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I shared this Word a few days ago on November 28, 2019, where I heard the sound of elephants trumpeting; ‘a sound of distinction’ will be heard: “America: God will Break the Backs of the Donkeys and the Stiff-necked.”
This morning I woke to this crazy riddle or rhyme about Humpty Trumpty sitting on a wall, watching as many would fall, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not raise them up again..!
Watch! As the elephants stampede and the donkeys scatter, and some will say, the elephants have sounded the sound of distinction, for the sound of many trumpets will herald a great victory for a nation that has come under demonic siege!”“
Ha America! You all going to think I’m crazy but I heard this early hours of the morning:
“Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Trumpty watched them all fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men,
Could not help them back up again.”
While in prayer yesterday I heard The Spirit say something and while it doesn’t make sense to me, I trust it will make sense to some of you.
I heard The Spirit Say, “I gave them a house, so that many could watch it fall.”
Any thoughts… please share…!
Post Script:
I received this interesting comment from a Facebook follower Abel Praise who lives in Nigeria.
“Trump and Tea”
Warm Greetings Ma,
I write as a minister from Nigeria. I so appreciate your obedience in putting out The Prophetic Words, they have been extremely significant in the prayer leads I have had to follow.
Also, I feel to share a significant understanding I have been granted concerning the significant prophetic language used in your dreams.
* The Tea, certainly speaks of The USA.
In many experiences and in following the prayer leads from THE LORD; I was shown the map of USA as being shaped as a Tea Jug that prophetically speaks of the economic calling of The USA as an Economic Nation to the world.
* The First Tea Dream also showed Donald Trump as a Tea Bag [American Prince] set into the American Nation.
Varnel Watson
As the 2010s are wrapping up, I can’t help but view the past ten years as a disaster.
Around the world, there has been a rise of authoritarian nationalism, unlike anything we’ve seen since the end of World War Two. A movement that not only hates migration but also romanticizes war and inequality while disregarding climate change.
This is particularly true of the “Western world”, but also of countries like Brazil and Russia.
As a Charismatic Christian, Acts 2 is of course one of my favourite Bible passages. What I read about there contrasts radically with my impression of the 2010s.
I read about the Holy Spirit making people able to communicate across linguistic and cultural barriers (vv 7-11), but around me I see xenophobia and wall-building.
I read about nobody being rich or poor (vv. 44-45), but around me I see global inequality growing and climate change threatening to kill hundreds of millions in developing countries.
I read about people being saved every day (v. 47), but around me I see millions of millennials leaving the evangelical church as it has grown tired of hypocrisy and judgmentalism.
But there is hope.
The Kingdom of God is spreading rapidly in the Majority World. There, Pentecostals and Charismatics value peace and justice to a much larger degree. Two of them even won the Nobel Peace Prize.
While some “Southern” Charismatics and Evangelicals are swept into partisan politics just as their “Northern” counterparts, many make sure to base their Christian values in Scripture rather than in conservative rhetoric.
In these nations, Acts 2 is being lived out in various ways, and loads of people are being saved as a result.
And in spite of inequality growing, millions of people have been lifted out of poverty during the last decade, particularly in Asia. This progress will sadly be erased if climate change continues to thrive, but at least it shows that the world can become a better place if we make the effort.
So even though the 2010s saddens me, I have hope for the 2020s. I hope for a new revival over the West, where chains to human-made ideologies will be broken and when we will passionately follow the Sermon on the Mount.
The Holy Spirit has done so before, let us unite in prayer for him to do it again!
This is an interesting exchange. There is more to it and this is just a key clip. Churches start out okay but they eventually develop a system of thought that calcifies. It is nearly impossible to challenge. When that happens, the odds of a small group of members helping matters is near impossible. It is time to move on.
I don’t agree that having a creed helps. I think what we see is that churches have life cycles. An atheist does not believe in God. The question is this, what do they do when they get married? For all that gets married is in the sight of God. So what does the Atheist really believe?
This is called making America great again. I do not think there is a good argument for atheism, because an argument depends on assuming the validity of reason, and atheism denies that.
There are times when I get a little tired of people trying to find some secret code in the Bible. Instead of trying to decode the Jewish new year or the date on the calendar, can you just preach the gospel. Just give people Jesus. Again, food for thought. That’s all I’m striving for, is to get people to think more deeply, beyond the 24-hours news crawl and 288-character tweets. Keller points out one of the things I’ve noticed: disagree on one topic, and you’re labeled as supporting “the other side” on all topics. It seems like an oxymoron to be spiritually strong yet complacent. But, one can be complacent in their strength. There is always more to receive in the Lord as we continue to draw on Him, and we need all that we can receive in order to fulfill the plans and purposes God has for our lives in these times. Click the title to read the whole message and to comment, and, if it speaks to you, share it to your page for the benefit of your friends.
My LST phd research explores the intersections of racism, politics and the operant theology of white North American evangelicals. Lord willing, I can finish. This is an important matter. Balmer has done excellent work in the sociopolitical realms of things
Varnel Watson
William DeArteaga
Varnel Watson
THANK YOU for your comment Stephen Mills
William DeArteaga
could not open
Varnel Watson
William DeArteaga WHICH one? the LA times and NY times links are open Let me know and I will paste the whole text here
Ray E Horton
Troy Day While we disagree on some points here, many good insights. I see that you quote one of my articles, about the seeming “oxymoron to be spiritually strong but complacent …” through ” benefit of your friends.”
William DeArteaga
Troy Day The LA times goes into a subscription add that cannot be removed
Varnel Watson
President Trump stands with Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. in Lynchburg, Va., in 2017. (Steve Helber / Associated Press )
DEC. 23, 2019 9:55 AM
Since the 2016 presidential election, I’ve written and lectured frequently about the death of evangelicalism, how a movement once distinguished for its concern for those Jesus called “the least of these” systematically and determinedly debased itself by aligning with the far-right fringes of the Republican Party. Beginning with Ronald Reagan in the late 1970s, evangelicals turned their backs on their own best traditions of caring for the poor and welcoming the stranger to embrace a series of deeply flawed politicians and policies inimical to the teachings of Jesus.
This misbegotten alliance reached its nadir in 2016, when 81% of white evangelicals helped propel into office the most vulgar and corrupt president in American history. (Ulysses Grant, Warren Harding and Richard Nixon might give Donald Trump a run on corruption, but no president surpasses him on vulgarity.)
Sometimes at the conclusion of this tragic declension narrative, I try to inject a note of hope. I recall the New Testament story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead even though Lazarus’ body had begun to decay. If Jesus could do that, it’s possible that he could revive evangelicalism.
On Thursday, Lazarus didn’t exactly rise, but the pinkie finger on his left hand began to twitch.
Mark Galli, editor in chief of Christianity Today, the flagship magazine of evangelicalism, published an editorial calling for Trump’s ouster. “Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office by the Senate or by popular vote next election — that is a matter of prudential judgment,” Galli wrote. “That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.”
That statement may not rise to the level of profile in courage, but it’s significant, nonetheless. And as Trump loyalists attacked in response, the president and CEO of Christianity Today doubled down.
The media have dutifully reported these developments, some sources with perhaps a hint of satisfaction. But before we get carried away and suggest that Galli be bronzed and set on a pedestal, allow me to place the editorial in perspective and fulfill the journalistic obligation of full disclosure.
From 1999 until 2013, I was on the masthead of Christianity Today as senior writer, advisory editor and editor at large; during that time, I wrote book and movie reviews and nine feature articles for the magazine, three of them cover stories. When Galli took over as editor, however, my assignments slowed to a trickle and then disappeared altogether.
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I have a file of correspondence on the matter, but Galli’s objection can be characterized as disappointment that I refused to fall in line with the agenda of the religious right. Specifically, he didn’t like that I persisted in pointing out that the religious right was born in the 1970s not out of concern for abortion — evangelicals considered abortion a Catholic issue then — but to defend racial segregation in evangelical institutions.
Galli also didn’t appreciate my stand on abortion, expressed in venues other than the magazine, that the government should have no jurisdiction whatsoever over gestation, and that anyone serious about reducing the rate of abortion should treat is as a moral issue rather than a legal one. I have no interest in making abortion illegal; I would like to make it unthinkable.
The point here is not Galli’s treatment of me; I can take care of myself. The point is that throughout Galli’s tenure as editor — at least until Thursday (he is set to retire at the end of the month) — Christianity Today has been marching in something close to lockstep with the religious right.
Where was Galli and the unequivocal editorial voice of Christianity Today when George W. Bush and Dick Cheney recklessly invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in clear violation of just-war principles? What did the editorial page of Christianity Today have to say when 24% of Americans, including a larger percentage of evangelicals, bought into the nonsense that Barack Obama was a Muslim?
What resistance did Galli and Christianity Today mount when Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) slammed through massive tax cuts for the affluent? What alarms did Galli and Christianity Today sound when Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr., Tony Perkins, Robert Jeffress, Ralph Reed and James Dobson slobbered over Trump, the self-confessed sexual predator, during the 2016 campaign?
I concede that I may have missed some signs of deviation from the right-wing norm, but when I returned to the magazine’s online archive to check my memory, I mostly encountered a lot of fawning over the likes of Michele Bachmann and Mike Huckabee outside of the editorial pages.
Assuming the mantle of prophet is all well and good. But a prophetic voice seeks to avert calamity rather than redress it.
I’m pleased with the Christianity Today editorial. The left hand of Lazarus shows some signs of life. What took so long?
Randall Balmer is a religion professor at Dartmouth College and the author of more than a dozen books, including “God in the White House: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush.”
Varnel Watson
this may OR may NOT be good for your LIST William DeArteaga Ray E Horton we NEED to here BOTH sides HOW do ppl around the world FEEL about our issues here in America? Isara Mo Thangsan Hisfootstep Micael Grenholm RichardAnna Boyce
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton I dont think we disagree on much Alike you I am a active voting and registered Reagan republican Alike William DeArteaga I share M brown’s concerns here Brown has since flip flopped his social stance IMO to sell more books like this one Joe Absher
Varnel Watson
Trump is President because unlike his predecessors (Obama, Bush II, Clinton, and Bush I), he is a nationalist. The previous four presidents were globalists. Hillary was a globalist.
My view of eschatology says the Anti-Christ will come from Europe, therefore the USA must diminish in it’s power and influence so the EU can rise. With a nationalist in the White House, this is exactly what is happening. Trump is pulling back financial and logistical support all over the world. The EU now realizes they must step up. Macron even says he would like to replace NATO with a European army.
Everything is falling in line for an increase of power and influence of the EU and the US is being sidelined due to Trump’s nationalist policies and his own divisive personality. Soon, we will need a new world leader since America doesn’t want that role anymore. Guess who HE will be! I think this is all in God’s plan. Ricky Grimsley Neil Steven Lawrence
Varnel Watson
#INTERESTING I received this interesting comment from a Facebook follower Abel Praise who lives in Nigeria.
“Trump and Tea”
Warm Greetings Ma,
I write as a minister from Nigeria. I so appreciate your obedience in putting out The Prophetic Words, they have been extremely significant in the prayer leads I have had to follow.
Also, I feel to share a significant understanding I have been granted concerning the significant prophetic language used in your dreams.
* The Tea, certainly speaks of The USA.
In many experiences and in following the prayer leads from THE LORD; I was shown the map of USA as being shaped as a Tea Jug that prophetically speaks of the economic calling of The USA as an Economic Nation to the world.
* The First Tea Dream also showed Donald Trump as a Tea Bag [American Prince] set into the American Nation.
Varnel Watson
William DeArteaga Brian Roden Nelson Banuchi
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce Isara Mo Ray E Horton William DeArteaga If you reopen your buildings for worship services and people show up, will they like the experience and want to come back?
I think this is going to be a stretch…especially for people you are trying to reach. I’m imagining this scenario:
First you need to go make a reservation on our website. When you arrive on our campus, you’ll need to be escorted to your seat. We’ll need to get your contact information to track you down in case someone is here with the virus. You’ll need to wear this mask. You have to sit six feet apart from everyone else in this big room which will be about 20 percent full. Your kids will need to sit with you through this entire service that is designed for adults because we can’t open our kids environments at this point. When the service is over, please leave promptly and return to your cars while avoiding contact with other people.
It sounds delightful.
Again, I have to ask, is this the wisest use of your resources (time, leadership, volunteers, money, energy, etc.) during this season? Or, would the Kingdom return on investment be better if you focused on your digital ministry strategy and the long-term shifts you’ll need to make to effectively carry out your mission and vision once this crisis is behind us.
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Let’s pray that a demons don’t manifest because all these social distancing precautions will be scattered to the four corners of the church..
A person who is demonized can’t place his hand on his mouth to keep his face mask on and might jump and grab the pastor with his un sanitized hands…
The civility of social distancing and face mask will work as long as there is tranquility…let chaos arise..!!!
Ray E Horton
It was worked well for us without all the fuss you mention here. We continue online, as we had before, but, even with social distancing it’s nice to see church family and have some fellowship.