In regards to miracles

In regards to miracles; When you pray for something like healing, Do Not take a step backward saying, “Perhaps it isn’t the will of…

#BloodMoon 2015

What does this mean John Kissinger [09/25/2015 1:31 AM] #BloodMoon Levi Allen Goff [09/25/2015 1:36 AM]The sun will be turned to darkness and the…

Dealing with DAKE’s Teachings

Dealing with Biblically-Incorrect Heretical Teachings: Death Before Adam Sinned, Two Creations, and the Other Theological Heresies of Old-Earth Apologist Finis Jennings Dake According to…

#AGENDA21 voted in 3, 2, 1…

#AGENDA21 voted in 3, 2, 1… John Kissinger [09/22/2015 11:23 PM]“Agenda 21? according to the UN’s own website, is a “comprehensive plan of action…