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The Bible Project
As you may be aware, I have been stirred in my spirit to produce a Perry Stone Hebraic/Prophetic Study Bible, gleaning from 44,000 hours of Bible study, CDS, DVDS, personal notes, outlines and study manuals that I’ve produced within 34 years of ministry.
Along with a team of specialists under the direction of Strang Communication (Charisma) I plan to create a very special, study Bible. It has been suggested that the entire project could take three years to complete. I do know this is the largest and most expensive undertaking that I have ever pursued. I have asked the Lord how I am to fulfill this task while at the same time maintain additional income to continue the numerous outreaches we currently have in place. I felt this is the plan to follow.
I was impressed to ask 99 individuals or families to plant a special one time offering of $10,000 for the Bible project. In appreciation, I am going to memorialize the donor name or family name on a page on the front of the Bible. Nine individuals have already responded and this leaves 90 men or women that I believe the Lord to speak to for this purpose. You can contact our office at (423) 478-3456 and ask for Gina concerning questions or information on the Bible project. Once we receive your offering for the Bible we will submit a follow up card or letter throughout the year keep you updated as to the progress of the project. I believe investing in the Word of God is our greatest investment for future generations.
Ben Wilson
Does it include bible code software for your own personalized prophecies???
Terry Wiles
Is Perry Stone COG and does COG promote dim lights and light shows for youth like he does?
Perry loves the youth and has a heart for reaching out to them. I don’t think Perry does, but wants to reach out to them.The light shows are a problem during worship on Sunday mornings. My son had to leave a church that used a little bit of this sort of thing, but then ramped it up months later to the point that he said it was getting to be too much like a rock concert. He said it distracted him from worship and focusing on the Lord during the service. I wouldn’t mind it if it was a youth outreach outside of the four walls of the church building, but this sort of thing is not for morning worship in the House of God. This is just my opinion.
connie daisley
Can u tell if the perry stone bible is ready?
Dawn Angell-Schau
Have been waiting for years for this Bible and rejoice REJOICE that this year I can acquire it. I really pray a consignment will be in South Africa but if not I will order it direct from Perry Stone Ministries
Ricky Grimsley
Im gonna buy it.
Carl Murphy
Gee wonder if it will have red lettering like Jimmy Swaggarts
Louise Cummings
I want one also. If at all possible that I can get one.
Jon Ray
Definitely Alan N Carla Smith Joey Elia 1 4 Charles Page 2
Charles Page
I need the bright blue tee shirt
Charles Page
No, I was not aware stone was stirred in his spirit
Louise Cummings
I listen to Bro. Perry Stone all time. I go to Safari on face book ask for Perry Stone messages. And a line of end time messages will come up.
Would love to have for my husband, but why so costly? Poor people can’t afford that. It breaks my heart. I’ve heard him talk about Perry doing this book for a couple years now.
Sue Elliott
Want to see it probably buy it Have a Jimmy Swaggart Bible really great !!
Louise Cummings
I’ve got his study Bible. It’s great. I use his study Bible and Spirit Filled Life Bible more than any other study Bible. I have several Bibles. But I use these two more than any others.
Pete Fiske
I like almost everything Perry Stone has to say, except his error-laced commentary on the unbiblical heresy, the Gap theory: (available on Youtube – I won’t link to it, because I’m not in the business of promoting false doctrine).
Sue Elliott
Is it coming from King James Version ??
Louise Cummings
I know. He has studied in the past Dakes study Bible, it use to be the best study Bible out. Fake teaches that. I never did see it that way. But I thought I could be wrong. But I felt the Lord gave me a message the on Covered by The Blood. An I read from Genesis 3:20. Where it said ( And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the Mother of all living. ) that was when she was just created. But it she was the Mother of all living. I wondered where did the living come from. Well they were in the garden long enough to eat the forbidden fruit. We don’t know how long they were in the garden before she ate the forbidden fruit. They could have had children by then. But he called he Eve at the first. It said. For she was the Mother of all living. I got to wondering how could that be. Well the answer is probably plain. But I just hadn’t understood yet. I said all that to say Bro. Perry stone studied from Dakes Bible. And fake teaches that. But there has to be something there for Bro Perry Stone to understand it like that. But He is the best Prophecy preacher I’ve ever heard.
Louise Cummings
Where I have hit the letter f. I meant to put Dakes. Without hitting fakes. He wasn’t a fake. He was Dake. Sorry about that.
Charles Page
I had to unlike that!!!
Louise Cummings
That’s funny. I guess you didn’t like Dakes.
Jon Ray
Jimmy Swaggart Bible has his words in red… not His
Louise Cummings
I don’t like that part about Bro. Jimmy Swaggart Bible. I wish Jesus Words had been written in Red. And the commentary part in another color.
Charles Page
nit-picking color schemes!
Louise Cummings
Jesus words in any Bible I have ever seen is written in Red. To me I think of it as representing the Blood. That’s the reason I like the words of Jesus Written in Red.
Jon Ray
Mostly Swaggart Words
Louise Cummings
That’s the only thing I wish he would have changed. Is the red letters for his comments instead of the words makings the Words of Jesus being Red.if he had another color for his comments. And the Words of Jesus Red. I would have liked it better. But I like his comments and understanding of the Bible.
Varnel Watson
That’s the only thing that is there
Varnel Watson
Nathan Jim The way the red colors the commentators words reminds of Charles Page secret group and the whole freedom of speech Alan
Reuben Moodley
cause i live in South Africa
Louanne Henson
Looking forward to getting one!
Reuben Moodley
Greetings to u …how can i get hold of this bible
Joy Illingworth
I am interested in purchasing Perry Stones new bible commentary. I understand the New Testament is in print. Please let me know when it will be released and how much. Thank you and Got bless you! Joy
Joy Illingworth
I am interested in purchasing Perry Stones new bible commentary. I understand the New Testament is in print. Please let me know when it will be released and how much. Thank you and Got bless you! Joy
Joe J Tedesco
Hello Perry. I don’t know how to say this without sounding like some sort of crazed fan or something, because I’m not, I simply love the work you do and I love how the Father speaks through you. Im really looking forward to getting my hands on one of your bibles as soon as I can. Right now I’m in Bible college and I don’t have any extra money what so ever to donate to you but I know the Lord provides for your ministry. I’m praying and believing on this end of things for you brother. God bless.
Micki Rogers
When can this be purchased?
Jeremy Smith
Looking forward to getting this Study Bible. What is the release date?
Robert Borders
Thank God. Now I can have the answers to every theological question!
Varnel Watson
as far as related to prophecy for everything else you will need the Charles Page Study Bible
Carl Murphy
Good you buy it
Brian Crisp
Can’t wait to get one
Joseph D. Absher
I’m waiting this one out. In heaven they got one with Jesus personal study notes. It’s perfect!!! And it’s FREE!!!
Varnel Watson
Carl Murphy But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name ( John 20:31)
Joseph D. Absher
I like John too!!!
dean griffith
is there a release date on the new bible yet?
Debra runion
I love listening to your teachings you make it so easy to understand may I make a suggestion please slow down your word’s it’s hard to keep up with you when your quoting scriptions I’ve had a stroke an I can’t write as fast as you speak! When is your bible coming out look8ng forward to it God Bless you and your family
mark a heizer
perry !!!!! just got my new study bible yesterday !!!!!!! wowwwwwwwwwwwwww !!!! i love it and the notesssssssssssssss !!!! wowwwwwwwwww !!!!!!! when will the old testament be out ?????? god bless you and your family and the perry stone ministry !!! mark heizer missoula montana
Arthur Bostic
What is the cost?
Where can I buy it?