With Open Gates of European nations
With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations… #SolidarityWithFrance #OpenGates This 20-minute film is going viral across Europe, detailing the – let’s…
With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations… #SolidarityWithFrance #OpenGates This 20-minute film is going viral across Europe, detailing the – let’s…
ABC’s ‘Scandal’ Main Character Undergoes Abortion Set to ‘Silent Night’ #DefundPlannedParenthoodNOW #DefundPlannedParenthood #PPVideos #Scandal #KerryWashington Thursday night’s episode of Shonda Rhimes’s ABC series Scandal…
Unmerited favor is a good definition of grace between two people, but a poor definition of the Grace of God. Unmerited favor is a…
PENTECOSTAL FOURSQUARE GOSPEL AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD | http://www.jeffkclarke.com/pentecostal-foursquare-gospel/ Comparing this authors thesis on “removal mentality that caused Pentecostals to separate themselves from…
Lecture today: The blind man sees and the seeing don’t… #ourCOG
A Paris-style attack on Washington DC? John Kissinger [11/16/2015 6:30 PM] http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/ discussing with David M. Hinsen and others about arriving migrants posing economic and…
How Rare is the Revelation 12 Heavenly Sign? Once in 7000 Years on 23 September 2017 Alan N Carla Smith
Single/Double Column Journaling Bible (ESV) Is anyone in the group currently using it?
The Islamic State awaits the army of “Rome,” whose defeat at Dabiq, Syria, will initiate the countdown to the apocalypse. John Kissinger [11/16/2015 6:27…
The Pope called Paris attacks started a piece meal fashion, invoking World War 3. and the France President said the attacks were the worst…
[How do we know, for a certainty, that we belong to God? We are gentiles; we know that God’s people are the Jews?] “…remember…