So this is the message conference and point when Wagner proceeds with dominion theology. Largely pre-mil theology has been employed by NAR prior, mainly because of the association with AG churches – and by association here is meant NAR theology allowed and proponed among AG churches via books, tapes and manuals. Now, however, NAR is stepping into producing apostles which are not well received in our AG churches. This creates a conflict in theology and praxis. This conflict Wagner resolves through stepping into straight DOMINION theology using materials from
– Garry North with the fake PhD
– Rousas Rushdoony and his Christian Reconstructionism
– Greg Bahnsen – whose contribution I have never been able to figure out, except for riding the wave of the presuppositional method of Van Til
All elements of this move were promoted largely via CBN and Pat Robertson network
Wagner’s/NAR’s/Wimber’s/Clark’s, etc. etc. anti-Pentecostal pneumatology should have caused the AG to slam the door abruptly upon it at the very outset. But the AG was apparently not sufficiently steadfast in the Pentecostal truth entrusted to it. Now, we have a real mess.
Is this truly the view of ‘conservative’ evangelicals? or is this liberals clothed in conservative clothing. Ed Brewer [08/02/2015 10:45 PM]sycophantic drivel Charles Page…
Varnel Watson
So this is the message conference and point when Wagner proceeds with dominion theology. Largely pre-mil theology has been employed by NAR prior, mainly because of the association with AG churches – and by association here is meant NAR theology allowed and proponed among AG churches via books, tapes and manuals. Now, however, NAR is stepping into producing apostles which are not well received in our AG churches. This creates a conflict in theology and praxis. This conflict Wagner resolves through stepping into straight DOMINION theology using materials from
– Garry North with the fake PhD
– Rousas Rushdoony and his Christian Reconstructionism
– Greg Bahnsen – whose contribution I have never been able to figure out, except for riding the wave of the presuppositional method of Van Til
All elements of this move were promoted largely via CBN and Pat Robertson network
Dan Irving
Wagner’s/NAR’s/Wimber’s/Clark’s, etc. etc. anti-Pentecostal pneumatology should have caused the AG to slam the door abruptly upon it at the very outset. But the AG was apparently not sufficiently steadfast in the Pentecostal truth entrusted to it. Now, we have a real mess.
Varnel Watson
lam the door they did but opened for Bentley, Brown etc
Mike Partyka
When you have a “church” who creates so called apostles it will always cause issues. There will always be a “god told me” quote that raises eyebrows
Varnel Watson
Mike Partyka dont GOD call apostles? Michael Ellis Carter Jr.