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Passive responses to prophecies. If you get angry because I call for unity and action, what does that say about you? What could possibly be wrong with sounding the alarm over church-wide apathy? It says you are abusing the promise of God. Let me explain.
All prophecies require action. All words from God carry a counter-balancing act of obedience. Even the promise to “heal their land” contains several conditions: “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
When Daniel counted the years mentioned in the Book of Jeremiah, he saw it was time for Jeremiah’s prophecy to be fulfilled. Daniel knew that God would be faithful to His word, and that the children of Israel would be leaving their exile in Babylon and returning to their homes. His immediate reaction was to give up food, pray, and repent.
“In the first year of (the) reign (of Darius), I Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem. Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes. And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made confession…” (Daniel 9:2-4) Daniel understood that promises carry conditions.
So, what is the proper course of action right now? Do not underestimate the power of Satan to use a Democrat to fool America right out of existence. Do not insult the miracle God has provided, by assuming that all Trump needs to do is bide his time and he will automatically win.
These blogs were never my idea! I am under an edict from God, and I have felt a spike in my urgency in just the last few hours. Some have accused me of always issuing warnings. But here is what Paul said, “Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.” (Acts 20:31)
We must repent of assuming we don’t have hard work ahead of us. We must repent of foolishly ignoring signs of coming deception and criminal acts against us from the Left. We must repent of preaching that does not marshal unity and resolve.
The infighting and opposing camps of the American body of Christ are a grave threat to freedom. Every pastor must roar from the pulpit and call on the millions of Americans to realize that this goes way beyond Donald Trump—that many Democrats, especially Bernie and his followers have demonstrated a willingness to start violent revolution. We must realize that in the face of their hatred and demonic agenda, we are simply not ready to take the appropriate action. We are in a spiritual war, facing a determined enemy, yet many believers are acting as if we cannot possibly lose. Some even criticize those who say it is possible for Trump to lose, as if that takes away from God’s promise. That’s crazy!
Of course we need to vote, but this goes much, much deeper. We need to hear from God and present to America a compelling case for our Constitution, the rule of law, and the tradition of Faith in Christ.
If you don’t know your Bible, it is no wonder you don’t know what to do. If you are assuming prophetic promises are fulfilled without good old fashioned hard work and boldness, you are wrong. Pray about it. And then obey the Holy Spirit. We must be united if we are to save this nation!
Varnel Watson
William DeArteaga DO WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS? Police arrest Florida pastor for holding church services despite stay-at-home order
34 mins ago
Rodney Howard-Browne, Megachurch Pastor Who Flouted Virus Rules, Arrested
William DeArteaga
An ambiguous thing. I would have obeyed a lawful order not to hold the meeting. Kenneth Copeland did last Sunday, and had a great service.
Varnel Watson
William DeArteaga isnt GODs order a bit more lawful? Should persecuted churches in China obey the law of the land and never meet again? Joseph Castillo
James Michael Sanders
Troy Day but who is being persecuted in America’s churches right now by being asked to simply stay at home for a short period for the health of all Americans?
I am fully against them arresting that Pastor however.
Varnel Watson
James Michael Sanders Folks, whether you agree with his ministry or not, the arrest of this man has set a dangerous precedent. Now that this door is open, where does it end? What happens when the government issues and executive order to tell us we can’t preach against homosexuality? I believe in exercising caution and safety, but arresting this man has crossed a VERY DANGEROUS line that we may not be able to come back from. There is supposed to be something called “separation between church and state”, but we all really know that is just political language that doesn’t mean anything, obviously!
James Michael Sanders
Troy Day Amen brother and with that i agree 100%!
Varnel Watson
James Michael Sanders even Obama didnt do that Too much politics in the church has done its damage
William DeArteaga
Troy Day Good point. In the latter case no.
Varnel Watson
William DeArteaga but many fear IS whats coming
James Michael Sanders
Troy Day i agree, we are supposed to be protected in America from government interference.
I have NO PROBLEM with the government asking it’s citizen to temporarily quarantine for health and safety.
I am fully against arresting the church for gathering together period. No matter who they are or their doctrines
Joseph Castillo
Troy Day Yes lets all obey government and shut down all churches in Iran, China, Pakistan, Algeria, China, Vietnam, Bhutan, North Korea
Bo Luke
James Michael Sanders were not being asked to stay home ,in Florida obviously being TOLD TO STAY HOME OR ELSE ! no room for startling the fence here.
James Michael Sanders
Bo Luke and I don’t agree with that. I can’t say I don’t agree that it’s wise to be good civil servants and love our fellow man by abiding by a very short quarantine. I can’t see any reason to rebel against protecting life. Especially when we have so many ways to connect one with another.
Yet again I’m fully against arresting my brothers for gathering. That in my eyes is unconstitutional and wrong. I fully understand we are not all going to be in 100% perfect agreement on every issue that arises. But one thing I believe we must do. Try our very best to be in unity and one accord. I may see things “slightly” different than this Man of God on this issue. Yet I do believe from what I’ve seen that he is my brother in Christ.
Varnel Watson
James Michael Sanders WHAT Joseph Castillo said above
lets all obey government and shut down all churches in Iran, China, Pakistan, Algeria, China, Vietnam, Bhutan, North Korea
Lets ask Peter Vandever and William DeArteaga WHAT is the CRIME Rodney committed?
DID HE NOT do exactly what GOD had called him to do ?
Should have he obeyed men or GOD?
Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.ACTS 5/29 Stan Cooke said the same thing as many others last night
William DeArteaga
Very good point.
Varnel Watson
William DeArteaga
James Michael Sanders
Troy Day brother I’ve said over and over that our brother should not have been arrested.
However, how can you say that other Men have not obeyed God during this time?
Do you not believe God still speaks?
Do you not believe that God can say stop, go here, or go there, or do this, or not at this time?
According to the post and comments that you and Peter and others keep making you guys are rebuking hundreds of thousands of men of God.
Do you not think that all them men prayed? Does God not speak to them? What if God commanded them to stay put temporarily and yet you guys are condemning them.
Do all of us men that where told by our Lord Jesus how to serve at this time obey man/YOU/Peter/Rodney or do we obey God?
All of us can use scriptures to justify our personal thoughts.
Respectfully brothers, you guys are using the passage in Acts completely out of biblical context. When has our government forbid us to preach Jesus? Not one man has told me I can’t preach Jesus. I’ve preached Jesus every single day before, during, and shall continue after this quarantine.
The Word clearly teaches that we are to obey our government officials as good citizens UNLESS they command us to do the opposite of Gods Word. That’s simply NOT happened.
No one has told me not to share Jesus. I’ve shared Him with Saints and Sinners this entire time. I’ve prayed for people nonstop every single day.
Romans 13:1-2 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
1 Peter 2:13-17 Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men— as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
Titus 3:1 Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work,
Are we literally going to throw all these biblical instructions in the trash over a simple temporary safety quarantine for all the unbelievers? To allow all the unbelievers to see the Church as rebellious over a safety matter? How will we reach them when they all hate us and see us as rebellious evil doers who refuse to even follow safety guidelines?
Please don’t say this virus doesn’t hit Spirit filled believers if they have enough Faith. We’ve seen many Christians die from plagues, viruses, and diseases.
So if we get infected by disobeying a simple temporary quarantine and kill people what will we say then? “Well I obeyed God and preached Jesus inside of a four wall building, who cares that it killed sister Janet, little Timmy with heart disease, and all the elderly at the local old folks home, I opened up a four walled building.”
Let’s be good civil servants at this time. Let’s preach Jesus to the sinners and the saints with might and power at every opportunity that God has given us. Look at this opportunity! Many Men are looking up right now fearful. There’s people praying that probably hasn’t prayed in years. We have a time before us to reap a great harvest for our Lord Jesus.
Or we can just condemn thousands of Christians for not opening a four wall building for a month,…. that can let the spread of a virus go down so that we don’t overwhelm the Hospitals and allow countless lives to perish alone.
I’m a Pastor and no one tells me I can’t preach Jesus or how to preach Him. Yet I’m also a RPSGT for the hospital that sees and helps countless people breath with respiratory issues. My wife is a Nurse. We can tell you first hand that dying without air isn’t pleasant. For us to use our Faith in Jesus/life to purposefully endanger others isn’t LOVE. I’m trying save lives and souls. I want people to live so that they can hear the Gospel of Jesus. Once they are dead it’s too late.
Varnel Watson
James Michael Sanders see my answer on the other post first
Varnel Watson
Alan Smith lets all face it on this one – RHB was arrested on anonymous phone call for doing exactly what GOD has called him to do – good shepherding of its people A shepherd FEEDS the sheep in time of plagues NOT send them to remote location and speak to them via a screen BUT with this precedent We WAKE UP in a NEW REALITY this morning A new social order if you will WHERE any preacher can be arrested on a simple anonymous phone call. IN AMERICA …. Despite of the the First Amendment