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Библията Тв | PentecostalTheology.comMichael L Brown shares Why Evangelical Christians Should Not Support Donald #Trump
John Kissinger [12/01/2015 8:04 AM]
Not too sure if I mostly disagree or mostly agree or does it even matter? Jon Sellers David M. Hinsen
David M. Hinsen [12/01/2015 8:10 AM]
I personally don’t get why evangelicals wouldn’t vote. I’ve heard the reasoning I just don’t get it. Why would you not vote? Ultimately there will be a GOP candidate and unless we want 4-8 years of Billary we must vote.
John Kissinger [12/01/2015 8:11 AM]
mainly b/c his value system is neither evangelical nor conservative – I would have thought Michael L Brown would be successful in making the moral-value case but instead he goes for Donald making fun of people – how about wanting a segregation and registration of Muslims (and other faiths) in America???
David M. Hinsen [12/01/2015 8:34 AM]
I understand. I will vote for whoever the conservative nomination goes too. For me, a non vote is a vote for the dems.
David M. Hinsen [12/01/2015 8:35 AM]
John Kissinger [12/01/2015 8:36 AM]
Peter A Vandever wrote about the danger of that recently. I am also appalled by the following comparison Clinton against AIDS vs Trump against Muslims (and I like Trump) Jon Sellers
David M. Hinsen [12/01/2015 4:57 PM]
John Kissinger [12/02/2015 3:48 AM]
Well, at least Trump saw much love in the room, he said
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi Gary Micheal Epping I am still confused HOW to take Brown’s politically inclined pentecostalism? May need to post more on this later Ricky Grimsley has also posted some confusing snap shots back in the day…
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Old news and Rabbit Brown has changed his mind….he supports Trump now.
Louise Cummings
I hadn’t seen the snapshots. I don’t know this Brothers reason. But I don’t see how anyone could find reasons not to vote for him, with the other side has stripped our country of freedom. Almost dictator ship. They believe in everything but God. And they are going to see how it will be if it goes to the other side. Vote to kill babies while in the mother womb , and I don’t like to write the words on Facebook. But anyway same sex couples is fine in their book. Just what bright Judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. But it seems some won’t be satisfied until they vote for this garbage. All I heard that , in the last turn. Was I’m borrowing so many trillion more. A very short time. So many more trillion, I guess to run our debt up when they had so many million. Any anything less than that was crumbs to them.I would like to know what about Trump would be so much worse.
Varnel Watson
not really Jerome Herrick Weymouth Read his new book and see
Sissy Hixon
I support Trump and will continue to do so..TRUMP 2020
Dave Larson
Your “…will continue to do so” is SO sad. U have committed intellectual (not to mention spiritual) suicide, and in doing so DISHONOR God, who you are supposed to love “with all your mind”.
Varnel Watson
Trump 2010? Ricky Grimsley Peter Vandever I was thinking more of Perry2020 and here now Dr. Brown too
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson TRUMP 2020
Dave Larson
Well, u persuaded me, Sissy Hixon. Before, I was saw Trump as a petulant child, an “anti-Christ”, but now I fully support him, as a result of your in-depth, biblically-supported and theologically sound argument. Congrats.
Varnel Watson
hahah Dave what do you think of Dr. Mike Brown too flipping to the other side and repenting he did not like Trump before?
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson i can care less what you think. I will vote my way. You nor will anyone change that. So good luck on hating America,,, Trump supporters love America.
Dave Larson
I LOVE America and my Faith SO much that I’m willing to fight to make them better :).
YOU piss on America with your racism, bigotry, and hatred. And u mock our faith in doing so.
(Feel free to respond with something equally “intelligent” like “MAGA” or “libtard”. I’m used to it from the likes of you.
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson if you love God, than why do you support libs? Yeah abortion is so Christ like. TRUMP IS OUR PRESIDENT…REPUBLICAN
Sissy Hixon
You talk hate…that is all dems are using…or are you blind
Dave Larson
Troy Day, please ask me in a day or two…I’ll have to look into that before I can answer intelligently. Unlike Sissy Hixon, I try to UNDERSTAND things before opining on them.
Dave Larson
Sissy Hixon, u forgot to say “But Obama” or “But Hillary”.
Dave Larson
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson oh your so Christ like.. I see what I see
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson who’s that…lol
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson made up
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson One of the primary planks of the Democratic party is SOCIALISM with an agenda to “Globalize” the United States into the U.N.
However, the Bible foretells that America is destined to be SOVEREIGN and independent from GLOBALISM during the reign of the Antichrist.
The time for the REPUBLICAN party to possess STRONG control of the House and the Senate appears to be NOW.
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson if you voted for Killary, than you are for abortions. How is that being a Christian
Dave Larson
MINDLESS. MINDLESS. MINDLESS. U have NO idea on the abortion issue. Dem policies PREVENT abortions because they support kids AFTER they are born, leading women NOT to have them. U are PRO-BIRTH only, not Pro LIFE.
Dave Larson
Sissy Hixon, U don’t even know what socialism is. U embarrass yourself every time u open ur “mouth”.
Dave Larson
“However, the Bible foretells that America is destined to be SOVEREIGN and independent from GLOBALISM during the reign of the Antichrist.”
The really sad thing is that u really don’t know how stoooooopid that is. U are too stupid to recognize how stupid u are.
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson no you are embarrassing. Abortions are murder period. That baby it that mother womb is a person. Killary is all for killing that human
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson you are truly far from a Christian.. Why are you on this site
Sissy Hixon
Like a true lib all you do is call names.. Your truly a sad human being
Dave Larson
Enough. I’ve wasted too much time with u.Go back to your hole.
“…all u do is call names…(after which (and before) u call me names). SMART, really smart.
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson lol…your off your rocker…just as most libs
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
No, Then his new book is deceiving.
Varnel Watson
Jerome did you read in it that he is NAR? Nathan Ridgeway
Gary Micheal Epping
I posted in the other thread what Dr. Brown has to say about the NAR, but will do it again here to get it clear that Dr. Brown thinks NAR is a myth. How would you like it if people on here started saying that you are a closet NAR proponent? It would probably tick you off and it should. Same goes with Dr. Brown.
Dr. Michael Brown recently comments, “That’s why I have raised my voice repeatedly in recent months to debunk the myth of NAR: What the critics describe simply doesn’t exist. To this day, when I bring up NAR to colleagues, either they have no idea what I’m referring to, or else they say, ‘That was Peter Wagner’s organization.’ Last year, some colleagues began sending me links to articles and videos attacking me as one of the leaders of NAR. Worse still, the websites claimed, I denied being part of it. How nefarious and dishonest of me! (To this moment, when I tell the truth about “NAR,” I’m called a liar. It would be very funny it wasn’t very sad.) I began to ask other colleagues about NAR (or, in full, the New Apostolic Reformation). Almost to a person, they responded, “What is NAR?” Yet they, too, were alleged leaders in this so-called world movement! How is it they never heard of it either? (According to the critics, all of us are lying about our involvement in NAR because we’re embarrassed by it. Honestly, these critics could make better use of their time writing a novel about the Illuminati.)”
Varnel Watson
NAR is a myth Just ask Terry Wiles
Gary Micheal Epping
So, at last maybe we can get back to the video I posted about what Dr. Brown thinks about the Rapture, after this quite long diversion.
Varnel Watson
Masons too claim secret world orders are a myth
Terry Wiles
Lol Troy Day. The devil is the only world power whose strategy is to convince everyone he doesn’t exist.
Nathan Ridgeway
Michael Brown just lost me.
Louise Cummings
He isn’t mine either. There isn’t but one. And I believe He’s Coming soon.
Dave Larson
Sure, I do too. It’s too bad that meanwhile u’ve somehow become BRAINLESS with regard to the Con-Man-In-Chief.
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Are we on a NAR witch hunt now?
Louise Cummings
I have teachings on Masons. I’ve got their tapes. They say Masons are a cult. I wish you could hear these teachings. By the John Ankerberg show. I use to listen to him a lot. But haven’t seen him in a long time. He and one other man. Did a long teaching on the Masons. I know unless the Church Of God has changed its teachings. They teach against belonging to secret lodges. They bring our Scriptures on the teaching.
Jevan Little
Who should they support?
Varnel Watson
Jevan Little
Troy Day yes but his name wasn’t on the ballet
Dave Larson
For the record, Louise Cummings, and without getting into an argument or even a discussion with you (such would be fruitless,I can see).let me just tell u and others here that while u “Don’t see how anyone could find reasons not to vote for” Con Man Don…
….I have HUNDREDS of reasons.
I find in unfathomable that you don’t see “any”. And sad. Jesus said we should love God with all MIND. I don’t see any evidence of u even trying to do that.
Varnel Watson
Dave, could you list at least a dozen as related for the Christian church. We know he’s done well for himself Nelson Banuchi can you say rent-a-church again?
Dave Larson
List a dozen reasons not to vote for Con Man Don?
The only difficulty is limiting it to a dozen, and choosing the best. Will, here goes a very brief attempt at both .
2. He is a con man. Ask anyone (who doesn’t have a current conflict of interest) who’s done business with him – in New York or elsewhere. He’s known as one of the most prolific grifters in American History.
3. He’s openly committed Treason – selling himself and his country to Russia;
4. He openly and consistently violates EVERY one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
5. He exhibits not only Fruit of the Spirit. I’ve often asked Trumpies to tell me even ONE of the ten that he displays. Nobody has every even tried. They know it’s fruitless.
6. He smells bad.
Sorry…had to insert some “levity” here :). But, really, I hear from peeps that he literally stinks :).
7. He is a FAKE Christian, and in being so, openly MOCKS our faith – setting a horrific example for our kids and others of what it means to be a Christ-Follower;
8. He is a sexual ABUSER. I woudn’t let my daughters within a mile of him.
9. He is horribly CORRUPT – charging the taxpayer tens of millions of dollars so far for HIS OWN STAYS at his golf courses and other properties.
10. He is authoritarian – a Dictator Wanna-Be;
11. He undermines our most treasured and important democratic institutions – the FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies, as well as the DOJ, even the military;
12. He undermines our Free Press, calling it “The Enemy of the People”, and in doing so giving carte blanche to his fellow dictators, like the Crown Prince in Saudi Arabia, to brutally murder HIS “enemy”.
Dude, that was what I came up with in 8 minutes off the top of my head. Yet, he is such a miserable excuse for a human being, let alone a “Divinely Ordained Gift of God President”, that I could write for HOURS.
Yet, Louise Cummings “can’t think of any reason not to vote for him.”
Varnel Watson
Dave pls forgive my early hours temporary mix up When I read your prior comment I took you for ALL for and was asking for your reasons FOR, which I now see you may got none I like points 7 +11 that early in the AM Nelson
Dave Larson
Reasons FOR voting for Trump?
Hmmmm….in light of the hundreds of reasons not to, that would pose a considerable challenge, brother.
Dave Larson
I’m not very good at creative writing, and don’t even know how to spell MAGA :).
Varnel Watson
and here you have the dirty dozen Nelson Banuchi
Louise Cummings
Louise Cummings
I wrote a long paragraph. I don’t have a clue what makes you feel like that about me. But for one reason I would help him. Is he stands for Israel. The Bible says those that bless Israel. I will bless them. Believe me , if anyone needs the blessing it is us as an individual. And for sure as a nation. The last one did not like Israel. And was doing everything he could against them. Most all of the Presidents has wanted Israel to give away their land. And you look back at the record. And see that came down to getting Israel. Something bad would. One of our Presidents. , one of his homes was leveled to the ground. And dominoes came. I can’t mention all the things. They , not only America Presidents wanted their land given away, but others too. And you can see where they. It wasn’t all of America wanted it to happen but some of them did. I’ll tell you how I feel.I think the last one along with other Nations didn’t only want them to give away part of their land. They wanted to get rid of all of them. Wipe them off the map. And God had already told Abraham this land is yours. As far as you can see and as far as you can walk it’s belongs to you. And when Moses led the Jews to Canaan land , and Joshua led them across. And told every Tribe just what part would be theirs. What was Canaan then is now called Israel. And it was Prophesied that Jesus or the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem of Judah. , that means Bread of Life. Jesus said I Am The Bread that came down from Heaven. Now I would say it’s not Jerusalem they hate. It The Lord Jesus Christ. Most around there doesn’t believe in Jesus as being the SonOf God. Most now. And are Muslims. It isn’t that he hates Trump so much as it is. He is standing for Israel. He was raised in that land. Now I prayed for him when he was president. And still pray for that side also. But we are living , from what I see the Bible says. I believe the time is short. And when Nations see that someone is going to stand for Israel. They want to rip him apart. But it is not Trump they are fighting against. It’s The Lord. Because God is going to fight for Israel. Because. I have chosen to write my Name There. God can use Saint or sinner.But God will take care of His land. As far as Trump goes. I don’t. Know if Trump is a Christian or not. But he thinks he s Christian. The Lord knows. But Abraham was living in a pagan country. Severing pagan gods. And the Lord told him to pick up and go to a country I will show you. Abraham believed God and obeyed God. If there was ever a man that lived for God and lived by Faith I God. It was Abraham. Well you gave me the challenge. Well you got it. God gave you the choice to vote like you want to. He gave me the same chance. So I think I’ll pray as I have already done. To vote the way the Lord wants me to.
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson you just listed all of Killary’s
Richard Hebert Jr.
lol. I suppose voting for the commie left works.
Varnel Watson
which of the following is commie?
1) closed markets
2) walled borders
3) totalitarian state media
4) fake tax reform
5) hate thy neighbor
6) disregard Biblical morals, etc.?
Richard Hebert Jr.
Troy Day 1, 3-6.
Dave Larson
Great questions, Troy Day, but it appears that Mr. Richard Hebert Jr. is too slow to get your point.
Richard Hebert Jr.
I get it. The commie left is right there with the delusional never trumpets. We have a businessman in the white house that puts America first. Commie left is a godless destructive force.
Try not to conflate your earthly emotions for facts. The greater good is served by trump. No one else has stepped up since Reagan
Make good use if the time he is buying the body of christ.
Varnel Watson
Gary Micheal dont you thin it’s a pretty bad flip?
Gary Micheal Epping
I changed my mind about Trump too, like many christians. Wouldn’t call it a flip, but a result of gathering more information. Nothing wrong with that. I have no problem with Dr. Brown switching his views on Trump also.
Varnel Watson
when IHOP flipped like that to push for Ted they basically went NAR {almost}
Gary Micheal Epping
Don’t know about that. But, I do like that they switched from pretrib to posttrib.
Terry Wiles
Of course. Post Trib is NAR and Romanists holding hands.
Varnel Watson
Ima leave that one alone right there..
Gary Micheal Epping
Terry Wiles Nonsense! Most people forget about fairy tales when they grow up.
Varnel Watson
Gary NAR is out there destroying churches making it not a nonsense Neither is G12 from where Wagner took the idea. Kingdom-now is the foundation of Pat’s CBN the spills political beans every day toward the church. Dominionism has taken over most of American Charismatics
We wake up to a new old America today. IMHO Dr Brown has smelled the coffee and wants in on it – perhaps adviser to the president in due/soon time. He has repented for his priors and now awaits the royal mercy #please spare me the political nonsense We’ve seen it too many times before
Bottom line
I was wrong about IHOP being NAR and Peter Vandever was right However they still backed a NAR candidate Ted of Texas
Brown if not true NAR though was side by side with Wagner in Fuller is leaning toward dominionism in his new book in a major major way to please the current administration and make a buck while doing it His books will NOT sell as an antiTrump preacher so he flipped – it’s a sweet deal if you ask me. Sell some books to the anti-side then sell some more to the pro-side It is how marketed Christianity or as Nelson Banuchi calls it rent-a-church works in America today
BTW you and Link Hudson comment without reading the books When my students do that I usually give them a F for not finishing the work. Doing theology without reading your homework is a major fail Just saying!
Link Hudson
Troy Day we arent your students.
Varnel Watson
And thank GOD for that I really thank GOD
Gary Micheal Epping
Troy Day I am not going to watch an hour video or long article trying to find the point you are trying to make. Better for you to just state it concisely in a post. There are just too many of them. You did not like it when Peter Fiske used to do that.
Gary Micheal Epping
So, if there is a formal NAR organization show it to me. Who is the president, and who are its members. I think it is as imaginary as Casper. Why can’t we see it? Otherwise, forget about it.
Gary Micheal Epping
Troy Day Also, my comment to Terry Wiles was not so much in regard to NAR, but his saying “Post Trib is NAR and Romanists holding hands,” which even you said, “Ima leave that one alone right there.” You should have just left it alone.
Varnel Watson
Formal NAR organization is formulated by Wagner in his books I already listed for you. When he started it he send letters asking for $60 monthly membership fee.
Gary Micheal Epping
Troy Day Michael Brown is not listed as a member. The International Coalition of Apostles is not the same as the mythical NAR described today. One source says, “The title New Apostolic Reformation is not an organization and therefore does not have formal membership.”
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson
Dave Larson
Literally brainless.
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson yes you are
Dave Larson
Haven’t heard that comeback since 5th grade.
Oh, sorry…is 5th too advanced for u?
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson you know your a sore loser…good luck in life buttercup
Dave Larson
U don’t see any hypocrisy in saying “Lord, Empty me of me”, as u posted on your wall, while simultaneously (that means “at the same time”) showing such hatred and animosity towards people who are NOT coming to break into your house, but to mow ur lawn?
Dave Larson
U don’t see a heckuva lot of “me” in your screeds above?
Dave Larson
BTW, the contraction of “you are” is spelled “you’re”, not “your”. The rest of us learned that in 3rd grade.
Sissy Hixon
Dave Larson lol….snowflake
Sissy Hixon
Lol…you have nothing…just like all the snowflakes…We are taking our country back. ?????????
Dave Larson
Wow. “snowflake”. Such an erudite response.
Varnel Watson
Bottom line – Brown flipped the pancake and is now go-pro-Trump with his book: Donald Trump is Not My Savior ($13 on Amazon
therefore we ask HOW to interpret this sudden politiCostalism
Louise Cummings
Sorry , I just thought it was someone who didn’t like Trump. I didn’t know he was a Godly man writing Spiritual things.
Gary Micheal Epping
I flipped the pancake too on Trump. Partly because he is a fighter and is actually doing something as President rather than just jawboning.. Also, the alternate choice for president helped change my views too. What’s the big deal on Dr. Brown changing his mind? It is kind of like someone studying the endtimes, and changing his or her views from pretrib to post trib.
Varnel Watson
Just advancing the NAR kingdom-now liberal agenda
– Pat via CBN
– Ted in TX
– Brown in NC
– IHOP in the NW
– is Bethel Redding next? Peter Vandever Terry Wiles
Nelson Banuchi
IMO, the problem with Dr. Brown’s walk-back is that it betrayed his conviction that Christians must have “a strong, moral, conservative base of Biblical worldview,” unless his conviction here has changed.
Varnel Watson
Not just that Nelson he sold out for money and seat at Presidents advisory board. Great career move BUT bad for his followers. From what Terry Wiles and Peter Vandever are telling us, back in the day he refused AG papers and accountability to the larger organisation which MAY have been enough reason for our AG leadership to shut down the revival and set them up to publish Resolution 16
Terry Wiles
Troy Day I believe you sometimes read too much into this.
The General Superintendent was supportive of the revival and a participante in it.
Res 16 wasn’t adopted until sometime after, trying to clear up positions on extra biblical practices that were happening around the nation and the world.
Varnel Watson
until the point it was about to split our AG?
Terry Wiles
No. He continued to support and opposed those who didn’t.
Gary Micheal Epping
Terry Wiles Yes he does.
Varnel Watson
If it matters any, I think he is a great theologian; though a very poor politician as it seems
Terry Wiles
Gary Micheal Epping Yes who does what?
Terry Wiles
The General Superintendent continued his support for Brownsville. That is my information.
Terry Wiles
Troy Day Are we talking about the same GC?
Varnel Watson
You seem to hold special personal feelings there
Varnel Watson
Gary Micheal Epping and what about the people who will try to go through the Tribulation? Will Dr. Brown flip the pancake on the leader then too? Nelson Banuchi Will he write a book about him too or has it already done that ? And let’s see WHO recommends the book – IHOP’s MIKE BICKLE who also flipped his faith and turned to supporting NAR’s kingdom-now dominion liberation theology Ted Cruz #soLong
Nathan Ridgeway
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
Varnel Watson
So says the Old Book
Link Hudson
Troy Day if pancakes aren’t filpped they become half bakes.. Or rather half grilled.
It is a good thing to let fo of tradition if it means embracing what God has revealed.
Varnel Watson
true – the said Dr. is now a Brown flipped pan cake just think of religious leaders who will flip and brown nose to the government of the beast during the Tribulation
Link Hudson
Troy Day I was wriing on the point of eschatology.
It is a good thing if the president is willung to meet with ministers of the gospel and be prayef for. In Biblical times some kings consulted with priests and prophets. Some if them gad some true prophets around them. But Ahab had some court prophets who told him what he wanted to hear.
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
I find it hard to believe one who is a believer would support socialism, abortion, and gay rights.
Varnel Watson
And I think GOP is very well moving toward socialism of a certain pre-WW2 type that has various modern expressions
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Explain your thoughts
Varnel Watson
Jerome I believe I have before but just in brief
– walled off country
– closed markets
– heavily tarrif taxed economy
– little care for the extremely poor
– limited to no migration, etc