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Piet Roberti Cameraman |

Agri Dagh, The Painful Mountain, is over 1.700 feet high. Jim Irvin, a NASA astronaut, is an expedition leader. His goal is to also explore Mount Ararat to find the remainings of Noah’s Ark. Dick Bright was a pilot that shot footage of Mount Ararat out of a Bell helicopter. Turkish authorities confiscated the footage because there was no landing permit granted. The area surrounding Mount Ararat is twice as big as the Grand Canyon. Many expeditions followed between 1986 and 1991……..
Link Hudson [10/26/2015 5:25 AM]
I’m not another forum with someone who believes he has been on the ark. He said some Chinese explorers, NAMI, found what he believed to be the ark. Some people have tried to discredit them. A local guide, a Pentecostal preacher, took him to the alleged ark, a broken off section if it, whose location moves a bit with the glacier. He tooks some photos inside. He was the second American inside, since he let the lady with him in first. He said there was frozen animal feces on the floor. I saw lots of photos of his trip on his web page.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams a 2016 update – 3 years ago of a 2015 post from almost 5 yrs ago Philip Williams How does this change your discovery theory? Agri Dagh, The Painful Mountain, is over 1.700 feet high. Jim Irvin, a NASA astronaut, is an expedition leader. His goal is to also explore Mount Ararat to find the remainings of Noah’s Ark. Dick Bright was a pilot that shot footage of Mount Ararat out of a Bell helicopter. Turkish authorities confiscated the footage because there was no landing permit granted. The area surrounding Mount Ararat is twice as big as the Grand Canyon. Many expeditions followed between 1986 and 1991……..
the original 2015 Link to another forum with someone who believes he has been on the ark. He said some Chinese explorers, NAMI, found what he believed to be the ark. Some people have tried to discredit them. A local guide, a Pentecostal preacher, took him to the alleged ark, a broken off section if it, whose location moves a bit with the glacier. He tooks some photos inside. He was the second American inside, since he let the lady with him in first. He said there was frozen animal feces on the floor. I saw lots of photos of his trip on his web page.
Philip Williams
Troy Day you realize that the engineer in that podcast is me?
Philip Williams
Troy Day, Link Hudson, all this footage is from the site that is being surveyed this year under official archaeological auspices. Now, we need all of you to be praying for us. The official team comes from all over the world and need to be working in complete harmony.
Varnel Watson
Not sure that anything on the Link could be true Something about a plane WWI flying over and see it makes NO sense No planes over Turkey until 1919 have seen it or we would have known What we have here is a working hypothesis but absolutely NO proof.
From my understanding when wood that old is exposed in the area it turns to ashes. Same goes for wooden structures preserved under clay and soil that simply falls apart when dug out I met with the feller who discovered Titanic in Naples FL many yeas ago – he said same goes for salt water preservation and metal. Salt eats metal but not all Air exposed sun ray makes it crumble to ashes and rust
Again ALL we have here is a hypothesis – not even a theory No theoretical scale or scientific approach but several testimonies which dont match and cannot create a working hypothesis
Link Hudson
Troy Day I suppose the theory would be that the ark froze and at times parts have thawed out.
Varnel Watson
wonder why none of the frozen germans at the north pole were ever found @charles page was in Turkey right then and has not seen no ark uncovered or frozen
Philip Williams
Permanently frozen conditions, as our boat has, preserves wood and other organic materials indefinitely. The ship is at a higher elevation than Ötzi, who dates from the same period and was found in the Italian Alps back in the nineties.
Varnel Watson
in that case Philip Williams there is NO digging out The moment its out will be the moment it is no more
Philip Williams
Troy Day nonsense. It remains frozen.
Philip Williams
Troy Day you have just made a good point. I am going to share that with the expedition team. A new situation for us.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams these are strange 2 comments – pls explain a bit more I am not following something
Philip Williams
Troy Day even when the snow melts, the site remains frozen owing to being underground. But in the last 3 months, the Southern sun is shining directly into a section of the AWS. (That’s Ancient Wooden Structure. We don’t call in the Ark or anything else so as not to prejudice the scientific investigation.)
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams Ok I think I understand Your first respond was nonsense. by default but when you think about it makes sense You should take the same approach with the Rapture subject and it will make sense to you theologically
Not sure how to dig it out frozen – there is no way. The Russians do it with laser cutting the whole ice block but this is different You have dirt and rotten wood And its a big structure to take out in 1 piece Hope you have a certain proven way to take it our without messing up the whole Bible
Philip Williams
Troy Day I was answering from two situations, the last which has just appeared.
We do work with the appropriate experts.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams I am no expert but the russians cut out the whole ice man they found There is no cutting out of a whole ark
Philip Williams
Troy Day I think it was German’s assisting the Italians with Ötzi. You must have some frozen mammoth in your frozen mind.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams you tell me
Philip Williams
Troy Day as I thought. We have to work above 4000 meters. That’s done on level ground.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams for which reason the same approach will not work You just made my point well
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams you never commented on the claim Posted by Piet Roberti Cameraman many years ago
Agri Dagh, The Painful Mountain, is over 1.700 feet high. Jim Irvin, a NASA astronaut, is an expedition leader. His goal is to also explore Mount Ararat to find the remainings of Noah’s Ark. Dick Bright was a pilot that shot footage of Mount Ararat out of a Bell helicopter. Turkish authorities confiscated the footage because there was no landing permit granted. The area surrounding Mount Ararat is twice as big as the Grand Canyon. Many expeditions followed between 1986 and 1991
are you guys taking their research for your own?
Philip Williams
Troy Day yes I know who they are. Those are American cowboys, as we call them. Disrespect the locals, and you will never ever see what they have always believed to be Noah’s Ark. This project requires humility. If you ain’t got it, you will get it before you make any progress.
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams having fancied yourself as a self made media mogul in this forum already – have you decided on doing a brief 5 min a week video news brief on your topic – what has been discovered already, what is planned and then maybe even step by step from location in October – BTW any recording of your sessions in Poland ?
Philip Williams
Troy Day We have no plans to publish or broadcast anything until early next year.
Panda Lee who has visited the sites far more than I will be doing a Spanish language broadcast with me early in September in Santo Domingo about previous climbs. That will be televised.
Varnel Watson
like God told Moses – rethink thy strategy
Philip Williams
Troy Day this is at the request of the archaeologists who wish to do proper investigating before announcing. I understand and I am going to honor their request. It is a reasonable delay.
Philip Williams
Troy Day I’ll be writing our Polish connection soon if you can understand a Polish broadcast??