“…man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward. “But if I were you, I would APPEAL TO GOD; I would LAY…

US Stock Market drops 500+ points plummet amid global FRIDAY sell-off

John Kissinger [08/22/2015 1:44 PM]Jon Sellers http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2015/08/21/stocks-eye-reprieve-despite-mortal-blow-from-chinese-data/ Ed Brewer [08/22/2015 2:18 PM]http://www.biblicalintegrity.org/2014/09/19/mystery-of-the-shemitah/ ….sources MATTER – the Church must operate in the power of Pentecost,…

Many have asked about #REVIVAL

Many in the group have asked about #REVIVAL Dr. Charles Conn explains WHY REVIVAL CAME Peter A Vandever [08/23/2015 1:36 AM] Conn is so…

God my Shield

God my Shield’s photo to the group: Pentecostal Theology Godmy shield Vajanaparija shared