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100) The New Testament program for the modern church – Finis J. Dake (GPFM Lesson 20)
Varnel Watson
lets talk about it Rico Hero give us the SCOOP of the video – is it valid and applicable for our churches in 2019?
Rico Hero
Pastors:: Preach and Confirm. Unfortunately, I havent met many that can confrim. Have you ?
Isara Mo
Rico Hero Bravo
Isara Mo
Rico Hero I asked a question in this forum and all have avoided it:.can one be a believer and yet have no signs as spoken by Jesus?
Preach and Confirm carries the same believer without signs attire..
The Word say Jesus was with them(the apostles) “confirming” their message with signs…
Most of us like to preach and teach but when it comes to ” confirm”…..we back away
Varnel Watson
Confirm what
I have found out Link Hudson can confirm just about anything If the question is confirm the preached Gospel with miracles I know 2 maybe 3
Link Hudson
That’s word salad, so I do not know what you are trying to say about me. Typing with a cell phone?
Varnel Watson
I have foung you can confirm just about anything
Link Hudson
Troy Day I am not sure what you mean. I have not posted about signs and wonders confirming unbiblical things and the confirming role of signs and wonders has not been a major them of my posts in this forum.
Varnel Watson
I am not sure what you mean either Maybe you just had too much salad in the past week of festivities
Link Hudson
Troy Day runon sentences can be confusing using to the reader.
Varnel Watson
I cant even read what you are saying
runon sacrifice
tge river?
Daniel J Hesse
I received the gift of eating good fried chicken and discernment of a good church dinner. You can truly get a crowd for a meal. Now, if its prayer meeting numbers dissipate. This has always been a sign I have personally wondered about?
Rico Hero
How about you Link? Do you know any Pastors with powers ( baptized in the Spirit) to perform miracles?
Link Hudson
Rico Hero I have witnessed some healing icluding people I have prayed for myself. I have never seen walking on water, water into wine, or multiplying food.
Varnel Watson
Link if you actually watch the video what you are saying and what the video is about are 2 different things
Link Hudson
Troy Day i was answering a question in that post not commenting on the sermon.
Link Hudson
Did F. Dake do Iran es?
Varnel Watson
a resent graduation I attended I met a professors whose wife is from the DAKE family and attested WHEN he was in ZION (many dont know that) miracles happened – I’ve seen pictures with piles of crotches behind him
Daniel J Hesse
Troy Day crotches or crutches?
Link Hudson
Don’t add to the rumor miill. The man was convicted for taking a minor a couple of miles cover a state line to church apparently.
Varnel Watson
crutches – funny how Link is manipulating my auto spell (check)
We will of course ignore his under the belt conviction mention
Rico Hero
So what, Link? Peter denied Jesus , yet he had gifts. Or are you just trying to cut Dake down to convince your theology is better?
Link Hudson
Rico Hero I was making a joke. He probably got a bad rap over the Mann act conviction. Now we got a post about piles of crotches.
Rico Hero
Link, haha. Just for the record, I think your theology is a joke too, but I still love you:)
Varnel Watson
my device auto links Link Hudson every time I type the word link. Link did that by saying over 1,000 times the link doesnt work Now I have to deal with the all the linking links Link has linked me to
Link Hudson
Troy Day I suspect that’s because of my bame. gotta hit space or delete. Sometimes my FB will link a Chris or Christine and change the words when I type about Christ. It’s autoblaspehemy in some cases.
Rico Hero
Re: can one be a believer and yet have no signs as spoken by Jesus?
Hello Isara Mo
Many believers do not believe signs are for us in our time. Therefore, they do not seek them.
check out this video from Dake
Rico Hero
Re: can one be a believer and yet have no signs as spoken by Jesus?
Hello Isara Mo
Many believers do not believe signs are for us in our time. Therefore, they do not seek them.
check out this video from Dake
Isara Mo
Rico Hero Dake has a strong point..
Opposers of gifts have no solid scriptural proof but mere human excuses and i have found that most who oppose the lack of gifts are the ones who do not have any..
I have not heard or seen a person with ANY of the gift defend the lack of it…and this you will find in people who are religious…
Varnel Watson
yes – Dake is spot on here Link Hudson
Link Hudson
Troy Day I listened to it a week ago. I do not recall anything I disagreed with, though I don’t recall all the details now. The Spirit gifts believers with gifts of the Spirit.
Varnel Watson
You and Dave are very very similar![🙂](
Varnel Watson
Many believers WHO do not believe signs should get saved
Thomas A. Neal Jr.
Only Christ does miracles, we whom He chooses to use to do them through can’t take credit for them any more than the UPS man can take credit for the contents of the package he delivers.
Isara Mo
Thomas A. Neal Jr.
Jesus said anyone who believes in Him will do the works He has been doing(did Jesus do miracles?) and not only that BUT GREATER WORKS they will do….
Thomas A. Neal Jr.
It is still Christ who is laboring together with them and confirming His word by performing the miracles. To Him be ALL the glory!
Rico Hero