Kabbalah and New Testament Texts

Kabbalah and New Testament Texts

Many readers of the Bible may be unfamiliar with Kabbalah, but what can it add to our understanding of the Bible? Is it even an appropriate way to study the Bible? This week we look at how Paul uses mystical language and we will conclude with …

TRUMP is the 47th POTUS

              Pentecostal Theology aimed to break the closed borders among theologians on the internet across the globe. Fragmented…

Layers of Paul’s Theology, Part 2

Layers of Paul’s Theology, Part 2

Romans 9–11 is densely packed with Jewish theology (of course it is, this is Paul we are talking about!). Unfortunately that theology is often misinterpreted by a non-Jewish reader who does not understand the nuances. Dr. Schaser takes us thro…



INTRODUCTION Isaiah 59vs1-9, Rev. 2vs20-24, Isaiah47, and Gal.3vs1 are important scriptures among others that deal with the activities of witchcraft in the church of…

Who Will Be Left Behind?

Who Will Be Left Behind?

I have heard there is a new Left Behind movie out in theaters. It has been several decades since Tim LaHaye’s series fictionalizing the return of Christ captured the evangelical imagination. This latest movie focusing on the antichrist seems to b…