Michael Moore Protests Outside Trump Tower: ‘We Are All Muslim’
Feel free to share this with your liberal friends who think that they and everyone else are Muslim. John Kissinger [12/18/2015 11:39 AM]No we…
Feel free to share this with your liberal friends who think that they and everyone else are Muslim. John Kissinger [12/18/2015 11:39 AM]No we…
7 Christians Jailed for Refusing to Convert to … Catholicism in Chiapas, Mexico John Kissinger [12/18/2015 10:48 AM]Senator Marco Rubio questioned Assistant Secretary of…
You may be unknowingly supporting slavery. Read my latest blogpost. John Kissinger [12/17/2015 9:11 AM]Henry Volk joining with Tom Steele 🙂 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/15/the-shocking-truth-about-shrimp-today/ Charismatic Theology…
Wheaton College suspends professor who said Muslims and Christians worship the same God John Kissinger [12/17/2015 8:10 AM]The official school statement http://www.wheaton.edu/Media-Center/Media-Relations/Statements/Wheaton-College-Statement-Regarding-Dr-Hawkins John Kissinger…
This is a re-posting of a blog pertaining to actions one may take during a terrorist incident. I am not waiting for another incident,…
WHAT is the ASSEMBLIES of GOD position on SANCTIFICATION today? Do we still teach it in our schools and churches anymore? The Assemblies of…
Paul, after reasoning about idolatry in Athens, states:
Therefore, although God has overlooked such times of ignorance, he now
commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has set a day on
which he is going to judge the world in righteousness, by a man whom
he designated, having provided proof to everyone by raising him from
the dead.” (Acts 17:30,31 NET)
I think it is safe to say that God overlooking “such times of ignorance” means God overlooked the ignorance of the people of those times.
How did Paul understand God to have “overlooked” the ignorance of those people?
It does not seem that “overlooked” merely means that God did not call them to account while alive, sparing them certain temporal judgments. Rather, in light of verse 31, it seems to imply that they will somehow be found less culpable in the final judgment.
According to most orthodox Christian theology, these pagans who died without Christ are forever condemned and without hope. If that is the case, it doesn’t sound like God “overlooked” their ignorance to me.
Question: What does it mean for those people who lived in times when ignorance was overlooked by God?
A Caveat to ALL my GOP (and independent conservative) friends here, we need to support WHOMEVER the party chooses. We CANNOT let this nation…
POPE meeting with Joel Osteen John Kissinger [12/15/2015 5:41 PM]was under impression this was old news but apparently is happening right now Alan N…
WHAT happened on these IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE LAST SHEMITAH AND JUBILEE YEAR 5776 (2015/6)? Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 6:12 AM] “As we move into…
PASTOR is in COURT for ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon A firebrand preacher who goes on trial today for branding Islam “Satanic” says he is ready…