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Peter A Vandever |

Brian Crisp [09/04/2015 12:02 PM]
We are not to foresake the assembling of ourselves together. Trying to be a lone wolf is a bad mistake.
Roger David [09/04/2015 12:09 PM]
Assembling ourselves together with fellow believers is mandatory and beneficial as long as we associate with those who are living in the will of God. I wouldn’t mind seeing what would happen if we closed up the church buildings for a year and went back to small home churches and developed a community of believers that actually did the will of God rather than meeting on Wednesdays and Sundays and just discuss the will of God.
Dustin-Irina Miller [09/04/2015 2:43 PM]
Peter A Vandever i dont know how you manage to get stuck on some parts of Scriptures while omitting others, and how you even have time to swist out such idieas and writings. Akmost looks like someone trying to get attention and wasting ither peoples time and arguments. I asdume any comnent of argument to your throught will be trampled on. Perhaps your time would be better spent getting to know the Spirit of the Scriptures, not just the letter, instead of knowing all about tge isolated verses yet denying the power. Can you lay hands and anount the sick without actypually being with them? Could a sick woman touch His garments? And when the two or three are gathered in His name, wouldnt He be in their midst? I haven’t even scratched the surface. But if smewhere you’ve missed that He is a relational God and the second commandment is an action commandment, that mskes me truly sad . I say this because through srrious trials He used the Body of Christ, yes, i said it, to rwach oyt and hekp me every step of the way. So, i am sorry if somewhere you brcame disillusioned with people or real face to face ministry…
Norman Rice Jr. [09/04/2015 4:47 PM]
My sentiments EXACTLY,Dustin-Irina Miller!! The Posts are ALWAYS CONTROVERSIargumentAL,….just saying it how it is!! Always”- suited”, and causes alot of arguments,etc.. NOT the “right, spiritual” mindset supposed to be here on this Page overall!! ‘HAIR splitting” is what I see.
Roger David [09/04/2015 4:50 PM]
I like controversial topics. I enjoy seeing people not happy with the status quo and passionate about their spiritual lives and about seeking the truth regardless of whether it causes a stir or not.
Dustin-Irina Miller [09/04/2015 5:24 PM]
Controversial topics create a stir and thus create more traffick to the blog, thus help said blog rank higher on Google, get more views through FB etc. Anyone who is familiar with basic blogging principles knows it. You need a catchy title or topic to draw readership… That has nothing to do with spirituality, and more to do with algorithms. Just Fyi.
Roger David [09/04/2015 5:27 PM]
I agree..if their desire is simply to increase blog traffic that is not spiritual. If it is their desire to speak the truth regardless of whether or not it is controversial then I appreciate that. Too many people shy away from controversy because it won’t help the tithe numbers that week or because someone might be offended or they might be called names.
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