Prophecy Update: Hitler Template for Antichrist, Pt 2 :: By Gary W. Ritter

Prophecy Update: Hitler Template for Antichrist

Update: 9-14-22 What will Antichrist actually be like? What will his rise to power look like? How will life – not only in America – but in every nation around the world adjust to a universal dictatorship? What will happen to people who don’t go along with Antichrist’s program? Last week in Part 1 of […]

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Of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church :: By Bill Wilson

Of Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church :: By Bill Wilson

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is urging its Roman Catholic congregants to oppose two bills “currently before the Maryland General Assembly that would remove the statute of limitations on civil claims for future incidents of child sexual abuse and retroactively revive claims that are currently time-barred, no matter how long ago the alleged abuse occurred.” In […]

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