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The Sinking of Cross-cultural Bridges and the Collapse of the “Western Theological Corpus”
Bridges to people and culture do not work any longer because they never touch the water of troubled cross-cultural issues. For the same reason, contextual theology does not work any more – once faced with the deep cross-cultural crises of faith and conviction, it sinks with no hope.
We have long observed the collapse of the “Western Theological Corpus,” as Andrew Walls calls the structural problem in missions today. Main reason for its collapse is the failure to give answers to the theological questions emerging from the Global South. As a result, the colonial approach of doing missions, resonating in imperialistic cross-cultural ministry and ethnic conquest for assimilation of cultures, all have failed both the indigenous people and the mission sending agencies. Prayer has hence turned into a protest and prophecy for a new reality, where the encounter of missions is no less than the very cross-roads where we encounter God and others together.
Varnel Watson
YES – the Catholic church was imperial mission machine Philip Williams the movie confirms what we knew
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Has that imperial mission machine changed?
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo not really IMO but again who am I to say? The Catholic church is doing it economically now Philip Williams as well as other denomination for economic and political control
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Every shrewd businessman loves profit not loss.
Joe Absher
I believe the article was helpful. Its good to be mindful of these things. Would it be imperialist to say we all have bias?
Joe Absher
We wait. Lord won’t you give us a little stirring. Please. You see the need.
Varnel Watson
not a small issue to remain NOT considered in Pentecostal theology today Isara Mo William DeArteaga Joe Absher
Joe Absher
Video “missions” says not available
Varnel Watson
yes it is Just click on the PLAY button – starts with the feller playing some flute for you