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Библията Тв | 2021 “A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King ~via Pete Fiske
Pete Fiske [01/18/2016 6:46 AM]
I agree. Which is why such moral abominations like abortion and the radical homosexual agenda must be vigorously opposed by the Body of Christ!
Turchina Kosovala [01/18/2016 8:12 AM]
Turchina Kosovala liked this on Facebook.
Diane Robinson [01/18/2016 8:12 AM]
‘Christianity is the protest against all the high places which human beings build for themselves’ (Barth C.D IV/II p.524).
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Running a red light is that a moral code or an unmoral code?
Street Preacherz
No one is asking but my favorite sermon of Dr. King is, “Precious Values” or rediscovering lost values (his own subtitle) it is very early ’58. From a series “A knock at midnight” you can get it on an interlibrary loan!!!
Paul Hughes
Boy oh boy, if anybody dared say that today, peole would shout, “Theocracy!” and “Separation of Church and State!”
Varnel Watson
I submit to yall that many Pentecostal preachers today have never even heard a single sermon by our bro. MLK Charles Page
Street Preacherz
He has alot of imitators. I can’t image preaching love at the funeral of babys blown up in sunday school. That’s courage
Varnel Watson
I concur with #MLK on this one – unjust laws are just wrong Nelson Banuchi I am Copying Michael Ellis Carter Jr. on this one here
Dr. King’s speech opposing the Vietnam war was considered “demagogic propaganda” yet the rhetoric of our Plebiscitary Dictator President Trump is considered a matter of national security.
Bob Wizenhut
Bob Wizenhut
No disagreement from me.
Varnel Watson
So we are OK to oppose unjust migrant laws?
John-Mark Neal Hales
It’s wrong to rebel against any law without Biblical justification. How would you justify that?
Varnel Watson
with biblical justification of it being unjust?
John-Mark Neal Hales
That’s not cause to rebel. Daniel ordered not to pray but he had Scriptural ordinance to pray, so that trumped the unjust law. That’s not the same as you just not approving a law and ignoring it.
Varnel Watson
did the 3 Hebrew boys rebelled when they protested?
John-Mark Neal Hales
What are you talking about?
Varnel Watson
‘Christianity is the protest against all the high places which human beings build for themselves’ (Barth C.D IV/II p.524).
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo ?
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Yap. Can’t understand that quote.
Varnel Watson
Isara Mo read the WHOLE quote then
TRUTH right ther e
there are MANY unjust laws in the church today