Exodus 14:20 …and it was a cloud and darkness [to…
Exodus 14:20 …and it was a cloud and darkness [to Egyptians], but it gave light by night [to Israel]: so that the one came…
Kremlin published Putin’s income on Tax Day
Kremlin published Putin’s income on Tax Day with official Information on incomes, expenditure, assets and liabilities of the President, the Presidential Executive Office staff…
Churches and Schools Fear pro-Gay Ruling Could End Tax Exemptions
Churches and Schools Fear Gay Marriage Ruling Could End Tax Exemption http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/churches-and-schools-fear-gay-marriage-ruling-could-end-tax-exemption/ #Pentecostal #Christian #CHURCH
Is #Sanctification a one-time thing after salvation according to John Wesley?
Sanctification as a one-time thing after salvation. John Wesley wrote a little book, The Case for Christian Perfect, what I might call almost a…
Doctrine of election and predestination in Pentecostal Theology
Has the topic of the doctrine of election, predestination, etc been discussed? Its been a rather hot topic in another group but I value…
NewsChannel 9 to investigate snake handling as a religious practice
Posted by PentecostalTheology.com Chattanooga’s WTVC-TV NewsChannel 9 has recently expressed interest in investigating snake handling practices in southeast TN. Several lively discussions on Facebook‘s…
Do We Have Room for Alcohol in the #CHURCH Today?
Do We Have Room for Alcohol in the Assemblies of God? Many are trying to decide whether or not we should loosen our stand…
The New World Order and The Kingdom of Stone
WHO is the BEAST of Revelation ?
As far back as I can remember, people have been speculating about the identity of the “Antichrist,” an evil figure referenced in portions of…
Pentecostals who deny the INITIAL physical evidence of the infilling/baptism of the Holy Ghost of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance
I’ve noticed that their are many “ministers” who claim to be Pentecostal, yet they are denying that the INITIAL physical evidence of the infilling/baptism…
Speaking in Tongues in America Prior to the Azusa Street #ourCOG
Speaking in Tongues in America Prior to the Azusa Street Revival of 1906 (Diamonds in the Rough-N-Ready Series) #ourCOG Henry Volk [03/12/2016 8:09 AM]https://theologyinperspective.wordpress.com/2016/02/02/the-origins-of-modern-tongue-speech-part-1/…