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Nelson Banuchi |

Do most, if not all, Pentecostals believe in the pre-tribulation/pre-millenial rapture?
Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 4:23 PM]
Jordan Evans [02/26/2015 4:26 PM]
I don’t.
Edwin Mendez [02/26/2015 4:27 PM]
I love Perry but I’m post-trib. I’m keeping an open mind however and not holding in to it too tight because there are excellent arguments for pre-trib. I just haven’t heard them all.
Cordell Hines [02/26/2015 4:46 PM]
Most Pentecostals are pre-tribulation & pre-millennial; but not all are.
Brody Pope [02/26/2015 4:49 PM]
I’m a pre-trib and Pre-millennial.
Rick Wadholm Jr [02/26/2015 5:02 PM]
Definitely not all, but it seems to be the leading position of U.S. /Canadian Pentecostals (which are not a majority globally). To be honest, I’m not certain of leading eschatological views in wider Pentecostalisms.
Bill Coble [02/26/2015 5:28 PM]
The Church of God Cleveland TN Declaration of Faith holds that if you are apart of our Denomination then you must believe the Pre-Millennial view. What disturbs me is you got those now that are denying this in the COG. If they joined the COG, they need to adhere to the doctrine!
Byron Benefield [02/26/2015 5:51 PM]
I personally don’t believe it should be an article of faith and definitely not as a basis for fellowship. There is a great amount of spiritual arrogance within Pentecostalism that implies “I know more than you do and I am right and you are ignorant.” that’s not limited to Pentecostalism but very much a part of denominationalism
Pack Rat [02/26/2015 5:54 PM]
The question should also include whom will go and whom will be left behind. I believe the luke warm will be left behind, in this first rapture. There are end time prophecies being manifested as we speak.Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36
Brody Pope [02/26/2015 5:54 PM]
I agree bill.
Byron Benefield [02/26/2015 5:58 PM]
Be ready for pretrib but have faith enough to endure post trib.
Byron Benefield [02/26/2015 5:59 PM]
Tell the Christians being slaughtered all over the world not to worry because they won’t have to go through the tribulation.
Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 6:09 PM]
I’ll fly away, oh glory, I’ll fly away…
Brody Pope [02/26/2015 6:16 PM]
“In the beautiful city of the sweet forever
Where the river of life goes ebbing by
We’ll look upon the beauty that fades no never
And happy we’ll be while the ages fly
Joseph Castillo [02/26/2015 6:21 PM]
A lot of pre tribulation Pentecostals out there
Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 6:22 PM]
This world is not my home
I’m just a passing through
When comes the tribulation
I won’t be here with you
~ Bro. Pre-Trib
Jordan Evans [02/26/2015 6:30 PM]
I was pre-trib, pre-mil the entire time I was growing up in the CoG, because I never heard an alternative viewpoint. When I did hear one, leaders in the denomination would always label that person a false teacher or someone I needed to keep away from..
I left the CoG a few years ago and I was exposed to a number of alternative and equally Biblical understandings of eschatology and now, after giving a few years to study I hold to an eschatology which is very similar to that of N.T. Wright..
Pentecostal Theology [02/26/2015 6:48 PM]
Byron Benefield bro Joseph Castillo will tell you from his experience with the underground church in China, that the persecuted church endures persecution exactly b/c it expects a pre-trib rapture and taking away from this present reality…
John Earp [02/26/2015 7:31 PM]
I am a CoG pastor, and find the historic premillenial view (post-trib) to make the most sense. I will not be upset if it turns out I was mistaken. The CoG has no official stance with regard to pretrib, mid trib, post trib. Most seem to favor the pretrib theory because its so popular (who wants to suffer persecution and martyrdom, anyway, haha!), but the CoG Declaration of Faith only specifies belief in the premillenial return of the Lord Jesus, and doesn’t specify the timing of the rapture as such.
Charles Page [02/26/2015 7:39 PM]
John Gill was a famous historic pre-trib of the old school Baptist faith.
Charles Page [02/26/2015 7:45 PM]
one of my favorite A-mil songs is “our Lord is coming back to earth again” sung by the early church before 70 AD! Satan will be bound a 1000 years we’ll have no tempter then!!!
Nelson Banuchi [02/26/2015 8:31 PM]
Is there any statistic around that would show what Pentecostals believe re: the “rapture.”
Personally, I don’t believe it and find that for any local body to demand that as a requirement for fellowship…well, it may be fine for that local body…but if they are going to make it an essential for or test of salvation or fellowship with other believers outside their denomination, personally, meaning no disrespect but, that’s pretty stupid and divisive. I’m surprised that would occur, if that is the case.
I was just wondering because, unless I’m mistaken, the idea of a rapture seems to have caught on bug in the 1970’s, which many Charismatics espoused, and now there seems to be a resurgence, even so far as to have a (or two?) movie with a high-profile actor.
Jordan Evans [02/26/2015 8:38 PM]
I don’t believe in the rapture anymore..Nor do I believe in the antichrist, Mark of the beast, etc. It really makes me upset when I hear of churches making certain eschatological beliefs a must in order to be a part of the church. Eschatology is a secondary issue, not a primary issue.
Bill Coble [02/26/2015 9:04 PM]
What do you do then with the scripture knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men?
Bill Coble [02/26/2015 9:06 PM]
Secondary issue. Why then is most of the New Testament about it?
James L Alldredge [02/26/2015 9:07 PM]
The Rapture or catching away of the saints is absolutely biblical and is clearly linked to 2 other events in 1Thess. 4, the return of Jesus and the resurrection of the dead. 2 Thess. 1 and Rev. 19, place the return of Jesus at the close of the tribulation period. Rev. 20 places the resurrection after His return. However there are two problems, 1. The righteous cannot ever be the object of God’s wrath since that wrath was poured out on Christ at Calvary. So then if they are in the trib, they have to be somehow protected from the wrath of the Lamb. 2. The first resurrection is clearly placed 1000 years before the resurrection of the unrighteous in Rev. 20. All in all the scriptures seem to leave the matter open to interpretation, maybe God doesn’t want us to know when, just to be ready at all times…
Brody Pope [02/26/2015 9:09 PM]
All I’m gonna say is, Jesus is coming soon. It could be anytime. Just make sure you’re ready to go.
Charles Page [02/26/2015 9:10 PM]
It is the bodily resurrection we are waiting for and that will be the final end!!!
John Earp [02/26/2015 9:16 PM]
I agree that eschatology is a nonessential issue, and certainly should not be something that divides Christians.
Brandon Canning [07/30/2015 4:14 AM]
I came to Christ in a Pentecostal context. Went to a Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada bible college. I’m now pastoring at a PAOC church but was denied credentials because I’m an Amillennialist. I understand that Amil eschatology is quite different from the standard Pentecostal view, but I’m very disappointed that there appears to be no room within Pentecostalism for a diversity of voices on secondary and tertiary matters. Maybe it’s different in other Pentecostal fellowships but it is my experience that the PAOC is more concerned with uniformity than unity. My current church is aware of and open to my views; it will be the last Pentecostal church I serve in. I’m deeply saddened by the PAOC’s insistence on making sure people tick the right boxes on their credentialing forms rathervthan developing robust theological dialogue within the fellowship. Anyone else experienced this sort of thing?
Link Hudson
In the US, probably. But a lot of them study the Bible and find they can’t really find support for it. If you don’t eisegete it into passages in the first place, where is the evidence that the rapture is pre-trib?
Varnel Watson
Outside the US too. robably. If you study the Bible no other rapture pattern really fits the biblical interpretation Meaning other than pre-Trib most theories are non-Biblical
Link Hudson
Troy Day, fit the Biblical pattern? Can you show one vers that puts the rapture before the tribulation? In II thessalonians 1, Jesus gives the church rest when he comes back, executing judgment on them that know not God.
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson I’ve shown you many verses on many occasions. Are you a forgetful reader of the Word? If so, what difference would it make to you if I show you thousand verses?
Link Hudson
You have to show one that is evidence for ‘pre-trib.’ ‘Come up hither’ doesn’t cut it for proving that doctrine.
Varnel Watson
Like I said – a thousand verses aint gonna cut it for the unbeliever
Link Hudson
Troy Day For the unbeliever? Wow, that is unnecessarily divisive, especially for a man who can’t produce a verse that actually supports his position.
Stephen Gibney
I too believe that the Bride will not be beat up before the wedding. Most people get so scholarly that they fail to see Christ meeting believers in the air in the rapture as different than his coming to earth in the second coming.
Varnel Watson
Correct. Lot’s of PhD head knowledge folk will go through the Tribulation Simpy because that’s what they believe
Stephen Gibney
Stephen Gibney
So God has not appointed believers to wrath? Praise God for his grace!
Varnel Watson
God has not but they like to believe they are wrath appointed and go they go right pass the Rev 3;10 promise Link Hudson
Link Hudson
The timing of the second coming doesn’t change because of what you believe. If that’s the case, would Buddhist’s go to Nirvana, Muslims go to hell, then Muslim paradise, with their warriors going sgtraight to paradise to meet 70 virgins? Do atheists skip Hell and go to heaven.
Link Hudson
Troy Day, was Israel appointed to wrath when they were in Egypt. Isn’t that situation similar to what we read in Revelation, with plagues being sent on the land?
Do you think the ‘tribulational saints’ are ‘appointed unto wrath’?
Stephen Gibney
Link you sound confused. I don’t know what the Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists have to do with our conversation. You’re creating a very unusual straw man argument trying to throw universalism into the mix of this conversation period or at least it sounds like it. No, you have to be saved here on Earth before you were taken in the rapture period or at least to have died but was in Christ before you diedperiod but you know that I don’t even know why you’re bringing this up. It sounds like a desperate attempt to win an argument.
Varnel Watson
I dont think Link Hudson is confused He simply lacks formal training in theology proper When one’s theological perspective is based on some limited observation of Pentecostalism + brief visits abroad to churches that do not represent classical Pentecostalism the theology formed is exactly that – not confused but definitely perplexing and mixing non-doctrinal issues with the Pentecostal theology
Link Hudson
Troy Day What about those people with formal theological training and their head knowledge. I’ve spent about 24 years in Pentecostal denomination al churches, and several years in an independant Full Gospel church with Pentecostal doctrine.
Link Hudson
Troy Day, you say you’ve provided a lot of verses for pre-trib. I notice you provide stuff that you can spin a pre-trib argument out of with several leaps of reasoning. John hearing ‘Come up hither’ in a vision is pre-trib. Arguing for pre-trib out of Revelation 3:10 also requires assumptions. Those arguments aren’t that appealing if you don’t already strongly hold to pre-trib.
I have pointed out to you numerous times much tighter, clearer passages from Paul’s writings. I’ll point out two here. Pre-tribbers will argue that there is no ‘church’ mentioned when Jesus comes back in the book of Revelation, not counting the constant references to the ‘saints’ as references to the church.
But in II Thessalonians 1, when Jesus comes back with His holy angels, he gives the CHURCH rest, and will execute judgment on them that know not God, when He returns to be glorified in the saints.
1. There is one second coming in these verses.
2. The church is here at the second coming.
3. Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.
4. The passage speaks of ‘that day’, setting up the context for chapter 2, which says the day of the Lord will not occur before the man of sin be revealed.
You mention verses that you can weakly spin a pre-trib argument out of, if you assume pre-trib. I typically address what you post, but I post verses that put the nail in the coffin of pre-trib, and you ignore it and act like you’ve proven your case.
A lot of Pentecostals believe in pre-trib. I did, too, until it bothered me too much that I couldn’t see it in the Bible, so I read more and decided to let go of my belief in the doctrine. It’s hard to do that when you’ve been indoctrinated. I’ve learned that conforming with a denomination or movement isn’t as important as the truth. If all the other Pentecostals in the world decided to wear their underwear on their head, would you do the same?
Dan Irving
I Cor. 15 is clearly speaking of the Parousia. Matt 24 is clearly speaking of the Parousia; I & II Thess. are clearly speaking of the Parousia; II Peter is clearly speaking of the Parousia. Rev 4:1 clearly does not address this issue. Most false teachings at least have one verse that is miscontrued in some way. I’m still looking for that one verse that is possible to misconstrue as a “catching away” of the church independent of the Lord’s coming.
Stephen Gibney
I’m glad after all these years of church history one man thinks he’s so clear on the coming of the Lord. Glad to see Dan thinks he’s got it all figured out. Maybe somebody will give him an award or something I don’t know what Troy thinks
Dan Irving
Stephen Gibney, please consider that we are all to be clear on the coming of the Lord. God’s word is “but I would not have you be ignorant” (I Thess 4:13) I am clear on this issue.
Stephen Gibney
Dan discussing the Lord’s coming is probably up there with the controversies of the doctrine of the Trinity. There have been many discussions over through the years. if a person is Pentecostal then they should embrace the pre-tribulation rapture. I’m not saying they can’t be Pentecostal I’m just saying they’re not going to be a classical Pentecostal. I think that the Pentecostal movement has gone too far away from its roots and needs to get back to the old time preaching that has now made the Pentecostal movement the largest growing Christian movement in the world.
Dan Irving
Stephen Gibney You begin by mocking me over my certainty of the Lord’s coming, saying “the Lord’s coming is probably up there with the controversies of the doctrine of the trinity,” as if its a debatable point and I am ignorant for being self-assured in my position. You then challenge that I am less than a Pentecostal unless I believe your teaching on the subject, meaning the subject is vitally important. The complete contradiction of your argument should, seriously, give you reason to take some inventory.
Varnel Watson
Actually Link Hudson is right for this one thing – your belief does not change what God is going to do or not going to do. In Rev 3;10 God is saying to save the church from the hour of tribulation. If believes that or not makes no difference for God. The believers will be saved and raptured, the rest await the Tribulation unseen – everyone according to their faith
Dan Irving
Troy Day Yes, but there is a significant list of assumptions one must make to transform this verse into a teaching in support of Pre-Trib rapture.
Varnel Watson
Rev 3:1 is as straight as it gets. What textual (incl text ciritical), hermeneutical, exegetical or systematic theology issues are in Rev 3:10 that are not clear? Rev 4:1 clearly addresses this issue 1Thes 4 is obviously about pre-Trib rapture The Ancient Church Fathers Believed in Pre-Trib Rapture
Grover Katzmarek Sr
I disagree. I’ve studied the early church fathers and almost all without exception were not pre trib.
Now show me in the new testament when any of the writers from Jesus, Paul, Peter John spoke of a 7 year tribulation. That came from Sir Robert Anderson misinterpretation daniel 9:27. Then John Darby took up this academic hoax and ran with it.
All the leading theologians Calvin, LUTHER, WESLEY believed when Christ returns it will be for the general resurrection and judgment
Dan Irving
1) The Lord is speaking to one of seven church. 2) The word “Tribulation” is not used, but rather “pirasmos” meaning “testing/temptation” (rather than the “thilipsis” of Matt. 24) 3) Even if the Lord was speaking of the Tribulation, (which he is clearly not) there would be a tremendous leap of logic to conclude he was speaking of a rapture, rather than being “kept” in the normal, Gospel sense.
Varnel Watson
τῆς μελλούσης ἔρχεσθαι [tēs mellousēs erchesthai] , the one about to come. “The participle τῆς μελλούσης [tēs mellousēs] (‘which is about to’) modifies ὥρας [hōras] , ‘hour,’ rather than πειρασμοῦ [peirasmou] , ‘trial,’ showing that it is the hour, not the trial, that is prominent in the statement.”; which proves the church shall not be here during any such hour according to the promises of Jesus
Since you brought the word “Tribulation” – would you be bale to show NT references where that word is used referring to the for the Church and not the nation of Israel alone?
Dan Irving
First Issue: “the hour.” This is the word “hora” (I think that’s even the Spanish word for “hour.” If this refers to a 7-year Tribulation, it would certainly have to be figurative. But as is figurative, then it is more likely to be understood that hour (or “time”) of trouble appointed us all, of every age in the faith, for the testing of our faith. (I Pet 1;7) “That the trial of your faith . . though it be tried by fire . . might be found unto praise . .at the appearing of our Lord Jesus.” There is simply no implication this must refer to a futuristic 7-year period of earth’s-history. Second Issue: “thilipsis”: II Cor 1:6 “whether we be THILIPSIS it is for your consolation and salvation.” II Cor 4:8 – “We are THILIPSIS on every side, yet not distressed.” I Thess 3:4 “We told you before that we should suffer THILIPSIS.”
Varnel Watson
Dan Irving I am very interesting in this rapture discussion that actually reads the Bible and the greek text. Can we take it as a separate topic so we dont mix it with all the general blah-blah out there?
Dan Irving
It does seem good to address one support-verse at a time. I agree with the assessment of one Pentecostal minister, that many of those clinging to Darbyism will likely be caught flat-footed at the hour appointed for them.
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson
How about a verse or two instead of a 10 minute video, the first of a seven part series?
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson about those ppl you speak of – a PhD in economix may want to stay and observe the economical depression brought by the AntiCrhrist and his no-mark no-sell-buy policy A PhD from Hard Knocks is looking to get out of here with the first flight i.e. the rapture – can I get an AMEN Street Preacherz Ricky Grimsley
Street Preacherz
Prepare to meet thy God…
Debbie Thompkins
Chris returns in the east and every eye shall see at the 7 th trumpet.
Link Hudson
I don’t know. I don’t have a PhD in economics. Our degrees and what we want doesn’t change what the Bible teaches. In I Corinthins 15, we see that those who are Christ’s will be made alive ‘at His coming’. Notice it does not say seven years before His coming.
Ricky Grimsley
Or we teach people they will go through part of the tribulation like the bible says and churches prepare with food and water?
Debbie Thompkins
We will that are alive. But to believe in the rapture you have to think God put a gap in Daniels 70 weeks but it was fulfilled.
Ricky Grimsley
And guns and ammo
Ricky Grimsley
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 KJVS
[1] Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, [2] That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. [3] Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come , except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Dan Irving
Pretty much excludes that epistle as any support for Pre-Trib. And, since this epistles is a continuation upon the theme of the first epistle, it would seem to exclude any resort to the Thessalonican letters altogether.
Ricky Grimsley
It looks like paul was a least mid trib. Lol
Dan Irving
at the very least
Varnel Watson
Paul cannot appeal to neither of these 2 views if he wants to encourage the church or stay faithful to Scripture ant the plan of God Paul represents. The problem with these post/mid-Trub views is that all 19 judgments in Revelation 6—18 are God’s wrath. The seal judgments, which are opened at the very beginning of the tribulation, are brought forth not by man or Satan, but by the Lamb Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 6:1). They are messianic judgments. Jesus opens the seals and an angel calls each of the four horsemen to ride across the earth in judgment. To say that the wrath of God is limited to the last half or last fourth of the tribulation ignores the source of the seven seal judgments that commence the seven-year tribulation. Moreover, while the word ‘wrath’ is not found in Revelation until 6:16-17, the famine, sword, pestilence, and wild beasts in the first four seal judgments are often associated with God’s wrath in other places in the Bible (Jer 14:12; 15:2; 24:10; 29:17; Ezek 5:12, 17; 14:21).
Varnel Watson
Encourage yourself with the word of ap. Paul because there’s certainly no encouragement for the church in the post-trib talk by Ricky Grimsley
Ricky Grimsley
I am not post-trip. I am pre-wrath. There is certainly encouragement knowing I don’t have to go through Gods wrath.
Link Hudson
Yes there is since Jesus will return and give the church rest. Di you believe the tribulational saints are appointed unto wrath?
Ricky Grimsley
The saints will not experience the wrath of God. However, the wrath of man and satan is a different thing. Christians around the world are already experiencing the wrath of man and satan.
Debbie Thompkins
Not this Pentecostal
Dan Irving
Many of these chat group dialogues result in one side deleting all their comments when it becomes clear their views have a crumbling foundation. They will then pop up some time later, making the same thread-bare assertions that caused them to delete their comments in the first instance. What a shame. If they would only allow the record to stand, take inventory of their beliefs, and acknowledge any error that was exposed they would stand much to gain in terms of the Lord raising light upon their mind. ?
Dan Irving
Mind you, these words apply to numerous dialogues; not just the instant case.
Dan Irving
Its more than that Street Preacherz. We will be judged of God for our every idle word. How much more speaking doctrine in a public forum.
Street Preacherz
For the record. I haven’t deleted any on this case. Maybe it’s a luxury. But I don’t feel the need to hold a postion on this. For me this is nothing more than table talk. Turning from sin and trusting in Jesus Christ is significantly more important. My effort on the street Saturday night was. “How long oh Lord will you forget me? forever?.”
There is coming a time when the troubler will cease his troubling and when the last snare has been set. Too simple? You got me…
Dan Irving
Its more than that Street Preacherz. We will be judged of God for our every idle word. How much more speaking doctrine in a public forum.
Street Preacherz
Ricky Grimsley
Nine verses in the bible talk about “unicorns”. 0 talk about a pretrib rapture
Stephen Gibney
Well the unicorns will not be raptured…duh…lol…jk
Ricky Grimsley
Debbie Thompkins
I think many fellow Christians believe the 70 were split in judgement 69 weeks fulfilled and saved 1 for the end of time but that’s not correct. The 70 weeks we’re finished but for those that believe otherwise that gives the excuse to put in a rapture. Jesus said that in that time we shall be called up gif a testimony and speak not beforehand but speak what God puts in your mouth. God said that had He not shortened the time no flesh Gould be saved not even the Elect.
Ricky Grimsley
Are you saying this verse is fulfilled because i dont how transgressions are finished or everlasting righteousness is here yet either? Daniel 9:24 KJVS
[24] Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
Debbie Thompkins
You have to know how to divide the word and know God was putting judgement on Israel because they refused to turn back. If you study you’ll see this was all fulfilled.
Debbie Thompkins
Yes the 70 weeks were fulfilled. You’ll note among many truths God said that will this was completed He (God) would punish king Nebuchadnezzar. I’m pretty sure Nebuchadnezzar died centuries ago.
Ricky Grimsley
Varnel Watson
Dan Irving Still think we should do a separate one on the actual Bible behind all this church rapture talk ?
Dan Irving
Troy Day Perhaps an examination of a particular scripture you believe pertains to a separate catching up of the Church? (ie. as separate from the Lord’s return.)
Varnel Watson
We did this with 2 Thess 2 in the original Greek but most just know what they know and dont want to know wheat the Bible really says
Debbie Thompkins
I am a loving daughter of my Lord and you can believe unbiblical teachings but there is no rapture. I’m sorry I pray y’all study and pray and let the Holy Spirit tell you not man.
Dan Irving
Troy Day I think I’ve heard all the arguments. None have convinced me into 3 comings of Christ.
Debbie Thompkins
Troy I was raised to believe Christ was coming back in secret which Isn’t biblical and then later after everybody sits in heaven while everybody on earth is murdered then Christ will bring the good folks back. Did not God say,”as in the days of Noah?”
Did God take the saints first or did He take the evil doers? He took the evil /non believers first. The movies Left Behind are Satan’s deception. Did not God tell the angels to let the tares grow beside the wheat and when harvest comes the angels are to take evil first bundle them and toss them into the fire leaving wheat behind. Unfortunately, the churches are teaching this in error. I am not expert but I do know this, the Holy Spirit gave me this. Christ will return at the 7th trumpet.
Street Preacherz
It is appointed unto men once to die then comes the judgment. A lot of folks will not go up. And that’s going on right now. The way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from hell below. It’s best to get caught up right now!!!
Varnel Watson
Yes Virginia, There Is A Rapture
Scotty Searan
I believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ which is a Rapture..
I do not believe in a secret Rapture.
I believe in a Prewrath Rapture
I am not going to call people heretics because they believe otherwise
I Believe it is sad to preach against tribulation here in America, when most of the Christians in this world are being tried and persecuted.
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
Robert Borders its a heaven bound homecoming
I believe in pre trib rapture (no rapture word is not in the BIBLE but it means taking away) the Word clearly says to take the Whole WORD of God, rightly divided…and also to STUDY the Word to show yourself a workman worthy….
How can 2 be in bed 1 taken the other left….2 in field 1 taken 1 left…….
ask yourself these and then study pray and ask for answers…..also at the Rapture when the angel trump sounds dead in Christ first then those who believe and are remain will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus… the AIR is different than when he returns and sets His foot on ground.