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Mark Fonner |

Ok. Here is a quick primer in Hebrew specifically around the Hebrew name for God, in English, “Elohim” or in Hebrew, “אלוהים.” (My font’s do not copy and paste well but this is close). It is root word is that of *Eloah. *This word is unique to the Hebrearic language and is not used in *any *ancient Semitic languages. *Any!*
PLEASE NOTE: ***THIS IS A PLURAL NOUN. **Plural nouns mean is “more than one.” *Period. This is literally the plural of “*El” *name for God. Remember that. *Plural. *That is important and there is a test later.
This is not a “Royal” usage of the noun. That is to say as a king or queen would refer to themselves in the third person. A little touched if you asked me but I digress.
We see this used in the Scriptures, both Old and New, more than 2,500 times! There are many who deny the Trinity in this group. That is up to you. However, do not attempt to disprove the Trinity based upon a misunderstanding of the language. I spent years, and a *whole *lot of money studying the subject. There are many more in here who are very knowledgeable on the subject.
Do you need to accept the Trinity to be saved? The hard and fast line would be is no. You must, however, have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, (2nd person of the Trinity), to be saved. That is scriptural.
Enrique Moreno
At least I will comment. The convergence of the word Eloah to Elohim.
Although Eloah is a root word , how important is it to grasp it’s graduation to Elohim?
I believe it’s significantly important.
Even if the “Trinity” is an issue for some , the usage of Trinity is a concept word to describe 3 parts. But the parts are not separate.
I stand by One God , fully aware …He is The Father , The Son And Holy Spirit.
Scripture tell us so and for our humanness to grasp it in visual terms , our Lord tells us , The Godhead and fullness is in Jesus . Dwelt bodily .
Our creator has a body , that’s Jesus , And He is the Holy Spirit.
I appreciate your word study by all means. Praise the Lord !
John 14:9
Jesus said , he who has seen me , has seen the Father . Amen
Glenn Gerlach
Interesting. Perhaps a convert on their death-bed (the thief on the cross et al.) faith, as opposed to doctrine, is sufficient for on-the- spot conversion; however, for a grounded or knowledgeable person who had been enlightened with biblical doctrine and Church fellowship (as the Creeds indicate) to deny the doctrine of the Trinity is an indication that salvation and the Holy Spirit are not present.
Moon River
God The Father, God The Son And The Holy Spirit
But,” He said, ” you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” Exodu 33:20.
No one has ever seen God, But God The One And Only, Who Is At The Father’s Side, Has Made Him Known. John 1:18.
Then John gave this testimony: ” I Saw The Spirit Come Down From Heaven As A Dove And Remain On Him. I Would Not Have Known Him, Except That The One Who Sent Me To Baptize With Water Told Me,” The Man On Whom You See The Spirit Come Down And Remain Is He Who Will Baptize With The Holy Spirit. I Have Seen And I Testify That This Is The Son Of God.” John 1:32-34
Moon River
God The Father, God The Son And The Holy Spirit
But,” He said, ” you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” Exodu 33:20.
No one has ever seen God, But God The One And Only, Who Is At The Father’s Side, Has Made Him Known. John 1:18.
Then John gave this testimony: ” I Saw The Spirit Come Down From Heaven As A Dove And Remain On Him. I Would Not Have Known Him, Except That The One Who Sent Me To Baptize With Water Told Me,” The Man On Whom You See The Spirit Come Down And Remain Is He Who Will Baptize With The Holy Spirit. I Have Seen And I Testify That This Is The Son Of God.” John 1:32-34
Ronnie Jones
You Do not half to believe in the trinity to be save it’s not part as essential biblical doctrine for having jesus as your lord and savior if only believe jesus as a son, however for those who di believe jesus as God , or three in one God I’m not go judge or biblically tell them they not save because scriptures in my only opinion say so . IN yes I believe in the trinity
Roxta Gibbons
I prefer the term Godhead. It places “God the Father” as the “Most High God.”