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It is our honor to announce the home going of Dr. Norvel Hayes. Brother Norvel as we know him, went to be with his Lord last night with his family and friends witnessing the Glory of God as he took him home. Arrangements will be made early this week. PLEASE respect the family and friends during this time. Please be in prayer for the family and ministry thank you!
Eric Loudermilk Forefather in The Faith. Thankful for His Ministry, Impartation, Wisdom, Timeless Messages and Timeless Priceless teaching books that he authored. These books are timeless because they’re loaded with the pure Word of Life, The Gospel, The Word of God. I will forever be grateful for the simplicity of The Word taught through this man of God and his ministries.
Roxanne Keller Norvel was such a blessing in my life! His teaching helped keep me anchored in God’s Word & spurred me on until I got the victory over Rheumatoid Arthritis! What a man of God He was!
Wendy Cassidy Praying for strength to the family. Loved his ministry and his boldness for God. I remember his teaching years back that helped me so much in life
Rhonda Coleman I pray for comfort and peace for the family and friends of Brother Norvel. I was blessed to know him and briefly work in his ministry in the 80’s. Through his love and compassion, I truly experienced the Love of God in way that saved my life. Thank you Brother Norvel for all you gave.
James Murray Had the extreme honor of working with Norvel for many years. What an amazing man of God.
Kim Gravley Haynie I had the privilege and blessing, to personally take care of him and his wife, when they would visit World Harvest Church. They stayed at my hotel where I worked and they definitely lived what they preached. Wonderful, wonderful blessings to the body of Christ!
Have you ever taken the time to think about what friendship really means? It is hard to put into words, difficult to find and so easy to lose. Over the past couple of days, I have experienced a wide range of emotions, sadness, joy, laughter and crying. A man I have admired, loved, respected, cared for, and traveled the world with has passed. Brother Norvel Hayes, an anointed man of God who touched untold thousands of lives passed away shortly after midnight Friday. There are so many things that can be said about “Brother Norvel” as he was affectionately called by those who knew him. He was a teacher, author, founder of New Life Bible College, an unwed mother’s home, children’s home in India, plant churches around the country, and outreaches around the world. Through all the growth in ministry God allowed me to serve Brother Norvel.
I first met Brother Norvel when he was conducting a week-long meeting at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Ga in July 1976. The very first time I met him we talked like we were old friends. The first time I walked into his office in a basement on Broad Street, downtown Cleveland, TN, I was struck at its simplicity. He never cared about the spotlight, glitz or glamour, he cared about helping people. I first began working for Brother Norvel in August 1976 when I was a senior at Lee College. He could not remember my name, for six months he would talk to his secretary Mary Lou Hick about “that boy from Lee College”. Over the next 42 years our bond grew. God allowed me to be with Brother Norvel and witness some of the greatest miracles and moves of God. Many were saved, sick healed, demon possessed delivered, lives restored.
He helped perform my wedding in April 1989. He loved my wife Cindy’s singing and chocolate cookies. He often reminded me of the time our young daughter went swimming with him. This time last year I would pick him up around 11:30 every Saturday, bring him to my house so we could watch college football, eat chili dogs (with mustard and onions) and finish them off with more chocolate chip cookies. During the games we would talk about the things of God and he would plan meetings he wanted me to help him with. It was our Saturday ritual.
I will miss him greatly, love him dearly, and always be grateful for our 42 year relationship.
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley Link Hudson He walked with God and God took him…
Robert Borders
Norvel lived in Cleveland, TN back in the 1970s when I was at Lee College. He was very close with Kenneth Hagan. Did he maintain his ministry headquarters in Cleveland?
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
Melvin Harter do you or Charles know of the arrangements?
Link Hudson
Just wondering why you name me on the thread.
Do you consider him Pentecostal or Charismatic. Is WOF a branch of Pentecostalism that atttacyed charismatics or justba branch of the Charismatic movement?
Varnel Watson
You are well known cross-poster Would you pls repost in your social streams for your constituency. Perhaps many among them have been touched by his ministry
Link Hudson
Troy Day you can nnot post the same thing much on FB or they may block you. I think they may allow links to blogs. You are probably on the relevant forums I am on if you want to post something.
Varnel Watson
your posts are often spamy so that makes sense
Joe Absher
His “how to live and not die” tape series effectively saved many lives. I knew a lady that was healed of cancer.
Varnel Watson
Funeral will be Friday October 12, viewing between 10-12 at New Life, 155 South Ocoee Street, Cleveland. Service at Mt. Olive on Harrison Pike in Cleveland.
Adon Kabasala
Sorry to hear about this and may his soul RIP