Pentecostal Theology with 5,547 members

Pentecostal Theology  with 5,547 members

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I see that Pentecostal Theology enters 2019 with 5,547 members and that’s enough to be a strong influence to the whole movement.
Wouldn’t it be nice to see some posts that deal with where we are now after 125 years or so? The last 125 years has brought about more change in the world than perhaps all of history put together.
What did God have in mind when He gave this new movement ” tongues” and gifts at this crucial time in history? Today there are over 7 Billion people in the world and a young person can expect to live long enough to share the world with 10 Billion by the year 2050.
The world is changing very fast; are pentecostals keeping abreast of and adapting fast enough to be of real service to the 244,000 thousand babies born each day? Before you know it these babies will be in the age of accountability and their eternal destiny will set. What is the answer? The old answers will not be sufficient for tomorrow’s challenges.


  • Reply January 11, 2019


    Jesus is the answer for today , yesterday and tomorrow

  • Reply January 11, 2019


    Is Jesus the answer to overcrowding, shortage of food, natural disasters, the rise of Muslim religion, the nuclear bomb in the hands of rogue nations, of climate change?

  • Reply January 11, 2019



  • Reply January 11, 2019


    “And he [Jesus] said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
    He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.”
    – Mark 16:15, 16

  • Reply January 11, 2019


    Both of the above comments are shallow shots and do not address the real issue. Several other movements started at roughly the same time as the pentecostal movement and are now much larger.(ie) Mormons. Jehovah Witnesses , Church of the Nazarene etc. The question is;why has pentecostalism lingered so far behind. Here we are not arguing the rightness of the above movements but rather the acceptance by the public and/or the technique of the group that wins disciples.

  • Reply January 12, 2019

    Guest; has over 700 posts on Pentecostal history Which area of Pentecostal history are you interested in exactly?

  • Reply January 14, 2019


    OK so whats next? Jim Price

  • Reply January 14, 2019


    I don’t expect it to last until 2050. I’m looking for Jesus sooner than that.

  • Reply January 14, 2019


    Jesus is the answer in every thing but we need to get out of slumber to evangelize and to open the doors of our churches every day not only on Sunday alone

  • Reply January 15, 2019


    Jim Price I do appreciate your thoughtfulness. Just know I’m not a theorist. If one man’s life is spared and changed I’m happy. might not be everything but it’s something. For me that’s the gospel of Jesus Christ his redemption and mighty power

  • Reply July 20, 2019

    Joe Absher

    Thank you Pentecostal Theology for the challenges the blessings and the instructions in righteousness. May our Lord bless and keep each and every one of you in Jesus name!

  • Reply July 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    and a happy birthday to Link Hudson

  • Reply July 21, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    How do we encourage the other 5,540 members to contribute. I try by always giving hermeneutic Biblical replies, encouraging others to read, do same, and ask Holy Spirit the truth. I never use personal abuse. Maybe personal abuse and ‘superior’ doctrinal statements without hermeneutics, turn other members away from contributing?

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