Late 1800s Pentecostal Revival
In the late 1800 a renewal of the Pentecostal Revival broke out. It was August 18, 1886, in a crude meeting house on the…
In the late 1800 a renewal of the Pentecostal Revival broke out. It was August 18, 1886, in a crude meeting house on the…
AA Allen was a mighty man of the Spirit but what he did believe about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He was a…
Community is not necessary perhaps for triggering revival as much as prayer but is absolutely necessary for its longevity: “And the multitude of them…
Is this INSANE or what?? The world’s first lesbian bishop of a mainstream Christian denomination has put forth a call for one of the…
INTRODUCTION TO “Understanding the Bible” In this study of “Understanding the Bible” we will cover many areas about the Bible, some of which are…
This is a very powerful statement. Perhaps the only thing that could be worse than hearing the dreadful words, “Depart from me, worker of…
John Ruffle [10/02/2015 10:20 AM] Agreed! I’m thinking about re-wearing a Star of David. Amazing how many of my students are wanting to help…
Today we will continue with the great spiritual leader in the great awaking. Jonathan Edwards was born on October 5, 1703 and was…
When we think that being the Bride of Christ is about us, we have miss the whole point. The Bride exist for the Bridegroom,…
GOOD TEXTBOOK on REVELATION [for undergrads] Rick Wadholm Jr has been looking for one. Any ideas? Rick Wadholm Jr [10/01/2015 12:39 AM]??? Rick Wadholm…
Eight Things We All Should’ve Learned from Planned Parenthood’s Arrogant Fuhrer… #DefundPlannedParenthoodNOW #DefundPlannedParenthood #DefundPP #PPVideos 1. We learned that Richards is “proud” of Planned…
“I believe the holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the unholiness which remains in others.” Holiness believers Michael Reid [09/30/2015 8:35…