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What should be the Pentecostal response to
the migrant caravan?
What should be the Pentecostal response to
the migrant caravan?
Matthew 25:31-46 says it all.
Your statement Pentecostal response is exactly what it says it’s being led by the Ruach ha Kodesh! We have not stopped anyone from coming into our country, but they must come the legal way, not the illegal way. When Israel moves from Egypt to the promised land, in their 42 stops during the journey, many people from many nation joined the exodus, however the difference is they were all subjected to the belief and worship system of the Hebrews. Most of them coming are Catholics, which is a cult, they are waving their own country flags, ignoring our warning, they will overrun our schools, welfare system and become a generation of entitlement people. We must protect our nation with laws. God is a God of order and laws, and he expects us to follow and obey them, both spiritual and natural. The President should set up tent cities in every community and neighborhood of those politicians who don’t support our laws. Have you seen the filth the illegals have deposited in some of the cities of refuge. The President should also cut off all financial aid to those countries who cant control the population along with blocking all remittance (billions $$$)going back to those. Some say those countries will die, then let it die, some have to die for the better and some have to be born for the better. That’s my thought!
Isnt the legal way of Ruach ha Kodesh coming through the border crossing just like any other political asylum in our history?
The legal procedure is to come to a border station and apply or (if you can’t reach a station) cross the border, surrender to arrest, and apply. If you’re going for anything other than asylum and/or you get rejected for asylum, you get returned back across the border. We’ve gotta change the procedure for unsponsored refugees (N.B.: a lot of the Florida GOP vote rides boats to the shore, gets arrested, and gets asylum from the Cuban government), but that’s how it works in the meantime.
To follow and submit to the authorities and laws of this great country!
Open Arms. In the mind first and foremost.
Make an ARK and SHIP them BACK!
I love how all these champions of law and order support a criminal pussy-grabbing fraud for president.
I’d say this feed represents the very biggest problem in this country!
People like to fight over their beliefs and insult each other instead of having any love or goodness in their hearts.
If we all would just fix ourselves instead of trying to fix our brother, the country would run smoothly.
Part of repentance is taking responsibility for the fact that our problems are our own fault.
I’ve written about it here:
Micael Grenholm Jan Dixon Sykes is it NOT possible to feed, clothe and care for these asylums before or even without letting them in the country? What/WHO is stopping the church of doing that?
Why would you say Pentecostal response / and not christian response..
Follow the laws, and come in legally!!!
Whosoever will let them come
Straight is the gate and narrow is the way
Not a fan of the guy but make some interesting points on how we are using our resources….
Many people would choose to stay in their country, but violence, oppression and poverty often make this impossible. Whenever life, health and stability of people are at risk, they have the right to migrate. Migration is a survival strategy, but almost all migrants pay a very high emotional, economic and physical price for choosing this strategy.
You need to research this. You are wrong. Romans 12v13
The people in the caravan aren’t like the other migrants before then. They are violent, demand food and clothing. Here in Mexico at first they were received with open arms but now everybody wants them out of the country (back to Honduras). It seems that there are big interests behind them pushing and agenda, even non christian people see it clearly. They shouldn’t be allowed to enter the US and my government should enforce our southern border with Guatemala.
It’s an organized political move. We own land.on the boarder.between Guatemala and Honduras. There was.organized payments each participant.
The Guatemala police tried to stop them but the.bad.guys have.bigger.guns than the government.
RT Angel Ruiz Ron Hamm interesting that a México with its limited resources offered Asylum… And America is more worried about an invitation… What do you think Gerardo?
Acts 17:26 ….and He made from one man every nation of mankind(mark every nation) to live on all the face of the earth…..HAVING DETERMINED THEIR APPOINTED TIMES AND …..THE BOUNDARIES OF THEIR HABITATION…….
Perhaps we shold encourage “citizenship stations” instead of just tents for them. This way they could begin the process for legal citizenship.
So Jan Dixon Sykes are you saying this is the Biblical answer? Are you like these “christians”? Isara Mo Gerardo de Dominicis I have to agree with what Valerie Hernandez de Ortizsaid
throughout the entire old testament His word has been to welcome the foreigner and those in need. Your argument falls short for God’s immeasurable mercy.
bro Sean T. Hawkey can you post us some of your videos here please I did not see any gang on them at all Thanks!
Lay hands on them
For a group posing itself as Pentecostal theologians, I am amazed at the naivete, the lifting of scriptures out of context, the complete over-simplification, the straw man arguments and complete whitewashing of an obviously political ploy to gain entrance into the US by some avowed political anarchists.
There is NO QUESTION there are people in the caravan that are genuinely seeking something better for their lives. Those people should be granted emigration.
However, let us give at least passing thought to the composition and structure of these groups. In virtually ever caravan group, the women and their children are at the forefront so they can be most easily seen by the cameras. Smart ploy via trojan horse motif. Then, behind them are almost exclusively young military age males, many with attitudes and/or weapons of some sort.
Note as well, the aggressiveness of these males when they come to a barricade:
1. At the Mexican border, they threw rocks at the police and tore down the barricades. It should be noted that when they got there, they strategically moved the women and children somewhat to the rear, gathered rocks and other items to throw/shoot and attacked the Mexican police attending the barricades. Now, think for just a moment. Does that sound/look like the behavior of genuine migrants who want to come into a country simply for the betterment of their lives, or could there possibly be ulterior motives here. It appears there is an underlying attitude that we don’t care what your laws are, we are coming in…
2. Then look at what happened in San Diego when several climbed the fence. They sat atop the barricade, cursing border patrol, local police and Army personnel and continually assaulted with inappropriate hand gestures. This is not the behavior of anyone who simply wants better circumstances. They have an agenda and it is not benevolent. Consider further, that various newscast have identified members of MS 13 and other criminal elements embedded within this group. What is their agenda? Surely, you are not so naive as to think they have benevolent intent. There are other issues as well. Consider that multiple news reports have identified multiple contingents of non-Latinos blended in this group, posing as Hondurans for the purpose of better living conditions. Further consider the law when it comes to asylum. Political asylum, internationally, is recognized as grantable only by the country adjacent to the emigree’s country of origin. They are NOT legally eligible for asylum from Honduras or Guatemala, only from Mexico. Mexico offered political asylum, welfare and assistance in finding employment to all who so identified themselves. Only a handful accepted. Now if their motives were pure, why did they not follow international law and accept the asylum Mexico proposed.
Richard Lindsey Isara Mo Jan Dixon Sykes JESUS didn’t say:
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me because I had papers.”
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me because I was from your country.
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me because I looked like you.”
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me because there was no risk to you.”
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me because you weren’t afraid.”
No. Jesus said, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
–Fr. James Martin SJ, from Matthew 25
Gerardo de Dominicis see this
I just recently read the Old Testament and when a bunch of foreigners came into Israel God usually told the righteous kings to repel them. If sending for judgment, he said they would lose. If they violate the laws to get here, they won’t follow the laws when they are here. Even the stranger that came to Israel had to follow the laws except[t for the ceremonial laws. People need to read the book
Are you equating the covenant laws (given in grace and mercy) with our present immigrations laws, such as they are? I’ll always side on mercy, not Nationalism’.
WELL all I’m saying is the Church should do something
I would need to research the the organization funding it. And also just pray about it. Like what are their true motives. Mostly I feel like they can’t come in to our country. So I would pray that they are dispersed before they get to us Because we don’t know who they are or if there are any terrorists in that group . Over all our job is to pray as christians so that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing about it.
prayer for a peaceful resolve. If you are in a geographical location where you can offer humanitarian aid, do so to those who need it, especially to the children. No doubt there are some bad hombre’s mixed in but, it is not our job to judge. We have laws in place to take care of the legal aspect of the situation. As Christians, we should look at it as an opportunity to help the needy.
The response should come from the spirit and not the flesh
Even if this was a political plot, this is human value. Because the people on the caravan are not wealthy. If someone gave them a penny to do it, whatever they would have received is not enough for what they are going through, both in the caravan and on their countries. About a year ago I met this kid, he was 13, in Georgia. He recently came from El Salvador. Trying to chit chat with him as I found out he was new to the states I ask him how he was adapting to his new life. His response shocked me to the core “At least now I get to sleep”. It turns out that a gang claim him and gave his mother time to surrendered him, otherwise they would kill them both. That’s how it works when gangs want someone to join them. He wanted to attend school so he would sneak out of the house during the early hours of the day before 4 am, he would jump the fence and wait on school ground for hours for it to open. Then he would return home after midnight, because gang members would come looking for him constantly.
I don’t care for the laws of the land if they violate the grace and mercy of God.
Angel Ruiz Ron Culbreth
Our borders is just that our borders!
Still waiting for you to tell us what you personally are going to do about the migrants at our border, Troy. You are the one who brought the topic up. So what are you going to do? Not what do you think, or wish, or feel, but what are you going to DO?
To love people and to provide for the oppressed . But also to call out evil done by criminals.
Okay, I’m realizing I’m wasting my time discussing topics here. I’ve asked you several times, Troy, what you personally are going to do about the migrants at the border. If you don’t answer by this time tomorrow, I need to exit your forum and discuss topics with those who answer direct questions.
Jan Dixon Sykes Larry Dale Steele Joshua A. Humphries IF GOD didnt want them to come here per the OT wall thing He would have destroyed them with fire and brimstone BEFORE they every GOT to the wall – but by the Grace of GOD here they are. What now?
I’m just going to say this about it we go to there country preach the gospel tell them about the goodness of Good ..
So we act like it’s ok to love them as long as it’s own our terms
Larry Dale Steele THEOLOGICALLY speaking the current situation with the CARAVAN at our BORDER embodies the Sinking of Cross-cultural Bridges and the Collapse of the “Western Theological Corpus”
Bridges to people and culture do not work any longer because they never touch the water of troubled cross-cultural issues. For the same reason, contextual theology does not work any more – once faced with the deep cross-cultural crises of faith and conviction, it sinks with no hope.
We have long observed the collapse of the “Western Theological Corpus,” as Andrew Walls calls the structural problem in missions today. Main reason for its collapse is the failure to give answers to the theological questions emerging from the Global South. As a result, the colonial approach of doing missions, resonating in imperialistic cross-cultural ministry and ethnic conquest for assimilation of cultures, all have failed both the indigenous people and the mission sending agencies. Prayer has hence turned into a protest and prophecy for a new reality, where the encounter of missions is no less than the very cross-roads where we encounter God and others together.
A tent revival in Mexico
Quite disturbing on Christmas day Bonnie Louise Brown, arrested today for defending migrants’ rights to seek asylum.
We should encourage Christians to move to Central America to help make it a more livable place.
Pretty sad
Can’t think for yourself huh?
ppl in priestly attire walking aside the migrant caravan What should be the Pentecostal response to the caravan?
Pray for safety. Any who make it to the US we should reach out to with kindness and the gospel.
Jeffry Woolston instead of praying for safety the church is playing it safe and not doing much Shouldnt the church make sure these migrants are allowed to proper asylum rules like anyone else?
Larry Dale Steele WWJD with the migrant caravan?
An elder of the church must be a lover of foreigners.
Get on that Gospel Train!!!!
Is it the church’s job to break the law in order to extend grace?
this is a MAJOR major problem for America today Philip Williams you say it will be here in the last days but if our border policy keeps on keeping on there will be NO America pretty soon Neil Steven Lawrence Nelson Banuchi Brett Dobbs
Troy Day
What is happening at the southern border is deliberate from the leftists efforts (or lack of enforcing the law efforts).
It is the largest illegal alien invasion in history – 8 million people invading in less than a year and a half. 
The real purpose is self-destruction. Overwhelming. The system is the first step, more steps to follow! 
The Obamanator’s third term is shaping us up nicely — like a fattened pig, ready for slaughter! 
Neil Steven Lawrence this is actually from TRUMPs time Nelson Banuchi knows the details and have been following the election ticket2
Troy Day Actually, I haven’t really been following then news lately so I don’t know the specifics except what I can get from headlines. Sorry.
However, I will say to Neil Steven Lawrence that both parties can take the blame for the situation at the border, along with both aisles of American voters. You get what you vote for…
Nelson Banuchi
Republicans = sins of omission
Demoncrats = sins of commission & omission &  treason & insurrection 
Nelson Banuchi I have to agree with Neil Steven Lawrence on demonic dems
Troy Day Republican are no less demonically influenced, if we are to believe the the evil one rules this present evil age.
Nelson Banuchi years ago I led a discussion on TRUE American Republicanism and proved democracy is more republicanist than modern day dems. Afterwards William DeArteaga wrote book on republicans and I believe J.D. King got to publish some of it as well
Troy Day did GOP strayed from their legitimate Democratic goals. Now they’re leaning towards authoritarianism or fascist rule, and will fall further off the deep end with people like MTG and the other nut case is remaining in office, and especially if Trump wins the election he will just speed us into a fascist government. I have no doubt Trump and his ilk are the number one domestic threat in the United States at this time. And that is not to say that the Democrats are any better. It is to say that Americans on both sides are making idiot choices that I will not involve myself in.
Nelson Banuchi
Troy Day Old news. Not sure what you’re wanting to show…
As we approach Thanksgiving here is an article on Puritanism that you may want to share. It outlines the Puritans’ marvelous achievements in recovering many Biblical truths, but also their failed discernment in Salem.
Troy Day these big birds looked the size of the birds delivered on Turkish ships to the docks of London. Those birds on the docks were actually from Guinea in Africa, which are now American guinea hens, but our native big bird got the Turkey name.
Philip Williams The United States of America is never explicitly mentioned in the Bible, and there are no biblical prophecies that point with certainty to the United States. As far as we can tell, the United States of America is not mentioned in biblical prophecy.
The Bible tells the story of God’s plan to save the world, and so the Bible’s natural focus is on the people of God, from the patriarchs to the Hebrew people to the Jewish nation. “Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah” (Romans 9:4–5),by%20foreign%20observers%20and%20captors.
Philip Williams Mahmudiye, the largest warship in the world at the time of its construction in 1829. During large naval battles of the 17th to early 19th centuries, three-deckers found themselves in direct confrontation with each other only on a few occasions.The climax of the April 1782 Battle of the Saints, the last naval action of the American Revolutionary War, was when HMS Barfleur (98 guns) flying the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Samuel Hood (Second-in-Command under Admiral Sir George Rodney), forced the surrender of the French 110-gun Ville de Paris, the flagship of Vice-Admiral the Comte de Grasse. The Battle of the Saints, 12 April 1782: surrender of the ‘Ville de Paris’ by Thomas Whitcombe, ca. 1783
Troy Day I’ve been on the docks of Turkey. Great place for eating fish as I have done many times.
Philip Williams so have we with Terry Wiles or at least he was going to be. And when there I found out the sightseeing trip you took to a place they call the ARK for $1200 – same as KY but a bit more expensive … granted they did not have the walking eggs Link Hudson pointed to Michael Chauncey but neither them NOR Gary Micheal Epping know good water from heavy metal water, farking or any other survivor skill. I can positively state Link has never been hunting and heS got a large family to feed during Trib!
photo from Parasut’s restaurant.
Philip Williams but yet you have NO proof for Nelson Banuchi
Troy Day
Philip Williams this movie was fake made and was exposed by national imnfographiX institute a few years ago as remastered The circular saws on the beams were inspected and found to be a turkish mine shaft OF course you post speaks nothing to the migrant Mayflower Caravan on Thanksgiving What should be the Pentecostal response
Troy Day so, i faked that?
Philip Williams so they said but this one is really having coffee with Indy
and my view of Stambul’s river port
Troy Day I’ve eaten there!
Philip Williams yap GOT Your picture too Lets just say all you did is eat drink and went on excursions – nothing was found to this very day
Troy Day one day you will face the Lord where you will give an accounting for these words. I will also face him for everything that I have said about this. I am looking forward to that day.
Philip Williams Where do you think I should take a trip to see first? Noah’s Ark in Mt. Ararat or to Calcata near Viterbo in Italy to see Jesus’ foreskin?
Nelson Banuchi one day you will also face the Lord to account for these words.
Philip Williams I’d be graced to face him…
so what did you find out? Nelson Banuchi
Troy Day find out about what? I wasn’t researching anything
a Pentecostal response to the migrant Mayflower Caravan on Thanksgiving?