Paths To Power

Paths To Power

Today’s Lesson Complied and Edited by Dr. Paul Lee The following lesson is from the original MSS by B. H. Clendennen , School of…

TEXAS: Irving City Bans Islamic Sharia Liberty Gilham [05/10/2015 11:14 AM]We need to take a strong stand. NOW. We cannot permit co-existence with Shariah. No other immigrant group came…

Blessed are the poor…

Today we start with the first Beatitude,“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Today we want to take…

Nepal Harvest Mission

This time almost all the world knows about the big tragedy of Nepal after the devastating earthquake. Many are homeless and helpless. So at…

10 Plagues

Lesson # 2 In our study of the 10 Plague. The LORD does not deny the existence of others gods. Egypt worshiped the Nile…