his trust and their influence. Critics need too wisen up.

    • Reply January 10, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ray E Horton the article makes the case for leaving as several have already done it Others not just yet

  • Reply January 10, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    ISLAM is only ONE of WORLD’S THREE APOCALYPTIC RELIGIONS The antichrist will most likely come from the area of the old Assyrian Empire and the Muslims will accept him as their Mahdi. He will be accompanied by someone claiming to be Jesus, who acts as the false prophet and denies the gospel. It appears that events will eventually turn the world against him leading to Armageddon.
    Because the coalition is Islamic. There is a possibility that they could be drawn into the conflict, espevially if they go the route that the Islamic world seems to be moving, i.e. towards a more militant and fundamentalist form of Islam. Meshech, Tubal, Togarmah and Gomer are all found in Modern day Turkey which is presently trending away from secularism and towards fundamentalism. Persia (present Iran), Lybia, Ethiopia (modern Somalia and vicinity) are also Muslim.
    For all Putin’s bluster, he is apparently having a difficult time subduing the Ukraine and is presently stalemated. Not exactly a conquering powerhouse.
    The antichrist will most likely come from the area of the old Assyrian Empire and the Muslims will accept him as their Mahdi. He will be accompanied by someone claiming to be Jesus, who acts as the false prophet and denies the gospel. It appears that events will eventually turn the world against him leading to Armageddon.
    A mainstream Sunni Muslim website has decreed that the Islamic messiah, called the Mahdi, will appear in 2016 and that the Muslim Jesus will return in 2022 to conquer the world for Islam
    Tala’l Badr (here arises the moon) is the most significant chant in Islam. Watch Erdogan sucking in the rays of being moon-Mahdi while looking like the ancient Sultans of the Ottomans:
    Iran to proclaim Bashar Assad as the 12th Inman Mahdi.

  • Reply January 11, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Reminder for all of us! ~ Chris G Bennett
    Revival of FIRE
    There’s a great deal of prophetic activity at the moment. What is put out is for a separate audience each time. Not all words are for all people but for a targeted group! Each group knows the one to read and the one to pass. It’s like preparing different teams for different tasks, but everything aimed at getting the whole army to the right place at the right time – Gods time.
    But here’s a WORD OF WARNING for everyone – don’t read further if you only want to read happy clappy Prophecy. This is a very sobering word of warning to the remnant church.
    The coming move of God’s Holy Spirit is going to be one of FIRE! I don’t mean just Holy Spirit fire, but also demonic fire and persecution. It has been said that this will be like no other revival before it. It won’t be !!! It will be full of Holy Spirit of course, but it will cause great disturbance, hatred, and persecution, and it’s that kind of fire that I’m warning about.
    Don’t think this coming revival will be all hunky dory, ALL sweetness and light – thousands of salvations, miracle healing, and so on. No! They will be there in abundance, but the enemy is also preparing for this revival. He will want reparation for every soul he loses! He will attack, persecute, even kill to avenge every soul snatched from his grasp. Does not scripture say, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 – he will be seeking the unwary, the unprepared, the unprotected, and he will destroy them through persecution, prosecution, hatred, and bigotry. [That’s how the enemy works, to steal, kill and destroy, using lies and deception and accusation that lead to “persecution, prosecution, hatred, and bigotry.” ~Ray] Even parts of the corporate church will, sadly, turn upon those who facilitate revival in any form.
    On the other hand, IF those who would espouse revival will repent, turn to God, pray and prepare, THEN the Lord in His great mercy will protect and fill them so full of His Presence and Spirit that the overflow alone will bring the revival we so earnestly seek.
    Brexit, or as someone I know wonderfully put it “Brexodus,” will happen. Trump will turn the American people back from disaster – he will ‘drain the swamp’. And REVIVAL SHALL SWEEP MILLIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD INTO GOD’S KINGDOM.
    There’s just a heavy price to pay – that’s all !!!

  • Reply January 12, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    “Since 1979, do you know how many times China has been at war with anybody?” Jimmy Carter asked. “None. And we have stayed at war.” The U.S., he noted, has only enjoyed 16 years of peace in its 242-year history, making the country “the most warlike nation in the history of the world,” Carter said. This is, he said, because of America’s tendency to force other nations to “adopt our American principles.”

    In China, meanwhile, the economic benefits of peace were clear to the eye. “How many miles of high-speed railroad do we have in this country?” he asked. While China has some 18,000 miles of high-speed rail, the U.S. has “wasted, I think, $3 trillion” on military spending. “It’s more than you can imagine. China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that’s why they’re ahead of us. In almost every way.”

  • Reply January 12, 2020

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply January 14, 2020

    Daniel J Hesse

    Perry is on it!

    • Reply January 14, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      on what

  • Reply March 5, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    I love this PROPHETIC BIBLE STUDY Isara Mo RichardAnna Boyce

    • Reply March 5, 2020

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      Let God be true and ALL MEN… liars.

    • Reply March 5, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Let’s compare Lucifer’s Flood to Noah’s Flood

      Gen. 1:1-12 & 20-23, Gen. 6:1-13, Gen. 8:1-14, Isa. 14:12-14, Ezek. 28:11-17, Jer. 4:23-26, Ps. 104:7, Luke 10:18, and 2 Peter 3:6

      After Lucifer’s Flood After Noah’s Flood

      Earth made waste Not made waste
      Earth made empty Not made empty
      Earth made totally dark Not made dark
      All vegetation destroyed Vegetation not destroyed
      God rebuked the waters Waters gradually receded
      they hastened away away over a period of months
      All fish destroyed Fish were not destroyed
      No foul were left Foul did not disappear
      No animals left Animals were saved
      No men left on earth Men were saved (8 eighth day men and allot of sixth day men)
      No social system left Social system was preserved
      Caused by fall of Satan Caused by fall of man
      Became necessary to re-create All things preserved

  • Reply July 1, 2020

    Gavin Coetzee

    Is he still selling meals that heal

    • Reply July 1, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      irrelevant to OP – please stay on topic

    • Reply July 2, 2020

      Gavin Coetzee

      No that sums up the whole discussion right there

  • Reply July 1, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    YES rocket was shot but not on Hawaii There was testing done to the system pre-COVID obviously James C. Morris is Christian language to be observed by all group members?

  • Reply July 1, 2020

    James C. Morris

    Troy Day yes

  • Reply July 1, 2020

    Alan Yusko

    stone and tbn.. both false and unstable..

  • Reply July 2, 2020

    Gavin Cruise

    Nonsense perry stone is a pre trib dramatiser must be looking to write another fantasy book

  • Reply July 2, 2020

    David Allen Stryker

    False prophet

  • Reply July 2, 2020

    Ben Rice

    False teacher!

  • Reply July 3, 2020

    Steve Conley

    False prophet, is right.

  • Reply October 10, 2023


    The rooster crows.
    The sun comes up.
    The rooster prophesized the dawn!

    • Reply October 10, 2023


      your negating of reality is but a common form of schizophrenia

  • Reply October 10, 2023

    Anonymous John Mushenhouse perry did NOT miss it Philip Williams Ricky Grimsley may mock the 2020 prophecy but is coming to pass while Grimsley’s tribulation was just a fake projection Perry never misses Peter Vandever knows all the right moves he did around OCI

  • Reply October 10, 2023


    While all will not say ‘Amen’ to that, it’s worthwhile to point out that Christianity has a foundation which cannot be destroyed…ever. Islam, on the other hand, depends on places and buildings for its continued existence.

    From his book Winning the War Against Radical Islam “The terrorists and terrorist nations such as Saudi Arabia only fear one thing: the destruction of the religion of Islam. There is nothing in this life that has greater value to them than Islam. They are willing to sacrifice and even die to promote Islam. This religious motivation is the engine that drives the Jihad against us.

    The path to Paradise, according to the Five Pillars of Islam, involves the city of Mecca and its stone temple called the Kabah. Muslims pray toward Mecca five times a day. What if Mecca didn’t exist anymore?

    They must make a pilgrimage to Mecca and engage in an elaborate set of rituals centered around the Kabah once they arrive. What if Mecca and the Kabah were only blackened holes in the ground?

    What if Medina, the burial place of Muhammad was wiped off the face of the planet?

    What if the Dome Mosque on the Temple site in Jerusalem was blown up? The greatest weakness of Islam is that it is hopelessly tied to sacred cities and buildings. If these cities and buildings were destroyed, Islam would die within a generation as it would be apparent to all that its god could not protect the three holiest sites in Islam

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