Was PAUL baptized in the Holy Spirit in Acts 9:18?
Was PAUL baptized in the Holy Spirit in Acts 9:18 Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He…
Was PAUL baptized in the Holy Spirit in Acts 9:18 Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He…
What many do not realize, like Moses, is their deliverance is not for them; it is through them. Moses was not delivered just for…
Did the Bible Prophesied About ‘Nuclear Deal With Iran’ And Predicted It Will Be A Complete Catastrophe? Tammy Rockwell [07/19/2015 12:22 AM] Oh wow…
What is your thought on Graven images? Is it ok for pastors to worship them? Charles Page [08/17/2015 12:24 PM] I personally shun portraits…
Trump Shall Become God’s Trumpet to America? Prophet Jeremiah Johnson says that God spoke to him recently, and God told him he is going…
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, WHAT IS MANKIND…
Gay Rights Groups Sue Bishop For Inciting Violence After He Quotes Bible A Swiss Roman Catholic Bishop is being sued by gay rights organisations…
SO wondeful are prophecy in miracles to know by our the future in grace and see what the Lord will do by our life…
John Kissinger [08/18/2015 11:47 AM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1I5QY_F1z0 John Kissinger [08/18/2015 11:47 AM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1I5QY_F1z0 Pentecostal Theology [08/18/2015 12:01 PM]T-20 days George Parker [08/27/2015 8:38 PM]There is one more…
#Baptist Church to Ordain #Gay, #Transgender #Ministers First Baptist of Greenville, South Carolina—the church home of the first Southern Baptist Convention president—has taken a…
GOD HASN’T FORGOTTEN YOU! Pentecostal Theology [08/14/2015 12:52 PM] Charles Page Trailer Park Theology http://www.stpaulsnorfolk.org/2010/01/trailer-park-theology/ Pentecostal Theology [08/14/2015 12:54 PM] William DeArteaga via CT:…
I’ve noticed, here and there, in some really good commentaries, that when it comes to interpreting the text as that which expresses, what I…